View Full Version : Please help - swollen shoulder getting worse
Baby Brutus
08-26-2020, 07:44 PM
Please help. (Guessing 6-7 weeks old) Brutus still has a swollen front shoulder (not sure what squirrel joints are which). I noticed the swelling about a week and a half ago just after starting to dose with Baytril. (Which successfully cleared that issue up nicely) He was able to put weight on it and it seemed stable for about a week. He’s been getting stronger and more active, and has even begun jumping today. He will tolerate being handled and cleaned up from after he eats (still messy with his formula) but will give a slight squeaky protest when applying slight pressure to the bulge. It is really hard to tell if it is solid or not. It has grown in the last 24 hours and has me concerned. I have a steroid ointment from having poison ivy and may have a prednisone tablet but would need dosing help on either.
Vets here won’t see squirrels. So any help would be appreciated. The little guy has had a rough road so far.
Here are some photos. It’s really hard to get him to stay still.
316022 Added just to show his relative size
316021 front right shoulder
316020 front right shoulder
08-26-2020, 08:11 PM
Is that bulge hard or squishy? Does it stay in place or can you move it around a bit?
I am unsure what that is and wish you could have a vet look at it / x-ray it.
He looks a little spiky to me.. consider giving him some water in between feedings to hydrate him up a little.
I am not sure steroids are a good idea with this...
08-27-2020, 04:23 AM
If it is softish and growing it may be an abscess. Does it feel warm to the touch at all?
Baby Brutus
08-27-2020, 10:51 AM
If it is softish and growing it may be an abscess. Does it feel warm to the touch at all?
It isn’t hot to the touch. I have not seen any type of bite or break in the skin. It feels firm but not hard like bone. It gives slightly to pressure but isn’t squishy. I can manipulate it only very slightly from side to side.
As a ditch effort I applied some antibiotic ointment on it last night before bed, mostly towards the back and underneath thinking that way he wouldn’t be as prone to lick at it. Don’t think it would hurt him, but trying to be mindful of that. I don’t know if it did much but figured it was worth a try. It is still swollen today but isn’t worse either.
Something else of note - the little blisters he had on his stomach have all dried up and sloughed off and the skin is pink. He has some areas on his forelegs that appear to be losing hair. I wasn’t concerned at first because I thought maybe it was from the blisters healing and coming off in areas we couldn’t see so well because of the hair. But his one leg is losing a lot (the opposite of the one with the bulge). I wasn’t able to get a picture of that but will try this evening and will post if I can.
I did also offer him some Pedialyte for hydration as someone suggested.
Another question- the feeding trance, I have looked up and tried to read about it and most have said it isn’t a concern, correct? He makes a guppy/sucking face and his head tilts up and down and his body gets very stiff. It is disconcerting because it looks like a seizure or that he can’t breathe. It lasts anywhere from seconds to almost five minutes. Then he shakes his head and is hyper again. It seems to happen more when we use the small miracle nipple, so we have been just using the 3ml syringe, which isn’t idea because he nudges it with his nose and chews on the tip. He still occasionally does the guppy thing with that too. Just wanted to double check that it isn’t hurting him, cause it’s hard to watch.
Thank you for any input!!
08-27-2020, 11:20 AM
Any chance of finding a vet in your area that would see him and do an X-ray? It could be a cyst or a tumor.
If the pink spots look irritated you can apply some diluted betadine solution to them. No need to rinse it just let it air dry. It won’t harm him if he licks it. If the spots just look dry you can massage in some plain coconut oil. Again, this won’t harm him if he licks it.
As for the guppy mouth eating. It is sort of like a feeding trance. You can try gently tapping him on the top of the head or lightly on the nose to see if you can break the trance. It’s not harmful for him to do it and they usually outgrow it.
It sounds like you need to order some of the regular sized miracle nipples. The others are probably too small for him at this point.
Baby Brutus
08-27-2020, 12:03 PM
Thank you for the feedback and advice!
I will try calling one of the other vets. Since I am an unplanned rehab provider and unlicensed I don’t have high hopes.
I did some research on what the skin issue might be and read about the diluted betadyne and had already sent hubby to purchase some this morning, so I’m so glad to know it’s a good idea!!
I do have some fractionated coconut oil, and will keep that in mind if it is looking dry. At the moment it is just pink skin. I read about mites, and also asked him to pick up some invermectin, as I figure its a good idea regardless, but I will need some dosing help with that.
