01-17-2023, 06:01 PM
So after much research / reading etc I strongly feel Bunch has an Ondontoma!
a little background.......
I have posted in regards to Bunch before he has had an ongoing issue for about a year now with his mouth, I had previously treated with Clindamycin & he seemed to improve , I was unable to bring him to a vet until recently Thanks to SammysMom !!! Bunch's symptoms have been about the same Lethargy,sleeping more weight loss, loss of appetite , runny eye, more just his right eye, licking his ,lips pawing at his mouth , nasal issues
it would come and go with the help of antibiotics but more or less dormant never gone. i got him to his 1 vet appt nov 3 i thought his tooth had abscessed , bunch has always had perfect teeth never needed trimming nothing a nice orange color.
Also Bunch has his own room, so he is never caged! So nothing was caused by injury / cage chewing etc
This vet i dont believe has much experience with squirrels....but i cannot thank enough access to a vet!!! I will post the picture of Bunches mouth for you guys to see.
so upon seeing inside clearly without bunch protesting , it appears his top tooth has started to grow backwards into the roof of his mouth ` I was blown away , also as you will see there was some black/white stuff on the tooth, the vet didnt know what it was, bunch has a fowl odor in his mouth, to me smelling of infection , the vet said he didnt see infection it was probably dead skin from what was going on with the tooth ....Now i feel after all my research, that is dental disease! and the ondontoma is in his front tooth, possibly caused by dental disease , also we didnt get into his cheek teeth/molars but with my reading it seems they think the dental disease generally starts with the cheek teeth/molars but not discovered until it reaches teeth you can see easily???
so the vet trimmed his top tooth , i expressed concern about his runny eye nose etc, he put some cream on his eye said any issues bring him back, no antibiotics , which i should have spoken up now that i look back, as i said he isn't a squirrel vet, so i feel maybe he was relying on me, but i was him, so his vet appointment is tomorrow @2 i am getting a head x-ray and going to request bloodwork to see what is going on, i also think he needs antibiotics , which i will post results
I need help with what steps to take from here, needing advice as i just started learning about all this, best antibiotic, any supplements , food cuz bunch is eating mostly avacado right now and some of his henry block, i think he is feeling the pain. I dont want to lose Bunch , hes fighting ! I want to give him all the tools to recover! I have a strong feeling with his symptoms Ondontoma , to me a perfectly healthy tooth doesnt just start to grow into the roof of a mouth for no reason, I had read this is one of the symptoms , to me that was the nail in the coffin so to speak.
So please any help, direction , guidance, etc
Bunch is 7/8 yrs old and was in perfect health, please help me help him!
01-17-2023, 08:07 PM
The tooth growing into the roof of his mouth (I do not see this in the pic so I assume this is after the tooth trimming?) is typically a sign of a malocclusion in which the lower and upper incisors do not come together and grind one another down. Squirrel incisors grow like hairs (continuously) and need to be ground down to prevent them growing into the roofs of their moths etc. The pic does not show the lower incisors either, a pic of that would be most helpful.
The X-Rays are definitely needed and if your vet is unsure I would get a copy of the images and ask Dr Emerson @ Ravenwood Clinic in FL for a consult. X-Rays are the only way to diagnose odontomas. If that is what it is then surgery is required, and I suggest you seek an experienced vet for the surgery (like Dr E).
There are times when teeth can be overgrown and trimming can fix things with time, but that is more true with youngsters and not 7/8 year olds.
What antibiotics were used to treat the oral infections in the past?
Without more info, I'd suggest using Clindamycin in combination with Augmentin for what seems to be an on-going infection (back to November?). The Clindamycin is effective for bone infection and the Augmentin soft-tissue. I suspect Bunch will need treatment for both soft tissue and possible bone infections. An alternative would be Doxycycline, a more slow acting but very wide spectrum antibiotic that is effective in both soft tissue and bone infections. JMO based on the info in this thread... Those upper incisors do not look healthy to me.
