View Full Version : when is the best time to release

10-05-2020, 12:51 PM
I have a 12 week old female squirrel that i was thinking about overwintering. Today I was outside and noticed 2 squirrels about the same age playing together with their mothers supervision. I'm wondering if I should wait and do the release next spring or start the process this year. We do have a few hawks in the area. Also I noticed a couple of stray cats roaming around at times. It seems like she would fit right in with the two squirrels her age but I also hate the thought of her getting chased away from the area. How do they do when they are released in the spring at approximately 8 months old of age ? Thanks

10-05-2020, 03:17 PM
Some people do release squirrels (15+ weeks old) at this time of the year, others overwinter and do a spring release. Factors to consider 1) what type of winter do you typically get (Maine or Florida for example), 2) does this squirrel have any issues that make you hesitate (late bloomer, any mild physical deficits, small body size/weight etc etc) 3) how good is the the area you will be using (normal predator levels with abundant food, no car traffic etc vs lots of predators, limited food, lots of competition for available food, car traffic/roads etc etc). There is really no standard right or wrong answer here, but if you have doubts or concerns, you can overwinter her. Overwintering takes a lot of work for you but I have not heard of any real issues with overwintering and releasing in the spring.

I have a 12 week old female squirrel that i was thinking about overwintering. Today I was outside and noticed 2 squirrels about the same age playing together with their mothers supervision. I'm wondering if I should wait and do the release next spring or start the process this year. We do have a few hawks in the area. Also I noticed a couple of stray cats roaming around at times. It seems like she would fit right in with the two squirrels her age but I also hate the thought of her getting chased away from the area. How do they do when they are released in the spring at approximately 8 months old of age ? Thanks

10-05-2020, 05:27 PM
We are thinking it is best to probably wait until the spring for the release. We are willing to do whatever is needed for her. The fact that she will be around 8 months old when she is released was concerning. Are there any changes in her personality that I might anticipate by keeping her inside until the early spring ? Thanks

10-05-2020, 07:05 PM
She may go through her first estrus cycle while in captivity which may be challenging for you, but it won’t last forever. Being 8 months when released will offer her some advantages because the older they are the more savvy they become.

I released a girl....for the second time.... at about 8 months old. She still lives in my side yard tree for 4 years now and has had 5 litters of babies. :serene

10-05-2020, 08:27 PM
Wow , that is great. I hope we can experience that with our squirrel as well. Thanks