07-05-2020, 08:11 AM
We have a small gray squirrel on our property, that I would like to find a home for. He is small, but does not seem to be a baby. I suspect he is a runt. He seems to have suffered an injury that causes him to have a bit of a lopsided gait, and his tail seems to be paralyzed. He does not seem to be able to move it, and it drags on the ground at its tip. This morning, I noticed that it is bleeding. He does not interact with other squirrels, or rather, I'm sure that they do not interact with him. He can stand his ground on occasion, when it comes to food, but most of the time, gets chased out of the way. I have been supplementing his diet, and he is familiar with me, and will (most of the time) come when called, but I have been careful not to make physical contact. He is able to forage for food, and he does have the ability to climb trees, but his tail hangs down when he is against a tree, which makes him visible. He seems unable to scale our wood picket fence, and does not climb up on our feeders. His climbing skills are a bit tentative, and clumsy. He became fairly trusting rather quickly, and I'm sure that he would "home" well enough. As much as I would love to see him thrive in the wild, I am concerned that he will not survive the winter, as I'm not sure that another squirrel would be willing to "bunk" with him for warmth, and I am very concerned that the tail will invite infection. I would like to find a sanctuary situation for him, or a home with a responsible owner. I live in central NY, and would be willing to safely catch him, and transport. I will also cover the cost of a veterinary exam. I'd like this little guy to have a chance, if anyone can help or provide advice, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.