View Full Version : 2 week old baby squirrel (help)

09-04-2020, 05:19 PM
I received a newborn squirrel 2 weeks ago with umbilical cord still attached. A tree cutter had cut down and chipped the nest and he was the only one left alive. (I live in the middle of nowhere so rehaber wasn't an option. I immediately started googling and started him on esbilac puppy formula and he seemed to be doing good (pooping and peeing fine) and once i started researching more i saw he should be on the goat milk esbilac instead? I went to the store and got that one and transitioned him while i waited for the Fox Valley 32/40 formula. After doing more research i read that the fox valley formula was causing deaths. Right now i have him on half goats milk formula and half of the 32/40. He seems to not be gaining weight and he hasn't pooped since last night. It was the smallest poo I have seen him take so far. Any advice please, I need help. I also already have the 20/50 from fox valley and im wondering if i should just switch him to that? I dont want to keep switching the little guys food around because i know its hard on his stomach. There is so much conflicting information I am finding and im feeling lost and confused. I just want to have my little guy healthy!

09-04-2020, 06:34 PM
The powdered Esbilac with an expiration date of 10/2021 or later is said to be okay. We had a disastrous Fall 2019 with the Esbilac but the manufacturer was working to correct the problem.

The liquid (pre-mixed) Esbilac is no good, it is not the same as the powdered version.

I (we?) do not have much experience with the Goat's Milk Esbilac (GME) which should not be confused with the homemade Goat's Milk formula.

The 32/40 was a huge issue years ago and many people will not use it today.

I would say if he was doing well on the Esbilac and the expiration date is 10/2021 or later stick with that until about 3.5 - 4 weeks old then switch to the Fox Valley 20/50.

Any questions, please ask them.