Thank you for your thoughts on the nipple. I will order one of the regular size and see if that helps.
Thanks again for any help one might provide.
08-27-2020, 01:01 PM
Can you give me a city that you’re near so I can see if there’s anyone that can help you? You can send it to me in a private message if you prefer.
Baby Brutus
08-27-2020, 07:40 PM
Is it okay to put the formula in a little dish and let him lick it up? He is between 6-7 weeks old. He’s been struggling with feeding trance and biting the syringe. But today he crawled over to the little lid to the formula and licked it out. We tried a bit of yogurt and it seemed to work so I put his formula in there and he did great. Didn’t seem to get any in his nose (on yes) and isn’t clicky. But want to make sure this is okay and not harmful?
We also got him blocks but he hasn’t been interested other than a lick or two.
Baby Brutus
08-27-2020, 07:41 PM
Can you give me a city that you’re near so I can see if there’s anyone that can help you? You can send it to me in a private message if you prefer.
I am in MN, Sent you a PM for nearest city
08-27-2020, 07:59 PM
Got it. Trying to see if there’s anyone that can help.
Yes, he can drink it from a lid, but I don’t think that he’ll consume nearly enough to keep him healthy. If he’s only 6-7 weeks old he has another 4-5 weeks of formula being a pretty significant portion of his diet. It’s very important that he get the formula for the calcium and other nutrients it contains.
What formula are you feeding? Is he on Fox Valley 20/50? I have always add Fox Valley Ultraboost and vanilla full fat yogurt to my formula. The yogurt for the probiotics (and because it’s yummy) and the Ultraboost for the added calories. I think the Ultraboost also has a touch of vanilla flavoring like the Fox Valley formula.
Have you hydrated Brutus between feedings with some slightly sweetened water? Being dehydrated will make them not want to eat.
Order some different nipples and see if that will help. You can’t rely on him drinking enough formula on his own for the next 4+ weeks.
The block takes time for them to understand that food comes in a solid form, too.
Baby Brutus
08-27-2020, 08:37 PM
Yes we have him on FV 20/50 with FV ultra boost, because he is still only around 90 grams. (That’s up from 75 two weeks ago though so we are moving in the right direction!) We bought a water bottle today and he figured that out surprisingly fast. When his cage is finished we will have that available for him but will offer more frequently between feedings. I will order a couple nipples to try as well. Thank you!
Also - Can someone offer dosing advice for Ivermectin please? I assume it’s a good idea to do this, as we haven’t given anything for fleas or worms? Picture below of what we found at the store.
08-28-2020, 08:10 AM
What is the percentage of ivermectin in the paste? It comes in different strengths. Someone will be able to help you dose it. I know it is important not to give too much.
Have you given Brutus any INFANT ibuprofen? Because it’s an anti-inflammatory it might help his shoulder. The infant version is stronger so you can dose less. If you get some and post the strength of it and the current weight of a Brutus someone will help you dose it.
Afterthought: do you have any metacam (meloxicam, Mobic) It’s a great pain killer and anti-inflammatory, too.
Baby Brutus
08-28-2020, 11:41 AM
We did buy some children’s liquid Advil - label says 5ml contains 100mg. If someone could please help with dosing I will try that today.
The Ivermectin is 1.87% and says the syringe holds enough to treat a 1250lb horse at the recommended dose of 91mcg per lb.
Brutus’ latest weight was 97 grams last night.
I do not have the other medication you mentioned.
08-28-2020, 01:33 PM
We did buy some children’s liquid Advil - label says 5ml contains 100mg. If someone could please help with dosing I will try that today.
Have you given Brutus any INFANT ibuprofen?
:facepalm Infants ibuprofen is 50mg/1.25ml
The Ivermectin is 1.87% and says the syringe holds enough to treat a 1250lb horse at the recommended dose of 91mcg per lb.
Brutus’ latest weight was 97 grams last night.
I am not usually willing to dose ivermectin because it is so toxic, especially in this little guy. Can you get any revolution? It will basically treat everything the Ivermectin will but is much safer (but more expensive).
Baby Brutus
08-28-2020, 02:06 PM
:facepalm Infants ibuprofen is 50mg/1.25ml
Okay I finally found somewhere that had it and got an infant Advil 50mg/1.25 ml. Can you please tell me how to dose?
