View Full Version : Does squirrel look dehydrated

12-15-2022, 03:31 PM
Worried my southern flyer looks thin or dehydrated the lines of fur on his back is my concern

he's almost 10 weeks old I believe as on Nov 3rd I was told he was about 4 weeks old and I've had him since then, I take him out a couple of hours a day for exercise on his tent but I haven't moved him into his critter nation double yet because I still find him on the warm side of his 10 gallon sometimes which covers about 1/3 of that set on low. Bedding is two tshirts and three strips of fleece changed daily. Water is a 8oz dripper attached to the top and a small baby jar lid of water that I have seen him drink from. Food wise he eats about 1ML of fox valley week+ twice a day, sometimes slightly more, henrys blocks and mazzuri. He doesnt seem too keen on vegetables but I've put organic brocoli and kale in there. He moves the kale around and I find it under the fleece but it's mostly dried up. he's active I'm just worried why he has those lines of fur like that. Weight is around 52G. We've been through so much together the past few weeks I don't want anything to happen to him now.

12-15-2022, 05:00 PM
Juvenile flyers have odd fur - they look greasy - like someone with oil on their hands petted them. Is that what you are seeing?

Is his weight doing what it should? He hasn't lost? I bet you are seeing his teenage "greasy kid's stuff"

12-15-2022, 06:02 PM
It doesnt look greesy it looks puffed up in places. He hasn't lost weight I don't think but Im worried it looks like that because he's too thin or something?

12-18-2022, 09:00 PM
Off heat and in his critter nation cage for few days now and he no longer has folds like that. Not sure if it was the heat or just something with his fur that day but sleeping better now that it's back to normal.

12-19-2022, 07:17 AM
I’m glad to read his fur is more normal looking.

Here’s the healthy diet for a flyer…I’m not sure if you’ve seen it. https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?37700-HEALTHY-DIET-for-PET-Flying-Squirrels There are lots of options for healthy foods. Unfortunately you just have to try them, multiple times, to see what is liked. The protein is a very important element to their diet. My flyer loves wax-worms best, but because they are higher in phosphorous I alternate between them and Pure Bites dehydrated chicken and mealworms (also high in phosphorous). Because my guy gets worms I am pretty diligent about NOT giving him many nuts. He gets 1/2 an almond maybe once a week. I have found that he considers a piece of a dried banana chip to be just as much of a treat.

You might consider getting him a wheel. My flyer runs on his wheel daily. I think it helps alleviate boredom and gives him some much needed exercise. This is the type wheel you want. https://www.thepetglider.com/products/raptor-wheel?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIi9ev9NOF_AIVsuaGCh0NyggREA AYAiAAEgIeq_D_BwE Shop around for the best price. The wheel is 12” in diameter and fairly silent when it spins. Don’t get any wheel that has a bar or holes in the opening. Those are pinch points and can catch their toes and tail. They jump in and out of the wheel while it’s spinning so it’s very important for the opening to be unobstructed.

Best of luck!