View Full Version : Baby squirrel swollen arm

08-24-2020, 09:06 AM
My fiancé and I have been caring for a baby squirrel we found for 3 weeks now. 3 days ago we noticed he stopped using his left arm, and his arm and left cheek were swollen. He looked normal in the morning, and it did not show up until the afternoon, he had not fallen or been dropped. We thought it was maybe a bug bite as we let him crawl around outside supervised, but it’s 3 days later and he’s only slightly improved.

Any ideas on what it could be and how to help him? He doesn’t seem in pain, and responded normally when we applied pressure to his injured paw.

08-24-2020, 06:03 PM
Here a pictures of both arms for comparison and a picture of him holding it up.315977315978315979

08-24-2020, 08:08 PM
Check around his upper arm to make certain there are no threads or anything constricting his arm. We have seen this has happened with even long human hairs.

Not sure that crawling around outdoors is wise... at this age all they would know is the inside of a squirrel nest. He'd not be exploring for a few more weeks yet.

How much does he weigh, do you know? Which formula is he eating.. he sure is cute!

08-25-2020, 09:09 AM
I checked his arm and nothing is constricting it. Other than the swelling and the way he hold it there are no visual signs of injury. He weighs about 73g and we feed him esbilac. Just saw the issues with that formula and are switching to the other recipe.