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  1. Atypical behavior......
  2. Can anyone help 3 baby raccoons were orphaned when tree cut down
  3. Wild Male baby grey squrrel
  4. Need advice for chance
  5. Java tree
  6. Nugget has a rash and maybe staph?
  7. Is her tail too short??
  8. Missing squirrel after soft release
  10. Swollen knuckle and skin irritation
  11. Advice needed
  12. Gender External Help
  13. Pet Ag Milk Replacement Products. Best option to use when out of Esbilac ???
  14. Need moving advice
  15. Mange?
  16. MBD to release or not to release?
  17. Questions reguarding a Chipmunk
  18. Please help to choose calcium
  19. squirrel's nest in old flicker house and tree being cut down
  20. Vomiting after head trauma
  21. some help with calcium
  22. Prescriptions
  23. Obese wild squirrels... because of me?
  24. Chipmunk far from home and with possible skull fracture...help!
  25. Excessive scratching and skin damage
  26. "A tree-rat of questionable gender"
  27. Owings Mills, MD pinkies need rehabber
  28. Ear Abnormality
  29. Potential hazards of buying a used cage - advice needed
  30. Need help new arrivial
  31. Released squirrel 2 weeks ago; haven't seen in over a week
  32. Poo color 4 a pinkie pic oncluded
  33. Squirrel safe rodent repellent??? Weird wording?
  34. Mothers milk
  35. Coconut shell ?
  36. Tail Abnormality ?
  37. Can I vacuum around the kennel without giving him a heart attack?
  38. Possible uti
  39. 3 year old female grey squirrel with possible UTI, cannot get medications...
  40. Refusing to eat any leafy greens.
  41. White Mucus in Poop
  42. Bump on Penis
  43. Trembling/Shivering at Night?
  44. Giardia /formula question/age question
  45. Wild baby bunnies....please help 💔
  46. 2 year old gray squirrel raised incorrectly
  47. Wild squirrel with awful eye/facial and or head injury :(
  48. Rapid breathing,looks like infection each corner of eye
  49. Rabies Cross-contamination
  50. Advice on release in nest box please
  51. Inquiries: Clicking, feeding, raising 2wk Squirrel
  52. Baby rock squirrel isn't pooping!
  53. Helen has a vastly diminished appetite for her usual foods. I am worried.
  54. Lost 1 gram and not eating like he did
  55. Teeth advice, please
  56. No upper teeth and small height
  57. Need NJ rehabber PLEASE
  58. Diagnosis Help-Possibly ant bites?
  59. mom question
  60. Rapid heart beat, labored breathing in aging Squirrel
  61. 7wk old — tail or lower spine injury
  62. Uvb light question
  63. Releasing 2 year old
  64. Found a nest in the street with 3 newborns, need help
  65. Squirrel hurt her mouth, but still eats.
  66. Need some help with a chipmunk please
  67. Where and how to place a Nest box?
  69. preventative treatment for baylisascaris procyonis
  70. I think this is a baby chipmunk.
  71. Help - Change in behavior for Flying Squirrel
  72. 5 month old grey spending ALL of her out time scavenging for food. Lawd.
  73. Is this water safe?
  74. Botfly or Abscess?
  75. Hair loss, skin irritations, scratching and chewing
  76. Baby Squirrel Care Questions / Advice
  77. Do Eastern Greys migrate?
  78. Twitchy Flyer Ear
  79. What are these?
  80. Frantic Behavior in Adolescent Flyers. Help Please?!
  81. Tail Scabby
  82. Just need advice please
  83. Severe tail shedding currently and tweaked behavior....
  84. Quality of life dilemma
  85. Juvenile squirrel, already released, now biting
  86. Preventative treatment of raccoon roundworm
  87. 3 week old squirrel formula needed!
  88. Wild squirrels having trouble eating, throwing head back and looking upward
  89. Releasing a 2 year old
  90. Questions for the experts
  92. Poor Wild Boy needs a forever home in the Midwest
  93. Genital Nursing
  94. Mississippi rehabber needed
  95. Possible Bloating
  96. Breathing.....
  97. Fox squirrel overweight
  98. Looking for Squirrel guru specialists/vets near the Chicago area.....
  99. Recent full tail shed, more sleeping, less pooping/peeing....help....
  100. Help for injured baby grey squirrel in Portland, OR
  101. Need Rehabber in Glasgow Scotland
  102. Baytril dosage
  103. Squirrel with broken legs
  104. Pain med dosing
  105. Nest in danger: Rehabber needed Atlanta GA
  106. Diarrhea
  107. Need prednisone dosing
  108. Clear blisters on 5 wk baby recovering from aspiration pneumonia
  109. What is a healthy color of urine for squirrels. Spayed female
  110. Problem with Nugget's teeth...
  111. Squirrel fall
  112. Red, swollen eyes. Should we worry?
  113. 2 baby raccoons without mom
  114. ringtail
  115. 10 week old baby with head tilt.
