View Full Version : NutriFeron -- anyone know dosage?

island rehabber
09-18-2020, 12:43 PM
So I am dealing with an early mild case of squirrel pox in my little Charlotte.
Got her 2 weeks ago, pox showed up 4 days later. FInder said her mother rejected her, twice, and I looked at this precious, perfect baby girl and thought "why? Why on earth would she do that." Mamma is obviously better at noticing pox than I am. :(

She has been quarantined from the other babies. I am cleansing lesions (there are about 10) with Betadine and then coating her with Gold Bond Medicated Powder until she looks like a little chicken cutlet :grin2. Lesions are not appearing new anymore -- most are dried up -- but I just got the NutriFeron and want to add that to boost her immune system.

Does anyone know how to dose the Shaklee tablets? It says 2 per day for an adult HUMAN.....what is that in squirrel?

09-18-2020, 03:44 PM
So I am dealing with an early mild case of squirrel pox in my little Charlotte.
Got her 2 weeks ago, pox showed up 4 days later. FInder said her mother rejected her, twice, and I looked at this precious, perfect baby girl and thought "why? Why on earth would she do that." Mamma is obviously better at noticing pox than I am. :(

She has been quarantined from the other babies. I am cleansing lesions (there are about 10) with Betadine and then coating her with Gold Bond Medicated Powder until she looks like a little chicken cutlet :grin2. Lesions are not appearing new anymore -- most are dried up -- but I just got the NutriFeron and want to add that to boost her immune system.

Does anyone know how to dose the Shaklee tablets? It says 2 per day for an adult HUMAN.....what is that in squirrel?

Maura, toward bottom post #5 discusses Nutriferon and dosing options.


island rehabber
09-19-2020, 11:55 AM
Thanks step! Pretty embarrassing... Couldn't find it on my own board....:shakehead. :hidechair

09-19-2020, 01:00 PM
Thanks step! Pretty embarrassing... Couldn't find it on my own board....:shakehead. :hidechair

Well here's something you can be proud of...
I didn't search the board, I went to google typed in; NutriFeron use for squirrel's
and this came up.....
can someone please explain squirrel pox to me?
thesquirrelboard.com › forums › showthread › 22872-c...
(https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?22872-can-someone-please-explain-squirrel-pox-to-me)May 17, 2010 - Rehabber re uses of acyclovir for squirrel pox: squirrel given short course of
... Wikipedia: Nutriferon is a dietary supplement manufactured by ...

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