01-18-2023, 12:13 AM
I had never suspected malocclusion, maybe my inexperience in the area but his teeth never looked to be a problem prior to? They were not long and appeared to be normal & I have never heard of it actually pushing a tooth up into the gums before? Yes this was after the trim but there wasn’t much more to see truly it hadn’t gone into the roof of his mouth it was just before it.
This helps thank you , so with this being said a trimming and antibiotics? He is congested it’s bothering his breathing , I’m very concerned @ his just sleeping , and not eating very much , I have heard about the dr you mentioned, and I want to do everything I can to save him if it is an Ondontoma, I’m in NH & that would be a heck of a drive , I would think it would stress him out quite a bit considering this dr visit will be only the 2 time in his life he’d been confined @ all. Any ideas on the coloring of the top tooth? I will get a bunch of photos tomorrow to post
Snicker Bar
01-18-2023, 09:05 AM
My neuro girl had both malocclusion issues and an odontoma . Maybe more pics can help for short term advice. But if the problems persist as they did with our girl, the trip is worth it. There is also a vet in Maryland who has some experience with squirrels. We have traveled to both offices.
01-18-2023, 12:50 PM
Squirrel incisor teeth are like hairs, they never stop growing. If they are not worn down, the upper will grow back and then up into the roof of the mouth. They typically will wear down with the uppers grinding on the lower (incisors), they wear down when they are bruxing nuts... my wilds love to use the aluminum deck "end tables" to grind down their teeth. This is why we recommend providing plenty of things for captive squirrels to gnaw on like antlers, black walnuts and hickory nuts, wood and even stones / rocks. How long it takes for the teeth to grow too long depends on how vigorous the squirrel is about grinding their teeth down themselves.
I'd start by getting your NH vet to take some X-Rays... if they are not certain if odontomas are present, you can can them to Dr E for her opinion. Only if surgery is needed would the trip become necessary. Having made this trip myself (but not from NH) I can tell you that if you leave to head home right after the surgery, she'll be out of it for much of the trip home.
Best case scenario is the congestion was caused by the overgrown teeth, maybe even opened a would in the top of the mouth that is infected? If there are not odontomas the meds will help clear things up... if it is odontomas, I doubt you'll see much improvement on the meds.
Keep him in small cage with a blanket draped over it for the vet visit (dark, warm and quiet).
02-04-2023, 01:29 PM
I had been trying & trying to post on the board since his appointment, it wouldn’t let me ? I figured I would wait a bit & try again , now it’s working. So Bunch update. No sign of Ondontomas! All of his teeth were rotted! To the point he touched 3 of his molers they fell out no root attached ! So this has been his issue I imagine he was in a lot of pain! Now he only has a few teeth left the vet said , I have no idea how this happened, the vet thinks possibly bad genes? I’m enclosing all pics , my concern now is I don’t like the way his top and bottom teeth look, he is now on a. Soft serve diet , suggestions?
02-04-2023, 01:36 PM
02-04-2023, 01:40 PM
Photo 2324087
02-05-2023, 10:28 AM
I had been trying & trying to post on the board since his appointment, it wouldn’t let me ? I figured I would wait a bit & try again , now it’s working. So Bunch update. No sign of Ondontomas! All of his teeth were rotted! To the point he touched 3 of his molers they fell out no root attached ! So this has been his issue I imagine he was in a lot of pain! Now he only has a few teeth left the vet said , I have no idea how this happened, the vet thinks possibly bad genes? I’m enclosing all pics , my concern now is I don’t like the way his top and bottom teeth look, he is now on a. Soft serve diet , suggestions?