I am not usually willing to dose ivermectin because it is so toxic, especially in this little guy. Can you get any revolution? It will basically treat everything the Ivermectin will but is much safer (but more expensive).
I live in the middle of nowhere and was
lucky to find Invermectin after a two hour drive. Is “Revolution” a brand name or the name of the drug, and where might I find it? Is it available without an Rx?
Baby Brutus
08-28-2020, 04:57 PM
I was able to find INFANT Advil 50/1.25 can you please advise how to dose 97 gram squirrel.
I looked up “Revolution” and it is only available by Rx and the Vet clinics I have called refuse to see or treat squirrels as wildlife is against the law here. I live in a remote area and was lucky to find Invermectin, which I found recommended on one of the forums here for mites which I thought might be the reason for his hair loss. But I am going to hold off on that anyway, especially if can be toxic, as the abcess (or whatever is wrong with his shoulder) is my main concern at the moment.
I guess we will continue to apply the topical antibiotic ointment and try warm compresses if be will let us. Found betadyne finally (4th store) and will also try the diluted bath with that.
I have Cipro and could start him on that again, but I read it is not very successful for abcesses. (Again, assuming that is what it is) I may have some Amoxicillin but am not sure. I do not have the recommended Clindamycin.
08-28-2020, 05:08 PM
Please forgive me for posting without being familiar with the history. I would NOT treat this baby with ivermectin. The lump is the most important thing to treat at this point. If you’re concerned about mites, a bath in warm water with Dawn would work.
I was wondering if this is a bot warble. I looked it up. You do have them in Minnesota. This is the season.
If not a bot fly, it is more than likely an abscess.
How long have you had this baby?
08-28-2020, 05:17 PM
I would ask friends and family if they have Augmentin (Clavamox), Clindamycin, Septra (Bactrim also known as SMZ/TMP) or even doxycycline. You only need a single tablet.
Amoxicillin and Ciprofloxacin are not good antibiotics for abscesses.
If it’s a bot, you would soon know as a small opening will open on one end of the lump. From your description of how fast this came up, I lean towards abscess.
Baby Brutus
08-28-2020, 08:17 PM
Need dosing for Infant Ibuprofen 50mg/1.25ml for a 97g squirrel.
Thank you for the feedback hrt4sqrls. I am really praying it isn’t a bot. With the lack of an opening I am inclined to treat it as an abcess.
I was able to find SMX/TMP 800mg-160mg tablets.
I also have Doxycycline that we treated our dog with. I believe they are 10mg tablets. (She is a 10lb dog and was getting 1/4 tab twice a day for a flare up of Anaplasmosis)
Can someone please provide dosage for whichever of these are the best option?
These are the latest pictures. The bulge doesn’t seem bigger today but is also not smaller. It looks all weird because I put antibiotic ointment on it.
You can see he has his paw up and not putting weight on it.
Not a great picture but shows the size
He has been eating like gang busters out of this lid. (He also had 5cc of Pedialyte between afternoon feeding.
Thank you for any help
08-28-2020, 08:34 PM
Give me a minute to calculate dosing.
08-28-2020, 08:45 PM
Sending you a Private Message with dosing.
08-28-2020, 09:01 PM
Dosing for SMZ/TMP and Ibuprophen sent.
This is probably an abscess. The problem is that it will need to drain. I doubt the SMZ/TMP will resolve this alone but it might keep it from going systemic or involving the joint.
I would continue warm compresses to see if it will come to a head and drain. When it drains, the antibiotic will help resolve it. You might even have to lance it yourself.
I would continue to try to get the baby on a syringe. I don’t think the baby can get enough formula from lapping from a lid.
Good luck. Let us know how this goes.
08-29-2020, 07:54 AM
How’s Brutus this morning? I am going to send you in a private message the contact info for a vet in the town that’s about 50 miles from you.
Baby Brutus
08-29-2020, 10:54 PM
Thank you so much!
We did start him on the SMX/TMP Friday night and have been doing the diluted betadyne twice a day as well. Gave FV Dia-Stat at noontime figuring he needs the probiotics. Also gave Pedialyte between a couple of his meals today, and will continue tomorrow.
Thank you again for finding a vet that will see him. I will call Monday and hopefully he can help if it needs lanced. I will remember the guidelines you sent.
