View Full Version : Questions for the experts

08-13-2020, 11:44 AM
Hi Family of TSB :serene

My Boy Moby is almost 7 years old come October, what a journey this has been, Joyful, painful, happy times, CRAZY times, but now I have to start thinking logically about his age.

None of us stay healthy forever, and I am always afraid that he may get sick and we are not able to find a vet that would see him without taking the risk of putting him down, or simply not returning him to me since he is not a legal pet.

This current pandemic I think has made many people including myself think twice about how valuable life is, and how much time was wasted before we were forced to give up what we used to take for granted, so I decided to make a lot of changes once this is over (by this I mean there is a vaccine) to where we can start going back to our lives again.

I want to give him a better life style, a bigger space to run around, and I want to make sure I have a vet I can visit anytime he needs medical care. SO, today I am asking you all who you can recommend as a great vet. I live in OK, and I am prepared to move to TX, CO, these are the two states my company can approve for me to move to.

Also, I would love any fun ideas or activities that would keep him active you would suggest (toys, games, Foods) :glomp

OH- Also dose anyone know where I can buy him some clothing :) Winter is coming and I want to try getting him some shirts and such

08-13-2020, 12:35 PM
What an endearing photo💙 I am going to memorize it and mentally refer to the peaceful, loving attitude it shows as I navigate a day that is brutally difficult for me. Thank you

08-13-2020, 01:51 PM
What an endearing photo💙 I am going to memorize it and mentally refer to the peaceful, loving attitude it shows as I navigate a day that is brutally difficult for me. Thank you

I hope your day improves and it turns around for you- :serene

08-14-2020, 07:11 AM
I looked through my notes and have no resources for OK. I have the names of a couple of rehabbers in Colorado that could probably help you locate a vet in that state. Texas is an iffy state, too. I have a couple of names of vets, one in Sugarland and one in Houston, but that state has been known to confiscate. :dono:dono

I’d be happy to share what information I have if it will help. Message me.

island rehabber
08-14-2020, 07:55 AM
RamiS, one of the most wonderful wildlife rehab facilities is in OK: Wild Heart Ranch.
Their facebook page is: https://www.facebook.com/WildHeartRanch/
Annette King is a beautiful person, I have only heard good things about her. The website is: http://www.4thewild.org/?p=aboutus

I would bet they would work with you to ensure that little Moby has every advantage he deserves. :serene

08-14-2020, 09:45 AM
RamiS, one of the most wonderful wildlife rehab facilities is in OK: Wild Heart Ranch.
Their facebook page is: https://www.facebook.com/WildHeartRanch/
Annette King is a beautiful person, I have only heard good things about her. The website is: http://www.4thewild.org/?p=aboutus

I would bet they would work with you to ensure that little Moby has every advantage he deserves. :serene

Hi :dance

Yes, I hear all good things about them. However, It is not legal to keep him in OK as a Pet. Therefore, if I take him in, they are obligated to confiscate him, or put him down as he is too old for release.