Hi LilLulu:
I'm sorry that you have not yet had a response to your update on your original thread about Bunch. It certainly appears that Bunch has very significant dental issues! We all talk about tooth "rot" but what is meant by this has can often be a number of different things. When a tooth itself "rots," it doesn't just start disintegrating or falling out because of genetic makeup! "Rot" is decay and either the tooth or its root or both are decaying. Decay of a tooth itself is classically caused by plaque which which is essentially a thin, invisible film over the teeth containing bacteria. When sugars are broken down in the mouth by these bacteria acids form and can lead to tooth decay. I do not know the actual data but I suspect that decay involving the incisors is relatively rare because these grow continuously and it may be that significant enough decay of the tooth may not develop before it is eventually ground down (or trimmed by your vet). I suspect this but again, it without data and if anyone does have data one way or the other, it would be appreciated. This would not be the case with the molars however and plaque and decay would be more likely there. BUT, regardless of this, decay is not a genetic problem although the genes certainly seem to play a part in an animal's or human's resistance to destructive plaque. With wild animals, a hereditary line of Squirrels with a propensity toward developing significant tooth decay does not make sense because "nature" would most likely have eradicated a line of Squirrels with hereditary that affected the functionality of their teeth!
For the molars to simply fall out from "rot" seems to imply periodontal disease, not just tooth decay! Periodontal disease (just for the record, I am not a dentist) is infection and swelling in the tissues surrounding the teeth which include the gums, the layer that actually holds the root of the tooth in the bone and the bone itself. I suspect that Bunch have dental abscesses that may have drained now but remaining portions may still be active or even intact and may continue to cause problems. Dental abscesses are localized infections around the tooth. These can spread further into the surrounding tissues and even into the bone.
How was it determined that there was no Odontoma? Were x-ray studies performed? Odontomas are quite common and often, x-ray films are diagnostic of this condition! Has Bunch been prescribe antibiotics with the suspicion that there may very well be infection still present in the periodontal regions (again, that includes the bone)?
A suggestion I have is to request a consultation (can be by email and/or phone with you having forwarded photos, x-ray studies, lab and whatever else has gone on to her first) with Dr. Alicia Emerson from the Ravenwood Verterinary Clinic. She is a Squirrel specialist even more pertinent, she is a Squirrel dental specialist as well! She is highly experienced with Squirrel dental issues and has performed countless dental procedures on Squirrels including complex Odontoma surgery! The contact link for the Revenwood Clinic and Dr. Emerson is:
The soft diet certainly sounds like the way to proceed now. Can you provide information on what has been Bunch's diet up to now. Dietary issues, especially maintaining daily calcium, Vitamin D, and the balance between calcium and phosphorus (which should always favor the calcium!) can have a bearing on dental health!
02-05-2023, 11:04 AM
I just went through this scenario with one of my released squirrels. In her case she developed an abscess on her jaw that required me to have her evaluated by a vet. The abscess was a result of decayed teeth. At that time the vet told me the cause of teeth decay can be from an injury to a tooth that can come from opening a nut or even a fall. Once the bacteria is in there it can continue to spread through multiple teeth if it isn’t treated. The vet pulled two affected teeth and my squirrel took the prescribed antibiotics for 10 days, after which I re-released her.
Fast forward about a month and I noticed the same jaw had developed another abscess on it. I took her back to the vet and three more teeth had to be removed, one being a lower incisor. This time the vet was more aggressive with the antibiotics. My squirrel was given a Baytril injection as well as an injection of Convenia, which is a slow release drug that remains in the squirrels system for 2 weeks. I gave Clavamox at home for 2 weeks. Issues in the mouth are quite painful. My squirrel was treated with Buprenorphine (a controlled substance) as well as Metacam.
I was advised to keep her inside for a month to monitor her upper teeth for overgrowth, of which there was none. She has been re-released and is back in the trees and all seems fine as of now.
My point with this story is that because of the proximity to the brain, the infection needs to be treated very aggressively. And if the infection has penetrated the bone the antibiotic treatment needs to be extra aggressive and probably treated for a much longer period of time than the standard 10-14 days. What antibiotics is (was) your squirrel on?