I am so grateful for all your kindness and help!
Baby Brutus
09-01-2020, 12:56 PM
Just wanted to give an update. Brutus seems to have turned into a little squirrel over the past week! Lots of new chirps, kind of a purring sound, and varied disgruntled squeaks when cleaning him up after eating. His energy level has really spiked, and curiosity through the roof. Been jumping, hopping, is exasperatingly fearless, and he is a fast little bugger!
Still dosing with the antibiotic. Giving ibuprofen once in the morning and once before bed.
His hair still looks thin and patchy but the bare spots are pink and look healthy. We are giving the diluted betadyne bath after his last feeding for the night. His nose is pink and hairless on one side from constantly pushing the syringe with it. His arms are still patchy. I hope the hair will grow back. I see the other photos of some of the members and their fur is so thick and smooth. We are feeding with FV and supplementing Ultraboost, and giving water between feedings as we can, so I think we are doing what we can. His tail was poofed out the diameter of a quarter yesterday - so fuzzy and pretty. It has a bald pink stripe down the center of the underside I noticed, and not sure if that is normal or not. He did have the clear blisters at the base of his tail by his anus, which cleared up a while ago. Can’t get a picture because he sqwaks when I touch it. It sure didn’t seem like it was broken when I first checked it over, but it did have a couple small bloody spots when we first found him, which seemed to heal well in the first week or so. But maybe they just don’t like their tail touched?
Regarding his shoulder - the swelling has gone down substantially from grape size down to around half the size of a marble maybe? It’s hard to tell because it looks so much better than it was but compared to his other arm it obviously still has an issue. He is still favoring the leg a bit, but seems to be using it more than he had been.
Which brings me to the vet. I called Monday and their first opening is Wednesday, so we will hopefully have more info tomorrow.
May I please ask - what things should I have him check for? Are there meds I should ask to buy while I’m there? Obviously my main concern is the bulge, but.. I’m not sure what kinds of things to ask. I’ve never done a well-squirrel check up, you know?? I’m quite nervous about going.
Any thoughts appreciated.
09-01-2020, 07:55 PM
If they will sell you Clavamox pills 62.5mg, Baytril pills 22.7mg and metacam liquid 1.5mg/ml, these would all be good to have on hand. Clindamycin is another drug that is frequently used.
Good luck at the vet. Please keep us updated.
Baby Brutus
09-02-2020, 04:13 PM
Vet Update:
I took Brutus to the vet today, and while I am grateful that he agreed to see him, he was upfront that he has no experience whatsoever with squirrels. I explained the situation, and he felt the lump and said that if the treatment he is on is working so far that he was inclined not to change anything or to open it up, that it would either shrink itself or come to a head and drain. I asked how long to keep him on the SMZ/TMP and he said for 5-7 more days after the lump is gone.
I asked him about the medications recommended but unfortunately he doesn't carry any of them. :( He suggested the following alternatives that he would sell me. I said I would take a couple of each of them, but he wanted me to ask here first since he is unsure which are safe for squirrels to take. So basically we left in the same situation we went in with. He was nice though and didn't charge us anything for the visit. He said when I found out if the alternatives are okay I can call and schedule a time to go back down and pick them up.
Recommended: Clavamox 62.5 mg
Alternative suggested: Amoxicillin
Recommended: Baytril 22.7 mg
Alternative suggested: Orbax 22.7 mg
Recommended: Metcam liquid
He does not carry that
Recommended: Clindamycin
Alternative suggested: Cefalexin either 250mg or 500mg
Recommended: Revolution
What he carries: Revolution Plus
Any thoughts appreciated. Thank you!
Baby Brutus
09-02-2020, 05:15 PM
Dosing request for Simethicone 20mg / .3mL
Brutus was 120g at last weighing. (Which seems high since he was only 106 last Friday?)
He may not need it, but he’s had a bit of a puffy tummy the last couple feedings and thought it might be from the antibiotics so just want to be prepared. (We are feeding FV 20/50 with Ultraboost at the 5-7% of weight rate) We did cut back to closer to 5% because of the bloating. He hasn’t had a messy cage for the last day or two, so we have been doing tummy rubs under warm water which has helped him go some. He had previously been going fine in his box and tended more towards the runny side so we have given Diastat for one feeding per day, every other day, since starting the antibiotic. (haven’t since we noticed bloating yesterday)
Another question - at what age can you stop using the heating pad? His cage is nearly ready but it has a wooden floor and I’m not sure the heat will penetrate up through?
