View Full Version : Hateful neighbors killing my friends (this is the second neighbor now!)

04-27-2021, 10:14 AM

I need help, you guys. I live in a town of haters. It's called Waconia, MN. I posted earlier about this woman live trapping and not checking traps. Well, yesterday I saw this squirrel next to another house under the bird feeder. I couldn't tell if poison or what. With blood coming out of the ears and nose, etc, I thought poison. Later I found out the kids there were shooting pellet guns (not allowed per city ordinance). I called Animal Control - didn't know what to do.. The poor baby was alive the entire time, kicking and suffering. The cop took it to kill. I tried to confront the neighbor and she told me to get out and said nasty things as I called the cops on her. I want this to stop! I live in a neighborhood of haters. PETA has been called and I expect help from them. My town police/district attorney have not been helpful. Fish and wildlife completely blew me off. Meanwhile the killings go on.

04-27-2021, 02:45 PM
Awe, that looks like a nursing momma. Keep us posted about what PETA does. Thanks.

04-27-2021, 04:41 PM
Awe, that looks like a nursing momma. Keep us posted about what PETA does. Thanks.

I know, I am devastated. I can't even go look, as she threatened to throw harassment charges against me.

04-28-2021, 07:26 AM
Have you heard anything from PETA? Are they going to help?

04-28-2021, 08:52 AM
People who threaten police action on this kind of thing are all bluster. She is likely breaking some hunting law (idk what the laws are there). It would be my suspicion that if the police became involved, she would be in more trouble than you.

I know it's my anger talking right now, but maybe hit back where it hurts? I really dont know what I would do if this were happening in my neighborhood... All of the things that come to mind are illegal..

Edit: I did a little digging and it seems squirrel season is in September- November in PA. Also most places seem to prohibit killing squirrels with pellet guns, you need to use a shot gun. Squirrels are considered game animals, not pests. I assume it would be illegal to use a firearm in a neighborhood, thus there would be no legal way for her to kill these animals.

I would check on your local laws. There may be some consequences for this, the trick is getting an authority that cares.

04-28-2021, 11:58 AM
People who threaten police action on this kind of thing are all bluster. She is likely breaking some hunting law (idk what the laws are there). It would be my suspicion that if the police became involved, she would be in more trouble than you.

I know it's my anger talking right now, but maybe hit back where it hurts? I really dont know what I would do if this were happening in my neighborhood... All of the things that come to mind are illegal..

Edit: I did a little digging and it seems squirrel season is in September- November in PA. Also most places seem to prohibit killing squirrels with pellet guns, you need to use a shot gun. Squirrels are considered game animals, not pests. I assume it would be illegal to use a firearm in a neighborhood, thus there would be no legal way for her to kill these animals.

I would check on your local laws. There may be some consequences for this, the trick is getting an authority that cares.

This is in Waconia MN. We do have an ordinance - she can't shoot in city limits! She did break a law.. She is now trying to slap a harassment charge on me for watching her ass and walking by.

04-28-2021, 01:08 PM
I am in PA where our township ordinance it is legal to shoot squirrels with bb/pellet gun on ones own property any time of year with bb/pellet gun.

My next door neighbor has been doing this for months - shooting with bb/pellet, not always killing - maiming most (retrieved one of many that they maimed - see my post #4082 (https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?33602-Backyard-Buddies&p=1329846#post1329846) in grey squirrel forum, thread backyard buddies). They also catch the squirrels in traps and then kill them in the traps putting those dead bodies in white trash bags and chucking them in their trash cans .

When I have an agency come out to investigate the animal cruelty, the maiming, the bb/pellet shooting, etc. etc. I get no where because these neighbors too are threatening 'harassment' and every agency stops immediately investigating them.

No one/authorities care about squirrels, they consider them vermin. It is very hard to get any justice for them, at least that's how it is here - I have been trying for almost five years now.

04-28-2021, 01:21 PM
Have you heard anything from PETA yet?

04-28-2021, 03:34 PM
Have you heard anything from PETA yet?

PETA said they will call tomorrow so I am waiting till Thursday. I will follow up if nothing tomorrow.

04-28-2021, 03:50 PM
Awe, that looks like a nursing momma. Keep us posted about what PETA does. Thanks.

In this case, I hope you're very wrong and she was not nursing.. I just pray there are no babies left in that nest. Are you for sure certain she was? How can you tell? I can't check the trees on their property, as they don't allow me even close to there.

04-29-2021, 11:24 AM
From the picture, to me, it looks as if there are a couple teats down the side and they look to be in use. Unless what I am seeing is maybe from where these sociopaths hit the squirrel with the bb/pellets. People are totally sick, can't wrap my head around why they do this to these poor helpless/innocent squirrels. I wish the worst for your neighbor and mine...for what they are doing and have done to the squirrels.