Does your squirrel eat a rodent block? Because of the lack of teeth now you may need to make boo balls from ground rodent block, baby food and coconut or avocado oil. These boo balls are much softer and easier for the squirrel to eat. There’s boo ball in the Squirrel Nutrition section.
02-06-2023, 04:33 AM
These are the teeth he said just fell out
02-06-2023, 06:11 AM
I apologize for lack of info like i said i wasn't able to get my phone to post so i wanted to get something up, I actually wrote back another 2 times and it did the same thing so i'm sticking to my computer to reply
I requested an x-ray to check for Ondontomas , i'll post the xray later
Bunch has always been a VERY picky eater, I have been making him boo balls now, mixing in different things ....he wont eat any boiled sweet pot.
Before he would eat his block with snap peas sweet pot, grapes, apple, broccoli , carrots,pecans,avacado,califlower, cherries, orange, not the same each day i would vary , i could never get him to eat any leafy greens. He had his antlers and branches to chew , he never got sick or injured himself
I had previously given him clindamycin
he was sent home with ZydaClin this time and some Metacam .
I couldnt get answers from the vet with the next step, basically he said your boy has rotten teeth he will need a soft diet now.....
I never had his teeth trimmed but they never seemed to be an issue ...But what about hit top tooth? it is pushed back to the roof of his mouth will it need to get clipped regularly ?and it looks to be rotting also?
I asked for blood work but they said they couldnt hit a vein, i asked for his sugar to be checked because there has to be a reason this happened, i agree teeth dont just rot for no reason and fall out, will the few teeth he has left, will they rot?as you stated peridontal disease
After the reading ive done dr emerson sounds like a good starting place
I have so many questions ...i'm going to get a nap before my 4 yr old wakes and i will post some more pics and reply with more info
02-06-2023, 06:37 AM
I’d start with a phone call to Ravenwood Veterinary Clinic and make an appointment with Dr. Emerson (386) 788-1550. It doesn’t sound like you’re getting much info from your current vet and you need to have some answers IMO. If a top tooth is pushed back and touching the roof of the mouth then I’m sure it will need to be trimmed….even more reason to see Dr. Emerson.
02-06-2023, 06:41 AM
Good morning, I don't have any answers for you. However, one of our girls is having similar issues. I am trying to get an appointment to get her checked. Mine definitely needs her lower teeth trimmed. I will be watching for your updates to see how this goes. I hope yor baby feels better soon.
02-06-2023, 08:59 AM
I apologize for lack of info like i said i wasn't able to get my phone to post so i wanted to get something up, I actually wrote back another 2 times and it did the same thing so i'm sticking to my computer to reply
I requested an x-ray to check for Ondontomas , i'll post the xray later
Bunch has always been a VERY picky eater, I have been making him boo balls now, mixing in different things ....he wont eat any boiled sweet pot.
Before he would eat his block with snap peas sweet pot, grapes, apple, broccoli , carrots,pecans,avacado,califlower, cherries, orange, not the same each day i would vary , i could never get him to eat any leafy greens. He had his antlers and branches to chew , he never got sick or injured himself
I had previously given him clindamycin
he was sent home with ZydaClin this time and some Metacam .
I couldnt get answers from the vet with the next step, basically he said your boy has rotten teeth he will need a soft diet now.....
I never had his teeth trimmed but they never seemed to be an issue ...But what about hit top tooth? it is pushed back to the roof of his mouth will it need to get clipped regularly ?and it looks to be rotting also?