  116. diarrhea
  117. Baby squirrel swollen arm
  118. Age and condition of baby after bloat
  119. SANDICAP- Paralyzed girl needs loving caregiver/ home..
  120. Baby Oatmeal for soft stool 3-4 week old red squirrel
  121. Please help - swollen shoulder getting worse
  122. Strange behavior in released grey squirrel
  123. Dosing roundworm with pyrantel
  124. 7 Week Old not gaining weight
  125. Dosing help please
  126. Suggestions for indoor habitat
  127. Know of any vets in or near Baltimore? Maple's eyes are bloody.
  128. Jagged nail
  129. Blood on feeding syringes and shaking
  130. 2 week old has swollen ankle from fall
  131. Pregnant squirrel question
  132. 6 - 7 week old baby squirrel
  133. 5 week old- diarrhea
  134. Back Leg Question...
  135. Diarrhea: What else can I do?
  136. Fox Valley Formula & Poop Question.
  137. Coat discoloration
  138. Bloat & Gasping mouth - does bloat cause gasping? Antibiotics continue??
  139. Is Esbilac safe yet?
  140. 6-7 week old chewing on everything
  141. Injured Mouse
  142. Diarrhea
  143. 6-7 week old not wanting Fox valley
  144. A sore wiener
  145. Release and preparation
  146. Transitioning formulas
  147. 3 week old baby eats but then stops after about 1.9CC
  148. Water bottle
  149. Small wound on outdoor backyard squirrel
  150. 2 week old baby squirrel (help)
  151. Not eating much
  152. Baby Squirrel - Head Tilt, Help Needed!
  153. Found a pair of 8 week old orphaned babies-need help!
  154. Advise on weaning, solids, water intake, and Pine Cones
  155. NR with bloody nose help
  156. 4 week old grey squirrel not eating much
  157. Need advice for leaving a 13 week old for 10 days
  158. Kermit (NR) needs a home
  159. Swollen leg! Month old baby girl. Broken/infected(?)
  160. (I hope I’m in the right place) 4 week old sneezing
  161. Feeding Baby Flyer
  162. Please Advice for An Injured Wild Squirrel
  163. Just some basic questions here.
  164. 4 Week Old Not interested in eating/ Urine smells fishy?
  165. Buddy's Left Hand... :(
  166. Nails
  167. strange diarrhea
  168. Squirrel testicles.....color AND size change.....
  169. Food stand off
  170. Choke cherry trees?
  171. Weaning off of Milk
  172. Update in suddenly picky eater
  173. NR squirrels and eating rollie pollies....
  174. First time squirrel mom with a few (probably silly) questions
  175. Baby squirrel needs other squirrels, Atlanta GA area
  176. Chewed on plastic, appetite not normal, dark stools
  177. White stool with FV 20/50
  178. Vaccinations?
  179. Bent Tail?
  180. NutriFeron -- anyone know dosage?
  181. Vet in Brandon/Tampa FL Area
  182. Bot Fly
  183. Paralyzed squirrel stopped eating and drinking
  184. Beautiful 5 week old girl in Henry County, GA needs a foster family
  185. Trying to figure out my baby squirrels age
  186. Raising 3 little girls. Worried about one of them.
  187. Any rehabilitator is western Massachusetts
  188. overwintering a 10 week old squirrel
  189. Diarrhea
  190. Preventing Ticks and Fleas on New Releases
  191. Help determine age please
  192. Rehabber near western Massachusetts
  193. Introduce male and female
  194. rehabber in Buffalo, NY area?
  195. Information about MBD
  196. Traveling with a squirrel?
  197. New baby, Inguinal hernia??
  198. Baby Squirrel May Have Pneumonia ~Would like dosing help
  199. End of tail ripped/fell off
  200. baby squirrel: head/spinal/nerve trauma
  202. Baby Squirrel is Constipated :(
  203. 5 week old bleeding from butt. Please help!
  204. Nest Box, Release Cage Material....
  205. Biting only one person
  206. MBD diet question
  207. Help?! Young Flyer quit eating
  208. Looking for a veterinarian in Washington state
  209. Four rows of nipples and a very unusual vagina...little Anomalie is one in a million!
  210. Need help asap with a 7 to 8 week old squirrel
  211. Baby BO gone missing :(
  212. Possible injured chipmunk
  213. Questions - Weaning, Dehydration and Overwintering
  214. Need help ASAP! Prednisolone Syrup 5mg/5ml Dosage
  215. My clumsy guy is at it again :( Paw Injury
  216. Sudden death - heart attack?
  217. Need a little nut wisdom
  218. Breathing Funny... 9wk old
  219. Nose Obstruction
  220. when is the best time to release
  221. First time rehabber and release
  222. Bald spot...
  224. Need Help with Release Cage Planning...
  225. Fox valley 20 50 sat in the sun 2 weeks
  226. Baby hugger
  227. Squirrel bitten by small dog - Hematoma?
  228. Teeth got caught
  229. Do female squirrels bleed on heat?
  230. Release cage litter
  231. Wild Squirrel Nibbles?
  232. Releasing
  233. 10 week flyer hurt it’s paw
  234. How Long should I use Baytril
  235. Trouble Urinating
  236. Help: Baby chipmunk found
  237. Injured squirrel - bruising on abdomen
  238. Georgie has lost his mind at 16 weeks
  239. Presley - Head Trauma
  240. Red spot on leg
  241. Bot holes? Is it gone?
  242. Ripping at solids without ingesting
  243. I don't know if this is life threatening or not.
  244. Needing help with baby Alvin
  245. Baby chipmunk with mange
  246. Meloxicam & Baytril?
  247. yeast infection? urinary tract infection? HELP
  248. PhytoVet Antiseptic Puppy Shampoo
  249. Injured ~6 week old found
  250. Wet nose