View Full Version : some help with calcium

07-11-2020, 12:37 PM
I have 2 Greys. They are now 12 weeks old. Plan is to release on on property. I had them since they were 4.5 -5 weeks old -- Orphaned. I live in North Western Ontario.
I read about Esbilac and therefore did not give them any. Due to my location and the Pandemic I had to order FV 20/50 online and it took almost 2 weeks to arrive.
In the mean time I made the Goat Milk Formula- 3 tbsp Goats milk, 3 tbsp plain yogurt 11%, 1 tbsp heavy cream 18%, 1 tbsp whipping cream from carton 33% and 1/2 egg yolk.
Once the FV arrived I had to get them interested in it -- slowly adding FV to the formula
The best I was able to do was about 50 % GM and 50% FV. They both stopped formula at around 8 weeks old on their own. This was at the time we moved them to their new "squirrel sanctuary" out side --- Insulated and well ventilated "squirrel shack" with a large cage inside with an attached out door area all hard wired. I did not let them in the out door area at first as I wanted them to get use to the inside new surroundings. They seemed to like it as they ran around and played all the time but, a few days after the big move they stopped formula all together.. I tried just everything even went back to just plain goats milk forumla. Not interested at all.
Its like they just grew up. I ordered Henrys Healthy blocks and they started this shortly after stopping formula.
They have been eating ( since stopping formula)
avacados about 2 a week
grapes, cherries, apple, nectarine, sweet potato, tomatoes, squash ,bok choy and carrots.

I try cabbage, brocolli, cauliflower and a variety of lettuces --- they will not eat this even if thats all I offer all day

I do give Henry Heathy blocks 1-2 a day
I have made my own blocks with henrys whey isolate, and calcium and oxbow young rat and mice food mixed with ground pecans and walnuts

In the out door cage we give them plenty of birch,poplar and maple branches / leaves as well as rose hips and silver maple bark

The other squirrels I have rescued, raised and released in the past drank formula up to about 12 weeks old. I am worried that these 2 little girls will suffer from MBD

I have sprinkled some calcium on the avacado but I am not sure this is the right thing to do

I have tried a couple of times to post this question but for some reason it does not go through

Any advise would be greatly appreciated

Thank You

07-24-2020, 07:05 PM
Antler sticks are a good source for calcium, and helps diminish tooth growth as they like to chew on it. Most pet shops carry this.

07-24-2020, 11:18 PM
Thank you, I will try the antlers. 😊