I asked for blood work but they said they couldnt hit a vein, i asked for his sugar to be checked because there has to be a reason this happened, i agree teeth dont just rot for no reason and fall out, will the few teeth he has left, will they rot?as you stated peridontal disease
After the reading ive done dr emerson sounds like a good starting place
I have so many questions ...i'm going to get a nap before my 4 yr old wakes and i will post some more pics and reply with more info
Thanks for the update, LilLulu! Yes, please contact Dr. Emerson today! Zydaclin (Clindamycin) is a good antibiotic choice! If there is any evidence of the onset of diarrhea, stop the Zydaclin immediately as this medicine, while most likely being a great choice for a likely dental infection; can cause a potentially severe colon problem called colitis. If diarrhea should occur, this may be a sign of colitis and the medication should be stopped and the Vet contacted immediately. Hopefully, you can get Dr. Emerson involved in Bunch's case and she may have another preference in antibiotics. I would trust her completely! We will be awaiting your posting of the x-ray films. Hope you have a great nap a awaken refreshed!
02-06-2023, 07:37 PM
Also I feel like I should go ahead and do a second round of antibiotics, I feel like he seems a bit off he didn’t have any side effects from it. I wasn’t able to get to reach out to Dr Emerson earlier but I believe an email was posted I am going to get it sent tonight so it’s there for the am
02-06-2023, 07:38 PM
Sorry I’m doing it this way but the photos on are my phone and so I don’t have to re do it
02-06-2023, 07:40 PM
Bunch xray 3
02-06-2023, 07:41 PM
Bunch xray 4 final shot
02-06-2023, 08:26 PM
Dr. Emerson’s email is Don’t just rely on the email, please call them and have them check their emails so Dr. E can get it. She usually will do a consult and evaluate X-ray films.
02-07-2023, 08:09 AM
Hello again LilLulu:
I would recommend that you call Revenwood clinic this morning for the purpose of coordinating the sending of Bunch's x-ray films and whatever medical records you have along with current and recent medications to Dr. Emerson ASAP and for arranging at least a phone conversation with Dr. Emerson also ASAP (hopefully today)! Is Bunch still taking the Clindamycin? I would recommend that unless Dr. Emerson advises otherwise!
02-07-2023, 03:36 PM
No Bunch is no longer on meds his appointment was a few weeks ago now. After his antibiotic cycle, maybe 3 days after he finished HE FINALLY FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A LONG TIME played tickle squirrel! Each morning he has gotten up and played tickle squirrel on his bed like he use to up until a few days ago, when I noticed he is off again, nothing major it’s that because I know him so well I can see he’s off , most people would think he is fine, I know you understand what I’m talking about. This is what prompted me to want to run another cycle of antibiotics, he didn’t have any side effects, but thank you for adding about the colitis! I wasn’t told that!
I will keep everyone updated
But in the time in between would giving him some supplemental help be beneficial? He gets the bena-bac gel when he feels he would like to have some Lol, but I had purchased some calcium from Henry’s maybe adding this to the boo balls? Any baby food suggestions?
Thanks again guys!
02-09-2023, 11:00 PM
No Bunch is no longer on meds his appointment was a few weeks ago now. After his antibiotic cycle, maybe 3 days after he finished HE FINALLY FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A LONG TIME played tickle squirrel! Each morning he has gotten up and played tickle squirrel on his bed like he use to up until a few days ago, when I noticed he is off again, nothing major it’s that because I know him so well I can see he’s off , most people would think he is fine, I know you understand what I’m talking about. This is what prompted me to want to run another cycle of antibiotics, he didn’t have any side effects, but thank you for adding about the colitis! I wasn’t told that!
I will keep everyone updated
But in the time in between would giving him some supplemental help be beneficial? He gets the bena-bac gel when he feels he would like to have some Lol, but I had purchased some calcium from Henry’s maybe adding this to the boo balls? Any baby food suggestions?
Thanks again guys!
Thanks for the update! I'm glad Bunch is doing better! Give Bunch a tickle for me! I'm at work now but I will post some suggestions about baby food and calcium when I get a little more time tomorrow. Others may have some comments and suggestions as well. My post will "bump" your thread back into the "limelight!"
02-10-2023, 07:18 AM
If you make boo balls you can add some calcium, or add some powdered Fox Valley formula, which is what I do.
