View Full Version : Bloat & Gasping mouth - does bloat cause gasping? Antibiotics continue??

09-01-2020, 05:47 PM
I have read and followed everything posted about Bloat. Daisy is a rescue I got 7 days ago. She is going on 4wks at 59g has lower teeth and some downy hair starting on belly. She has been on antibiotics clavamox (dosed by email) twice a day for 5 days because of blood she swollowed when I found her she had a long blood clot pulled out of her mouth. Took a few days to get the blood out of her stomach. Thought she was good until this occurred. I stopped the antibiotics today cause I dont know with bloat if I should continue? However she is wheezing still and open and closing mouth breathing. Help?

Bloat occurred at 11pm last night was noticed. DAISY has guppy mouth eating habits & doesn't stop at all so not helping her suck air. Today I have only been administrating .03 cc water every hour since 6am for the bloat, doing bath soaks, belly rubs. Only pee no pooping since last night ....she has had 4 doses throughout day of infant gasx 0.1cc. Its now 6pm and she has peed but zero bowel moments since last night. How many doses of gas x can she have in a day? Continue antibiotics?

View video and pics hope somebody can advise further....316119
https://youtu.be/dGh4s3W1NAY. (Redwuff great Bloat article followed all day) .

09-01-2020, 09:48 PM
[QUOTE=LanSeaAir;1320331]I have read and followed everything posted about Bloat. Daisy is a rescue I got 7 days ago. She is going on 4wks at 59g has lower teeth and some downy hair starting on belly. She has been on antibiotics clavamox (dosed by email) twice a day for 5 days because of blood she swollowed when I found her she had a long blood clot pulled out of her mouth. Took a few days to get the blood out of her stomach. Thought she was good until this occurred. I stopped the antibiotics today cause I dont know with bloat if I should continue? However she is wheezing still and open and closing mouth breathing. Help?

Bloat occurred at 11pm last night was noticed. DAISY has guppy mouth eating habits & doesn't stop at all so not helping her suck air. Today I have only been administrating .03 cc water every hour since 6am for the bloat, doing bath soaks, belly rubs. Only pee no pooping since last night ....she has had 4 doses throughout day of infant gasx 0.1cc. Its now 6pm and she has peed but zero bowel moments since last night. How many doses of gas x can she have in a day? Continue antibiotics?

View video and pics hope somebody can advise further....316119
https://youtu.be/dGh4s3W1NAY. (Redwuff great Bloat article followed all day) .[/QUOTe

Daisy pooped at 8pm however the bloating got tighter. Not happy that gas x not working at all.

09-01-2020, 09:53 PM
I read in your other thread you were taking her up the road to see a vet... are you taking her tonight?

09-01-2020, 10:13 PM
I read in your other thread you were taking her up the road to see a vet... are you taking her tonight?

I did but with covid I met Emily another rehabber here who works at the overnight vet hospital. They think she has a gas producing bacteria in her gut but they where surprised she never had diarrhea from clavamox, told them I was lucky to get the blood she had in her system too pass but she never got diarrhea. But they r saying she needs injectable antibiotic like naxcel or polyflex.

09-01-2020, 11:38 PM
I did but with covid I met Emily another rehabber here who works at the overnight vet hospital. They think she has a gas producing bacteria in her gut but they where surprised she never had diarrhea from clavamox, told them I was lucky to get the blood she had in her system too pass but she never got diarrhea. But they r saying she needs injectable antibiotic like naxcel or polyflex.

BABY POOPED again twice in few hours so all these baths paid off and been a long day but antibiotics have been admitted subq, so will post with updates tomorrow. Thank you all for info and vet info need that info in case.

09-02-2020, 07:13 AM
How’s Daisy doing this morning? You never mentioned what the vet thought the gasping was.

09-02-2020, 07:27 AM
You never mentioned what the vet thought the gasping was.

This is what was shared about the vet's assessment... :thinking

They think she has a gas producing bacteria in her gut but they where surprised she never had diarrhea from clavamox, told them I was lucky to get the blood she had in her system too pass but she never got diarrhea. But they r saying she needs injectable antibiotic like naxcel or polyflex.

Which formula has Daisy been being fed?

09-02-2020, 08:35 AM
That’s a good question. I’m not sure it’s been mentioned what formula is being used.