View Full Version : Question about feeding timing

08-23-2021, 02:28 AM
Hi There!

I really appreciate that this board is available for asking questions.

I have a 3 week old orphan baby squirrel. My question about him is: If I need to go to work, would it be okay if a few of his feedings were farther apart than 3 hours? I'm not able to bring him to work. I will look into other caretakers if it isn't a good idea to wait longer than 3 hours for some of his feedings. I only need to go to work about 3 days out of each week. This week I'm working a 1/2 day on Wednesday and then 2 eight hour shifts on Thurs/Fri during which I can come home during lunch to feed him.

Thanks in advance for your response!

08-23-2021, 09:48 AM
That certainly is not ideal. Are you getting up every 3 hours overnight to feed?

It may be best to try to locate a rehabber, a large part of why I say this is because they do much, much better being raised with other babies and being released together with them. This is especially true for fall release (IMO) as they often will stay together through the winter.

08-23-2021, 04:19 PM
Thank you for your response! I would be interested in finding a local rehabber but am fearful since it's not legal to raise orphan baby squirrels in the state where I live. I believe the squirrel I have is an Eastern Gray which would be euthanized since it's considered an invasive species. If you have any suggestions on how I could go about finding a local rehabber without getting in trouble I would definitely be interested.

I am currently looking into getting help from a vet tech who works for a vet who treats exotics.

I have not been getting up every 3 hours at night. I was under the impression that feeding 6X/day (every 3 hours) was sufficient. I will be glad to get up every 3 hours at night if that is what is needed until I get further help for this baby.

Thank you again! I want to do what's best for this baby and want to give him the best life possible so he can eventually be released and enjoy being out in nature.

08-23-2021, 04:23 PM
Are you near Vancouver WA?

08-23-2021, 04:38 PM

08-23-2021, 04:54 PM

08-23-2021, 05:02 PM
Thanks so much! I'm checking out the link you provided right now. Looks like I'll be able to contact someone who can help. I can't say thanks enough!