Sometimes antibiotics need to be stacked with other antibiotics to broaden the range of impact. If there is a chance of odontomas the antibiotics alone will not resolve the issue. Please do as suggested and reach out to Dr. E for a consult.
02-11-2023, 08:51 PM
If you make boo balls you can add some calcium, or add some powdered Fox Valley formula, which is what I do.
Sometimes antibiotics need to be stacked with other antibiotics to broaden the range of impact. If there is a chance of odontomas the antibiotics alone will not resolve the issue. Please do as suggested and reach out to Dr. E for a consult.
I have reached out to RavenWood with Dr.Emerson. I made sure to write an e-mail providing all his information including diet , living situation, age i got him & current, also the photos of his mouth & X-rays , both his vet appointments what had taken place & meds provided, the more info the better, I sent a text & called to make sure it was received. So now I wait to get the consult scheduled.
I have been giving Bunch boo balls but he SOMETIMES likes coconut oil so i have had to supplement with peanut butter, also he doesn't care for almond oil, ONLY peanut butter, when I say picky I mean PICKY lol
I haven't added Fox Valley but i think I will try it and see if he likes it, was going to get Esbalic first & if he likes it order the Fox valley.
I did start him back on another course of antibiotics because he is again starting to act sluggish so as I figured his issue hasn't been fully addressed.
I really think something needs to happen to his incisors, his top has been the one he fusses with from the start of this I think it's more than just irritating him because its pushed against the roof of his mouth ( what the vet said) he did trim it not this visit the visit prior which was 8-3 it has not punctured the skin ever so he trimmed it to get it a but back as it was right there.
Which all this makes me wonder what is going on with that top incisor it hasn't grown, but its suppose to, judging by the way it looks i think it may be dead? and should have been removed? Also his bottom has no growth , but should? it has nothing to grind on & he isn't chewing anything to help it, again looking at this tooth it is black on the gum line , I would think possibly dead also? Because he NEVER had black on his teeth before or any tooth issue that i saw or knew of, a good tooth doesn't come out of the gums black...??
I am no expert but from watching him, he didn't seem bothered or currently act bothered by anything in his mouth EXCEPT this top incisor
he always grabs his nose area , or this top incisor as if trying to pull something from it, I'm not sure why the vet didn't want to remove it, maybe he thought it still had some life and might correct itself? but again the color of the tooth isn't healthy?? it's BLACK ??
How do they remove a tooth that never stops growing? I'll have to research this
He is slowly putting some weight back on, but he wants to eat more Avacado more than anything and I don't want to withhold ANY food from him to force him to eat more of the boo balls ???
02-11-2023, 10:24 PM
I have reached out to RavenWood with Dr.Emerson. I made sure to write an e-mail providing all his information including diet , living situation, age i got him & current, also the photos of his mouth & X-rays , both his vet appointments what had taken place & meds provided, the more info the better, I sent a text & called to make sure it was received. So now I wait to get the consult scheduled.
I have been giving Bunch boo balls but he SOMETIMES likes coconut oil so i have had to supplement with peanut butter, also he doesn't care for almond oil, ONLY peanut butter, when I say picky I mean PICKY lol
I haven't added Fox Valley but i think I will try it and see if he likes it, was going to get Esbalic first & if he likes it order the Fox valley.
I did start him back on another course of antibiotics because he is again starting to act sluggish so as I figured his issue hasn't been fully addressed.
I really think something needs to happen to his incisors, his top has been the one he fusses with from the start of this I think it's more than just irritating him because its pushed against the roof of his mouth ( what the vet said) he did trim it not this visit the visit prior which was 8-3 it has not punctured the skin ever so he trimmed it to get it a but back as it was right there.