Sorry to post again so soon before I got replies on the last post, but it was too late to edit when I realized I forgot to ask.
Thank you for the help!
09-02-2020, 07:42 PM
I think you should start a new thread specifically asking about the medication substitutes. I’m sure some of the substitutions are fine, but I don’t know about all of them.
I am attaching the page from the Wild Mammal Baby book that gives dosing for INFANT GasX.
I’m sorry the vet wasn’t more helpful.
09-02-2020, 09:02 PM
Recommended: Clavamox 62.5 mg
Alternative suggested: Amoxicillin - Amoxicillian can be used, not preferred as it's harder on their stomachs.
Recommended: Baytril 22.7 mg
Alternative suggested: Orbax 22.7 mg - Can be used, they are both a fluoroquinolone antibiotic.
Recommended: Metcam liquid
He does not carry that - X
Recommended: Clindamycin
Alternative suggested: Cefalexin either 250mg or 500mg - Either can be used - (after being reconstituted)
Recommended: Revolution
What he carries: Revolution Plus -Plus not recommended.
The difference between Revolution and Revoluion plus is Revolution only contains the active Selamectin .
Revolution Plus contains the two actives Selamectin and Sarolaner.
09-02-2020, 10:09 PM
The 120g weight is not high. When they start gaining, they really take off. Are you sure this is bloat?
Fat little baby squirrels have plump round bellies. Bloat is usually seen in the younger babies. When they get this size, bloat is less of a problem. Can you post a pic of the belly? Fox Valley tends to satisfy them longer so he might not poop as often. They don’t always poop with every feeding.
We let them stay on the heating pad as long as they desire it. When they move off of the heat we discontinue it. Keep in mind he is a singleton. If he was with his siblings they would snuggle together for warmth. He is alone so might want the heat longer.
I do agree with the vet that if the SMX-TMP is working I would continue it.
09-03-2020, 07:30 AM
Have you resumed feeding Brutus by syringe? I worry that if he’s not steadily gaining weight it could be the result of not getting enough milk. In my experience they can gain 10+gr daily when they are getting adequate nutrition.
Baby Brutus
09-03-2020, 06:23 PM
Update and Responses to questions:
I am attaching the page from the Wild Mammal Baby book that gives dosing for INFANT GasX.
I’m sorry the vet wasn’t more helpful.
Thank you for the dosing, Mel! I don't regret going to see him; I am relieved to have someone I can ask for medications if needed; that is huge. Thank you again for your efforts.
When they start gaining, they really take off. Are you sure this is bloat?
I’m actually not sure. It just seemed like his belly was more distended than it usually has been. It did seem better last night and this morning. If it happens again, I will try to get a picture. It would ease our worry to hear it is nothing but a happy full belly.
Thank you for the info on the heating pad. He is outgrowing his box and hubby made a cage for him that has little nest box in it, but we aren’t sure how to use the heating pad with it. For now we have been putting him in the bigger cage to play and get used to it a bit but having him sleep in his box with the pad under it. My concern is that it is a cardboard box and when he realizes what his teeth can actually do. Up to this point he hasn’t really chewed on anything, but I know it’s coming and want to be prepared with something when he needs to be in the cage full time. Any suggestions? Like if the nest box is elevated a bit would having it on the outside of the hardware cloth on the side radiate through do you think?
Have you resumed feeding Brutus by syringe? I worry that if he’s not steadily gaining weight it could be the result of not getting enough milk. In my experience they can gain 10+gr daily when they are getting adequate nutrition.
Thank you Mel! That is really good to know, because we were worried when his weight was jumping so quickly that we were giving too much or he was not pooping enough or something. We are currently feeding him five times a day, roughly four hours apart, and giving him 5-7cc each time. If he still seems hungry (most of the time) if his tummy isn’t hard, we have sometimes given him another cc, or a little bit of yogurt.
But to answer your question - we are feeding both by syringe and with the dish. The new nipples I ordered arrived today I believe, and I will start using them tonight. My husband is the one home with him all day though, and even though I’ve told him the “trance” doesn’t hurt him, it bothers him so much he prefers the little dish. He did send me a video a few minutes ago of Brutus finally actually eating one of the block though, so that is encouraging!
