View Full Version : Traveling with a squirrel?

09-24-2020, 08:21 PM
Next year in Feb. I will need to take a 12 hour driving trip. My boy wont be ready for release because it will still be too cold where I live. He doesn't care for my husband (at 13 weeks) so I know he won't care for him in Feb. So I can't leave Georgie at home with my husband. I won't be staying in any hotels ....just driving to our other home to stay for several weeks. Is this feasible or too stressful for Georgie?

09-25-2020, 07:31 AM
It has been my experience that squirrels travel very well, regardless of age. Purchase a small travel cage on Amazon if you don’t have one. Make sure it’s all metal with no plastic that can be chewed and a size large enough for your squirrel to move around in but not too large for you to manage by yourself. Set it up with a favorite fleece cube, fleece, water bottle, etc. You can even let Georgie explore it prior to making your trip so he’s familiar with it. When you go to travel cover the cage with a sheet or some other lightweight material. It will help him feel less stressed.

When I’ve made road trips with squirrels they usually just climb in their cube and sleep. :grin3

09-25-2020, 01:28 PM
Thank you so much!! Im so relieved! I will take along his big cage as well. If I can get it in my car that is.