Which all this makes me wonder what is going on with that top incisor it hasn't grown, but its suppose to, judging by the way it looks i think it may be dead? and should have been removed? Also his bottom has no growth , but should? it has nothing to grind on & he isn't chewing anything to help it, again looking at this tooth it is black on the gum line , I would think possibly dead also? Because he NEVER had black on his teeth before or any tooth issue that i saw or knew of, a good tooth doesn't come out of the gums black...??
I am no expert but from watching him, he didn't seem bothered or currently act bothered by anything in his mouth EXCEPT this top incisor
he always grabs his nose area , or this top incisor as if trying to pull something from it, I'm not sure why the vet didn't want to remove it, maybe he thought it still had some life and might correct itself? but again the color of the tooth isn't healthy?? it's BLACK ??
How do they remove a tooth that never stops growing? I'll have to research this
He is slowly putting some weight back on, but he wants to eat more Avacado more than anything and I don't want to withhold ANY food from him to force him to eat more of the boo balls ???
Hi LilLulu:
I'm very happy you were able to make contact with Dr. Emerson! It sounds like you were extremely thorough with forwarding Bunch's information to Dr. E! That will definitely help her to help Bunch!
Are you making your own "Boo Balls" from scratch or are you using a quality Rodent Block such as Envigo (formerly Harlan/Teklad) or Mazuri as a base? Oftentimes, if there is a flavoring issue along with a dental issue, you can add some pureed apple or similar or Gerber Sitter consistency fruit (and/or avocado and/or Esbilad or Fox Valley) to ground up Block to make essentially a dough and adjust the consistency of the dough to be soft enough for Bunch to be willing to eat it. Also, adjust the other additives used for creating the dough (baby food, pure, formula) to provide a taste picky Bunch will accept! If you are using quality blocks as a base, the calcium and other nutrients are already there for you (or for Bunch to be more accurate!) but if you are making block or "Boo Balls" from scratch, you will need to ensure adequate vitamin and mineral supplementation and also ensure that you have an acceptable calcium/phosphorus ratio.
02-15-2023, 10:07 PM
I finally got a response from Dr. Emerson's office
She reviewed his X-Rays
She stated that there is DEFINITELY EVIDENCE OF Ondontoma on BOTH upper incisors , recommending removal of those teeth.
She also recommends treating the bottom incisors, and that if the Doctors up here are not comfortable with this surgery , I will have to bring Bunch to them, and to reach out to the front desk if it is something I would like to do
I asked what was meant by "treating" the bottom incisor because its pretty bad, I also asked for recommending any "other" or "diff" meds till surgery
my feeling on vets up here again I am thankful for them, but if they didn't see evidence of any Ondontoma , and also was comfortable with how his mouth is currently to send him on his way home, makes me wonder the ability performing this surgery ???
So another question is regarding follow up, initially my thoughts of staying till the follow up since I am in New Hampshire , and Florida is a haul, but the issue , Bunch HAS NEVER been confined, and to keep him confined to a cage for a week , would not be in his best interest , let alone hoping him to heal properly .
So my thought was to see if the vet up here can do a follow up on conference ?? and if need be travel back down, like say a drain had to be put in my local vet could do this, again maybe lol, but if another surgery was needed then obviously we are taking a ride....
I am curious everyone's thought here please
I am so worried now i'm up against a clock, I cannot lose him!
02-15-2023, 10:26 PM
The situation you are in is one that many other folks have been in by traveling to Florida to have Dr. Emerson do this surgery…..she is one of the best. I would be very hesitant to have a vet perform this surgery if they had never done it before or had only done it a few times.
I’m not sure what Dr. E meant by addressing the bottom teeth. I know she doesn’t treat odontomas unless they are creating a problem. If surgery for multiple teeth is necessary she usually gives a couple days in between procedures.
As for the recovery and your squirrel being caged. Following the surgery your little guy is probably not going to feel much like being super active. Being confined will keep him from injuring himself and give him a chance to recover. He will be on antibiotics as well as pain meds so being active isn’t ideal.