09-03-2020, 08:42 PM
Instead of keeping him in a cardboard box it’s better to get a plastic bin. You must drill 1/2” holes all over the lid and a few around the top of the sides of the bin for air flow. He can stay in the bin until he becomes active, especially if it’s big enough. Cardboard boxes can cause them to dehydrate because it pull moisture from them, so they aren’t recommended. Place the heating pad under one half of the bin.
Baby Brutus
09-03-2020, 11:17 PM
Instead of keeping him in a cardboard box it’s better to get a plastic bin.
Done. Thank you
Baby Brutus
09-05-2020, 11:03 AM
Dosing adj needed??
At last weighing Brutus is up to 143g. When I requested dosing help he was around 100 I believe. Does his SMZ-TMP need to be adjusted? The lump is still there but he is using his leg. It looks SO much better than a week ago, but is still quite substantial when compared to the other one. He is also getting wise to the icky medicine and it has been a challenge to get him to take it. We have dipped the tip in yogurt, or a bit of diluted honey, but does anyone have some ideas on ways to make sure he gets it? I don’t want to mix it with his formula because he still makes quite a mess when he eats.
Thank you
09-05-2020, 02:08 PM
Dosing adj needed??
At last weighing Brutus is up to 143g. When I requested dosing help he was around 100 I believe. Does his SMZ-TMP need to be adjusted? The lump is still there but he is using his leg. It looks SO much better than a week ago, but is still quite substantial when compared to the other one. He is also getting wise to the icky medicine and it has been a challenge to get him to take it. We have dipped the tip in yogurt, or a bit of diluted honey, but does anyone have some ideas on ways to make sure he gets it? I don’t want to mix it with his formula because he still makes quite a mess when he eats.
Thank you
NEVER mix meds with formula. It won't make them like the meds, it will make them hate their formula and then you will be looking at early weaning.
You can try more good tasting stuff. I like grenadine for this - the cheap stuff is fine. You measure up however much medicine you are giving in the syringe. Then dip it into the sweet stuff and pull up some into the syringe with the meds. I usually use at least as much sweet stuff as the med dose size is. Since the sweet stuff is now at the tip of the syringe, it is ALL he will taste when the syringe goes in his mouth. It makes it a LITTLE bit easier. Dosing little animals that don't want it is a real ordeal.
Baby Brutus
09-06-2020, 10:36 AM
Dosing adj needed??
At last weighing Brutus is up to 153g. When I requested dosing help he was around 100 I believe. Does his SMZ-TMP need to be adjusted? The lump is still there though he is using his leg. It looks SO much better than a week ago, but is still quite substantial when compared to the other one.
09-06-2020, 11:57 AM
Let me calculate this. Give me an hour.
I will see if dosing adjustment is needed.
Rock Monkey
09-06-2020, 12:28 PM
When you feed Brutus from a dish I recommend using a syringe to dispense small droplets to prevent him from eating too much, too fast.
I used a heavy, full sized plastic plate and would put a few drops around the perimeter and watch him closely. They will eat so fast that they will choke themselves practically. When you see feet and legs stretched out they have eaten too much too quickly. They are trying to get the food down. Eventually you will recognize a change in their body language as this state begins to occur and can stop dispensing food before they get to this point of struggling to swallow.
The other problem with a small Tupperware lid is that they end up smooshing their face into the corner and food gets all over their muzzle. Fungal dermatitis can result in chunks of hair falling out. It doesn't hurt them, that I could tell. Changing the way I fed her as described above resolved this eating hygiene issue, without needing any antibiotics.
If you only dispense a drop they lick it up and with a plate there are no corners, they don't jam their face in.
I had good success with Cabot's Plain, Whole Milk Greek Yogurt. It has plenty of fat from added cream and even has D3 to help utilize the calcium. Only use a clean spoon for getting it out of the container to prevent mold and spoiling. I put mine in the back of the fridge, top shelf to keep it as cold as possible without freezing.
Baby food without any sugar added is can be mixed in as well.
I don't recommend giving any banana slices until he is much, much older. (Older meaning when they slow down and stop inhaling. When they pick up food and chew on it.) Mine choked on it on multiple occasions. It is too mooshy to chew and clumps together.
09-06-2020, 12:38 PM
I will send adjusted dosing in a Private Message.
09-06-2020, 12:42 PM
Dosing sent.
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