There is a LaQuinta in on the exit for Dr. Emerson’s office. They accept animals and I believe there’s no additional charge for having them. Other folks that have traveled with their squirrels have stayed there with no problem.
Dr. Emerson’s office is off I95 and a very easy drive from the highway.
02-19-2023, 11:38 AM
So the 24 Bunch is going to see Dr Emerson
Wish us Luck! Myself, Bunch & my 4 year old- this should be fun !!
02-19-2023, 02:01 PM
So the 24 Bunch is going to see Dr Emerson
Wish us Luck! Myself, Bunch & my 4 year old- this should be fun !!
I'm glad that Bunch will be seen by Dr. Emerson! Have a great trip! How far is it and how are you getting there? Did you get window seats on one of SquirrelAire's treetop level flights?
Please keep us updated on how Bunch is doing and on your adventure to see Dr. Emerson!
02-20-2023, 05:33 PM
i will most definitly keep all posted with our adventure!
We are driving , still debating to rent or use my truck, it's a 19 hour drive with no stops no traffic, but with a 4 year old i am sure many a stop will be made! lol
I am lucky enough to know people in just about every state on the coast on the way down , which I am going to stop on the way back and visit a couple as i pass back through, but i figure i"m going to drive as far as i can the first night and probably grab a room somewhere to get some sleep, I can disguise Bunch's carrier like luggage if need be.
I'm leaving 2 days before the appointment so I can be rested and my brain working when I bring Bunch to the vet.
It was kinda a no brainer choosing who would work on him, I want only the best for my Bunchers.
I think it is a good experience for my daughter who is learning to care for animals properly - she has said since she was a wee lil squirt she wants to be a Dr , she wants to be a Vet, it runs in her blood lol
We will stay with a friend one night down there, but Disney is about an hour away & it be a shame to have a 4 yr old that close to Disney Land and not do something with her there, so probably get a room 1 night right by Disney, then start the journey back up.
But I would love to hear from anyone that has made the trip ?? of anything they recommend ? Places on the way down? like food , better truck stops ...any attraction, diner, hole in the wall shop, etc anything neat or worth seeing down in the area
But most of all I can't wait to see my Bunch feeling good again! He will probably not speak to me for 6 months for this ordeal LOL but it will be worth it because he will still be here & be back to his ole self!
I am very curious what she meant by addressing his bottom incisor? I thought it was either pull the bad ,or tooth not affected in not so many words.
Thank you to this board & much thanks to SammySquirrel!!!
02-20-2023, 08:02 PM
As I said LaQuinta Inns allow pets. Many TSB members have stayed at them with squirrels in tow. The concern would be the states that don’t allow possession of a squirrel. Georgia is one of them, so be careful traveling through that state.
I believe you must make a reservation to go to Disney World, so plan accordingly when you have an idea of which day you want to go. They only allow a limited number of people into the park now.
02-25-2023, 02:23 PM
We got stuck In Pennsylvania, so we had to reschedule to Monday., I’ll let you guys know how surgery goes
Yes I had read that about Disney, thank you for the information!
03-16-2023, 02:03 PM
Please help bunch get his 2 no surgery
He has 1 very large Ondontoma removed along with ALL of his teeth, stint was put in and second surgery to remove the other ondontoma
It’s been a rough ride coming to Florida not knowing it was bike week!
Please help bunch on his journey
03-16-2023, 02:24 PM
I’m glad to hear he’s doing well. :Love_Icon
03-16-2023, 03:05 PM
Is anyone in the Orlando area with Henry’s blocks? Wild or picky?
I wasn’t planing on being here this long & im running out
Thanks Liz
03-16-2023, 09:11 PM
Are you in Orlando or port Orange? I would gladly give you some, but I’m an hour away on the east coast. I’m heading out of town tomorrow, but going by Port Orange as I exit the state. I don’t know of anyone in Orlando, sorry.
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