View Full Version : Foot injury

02-17-2023, 10:43 PM
Hi everybody,

Moby is injured :( This morning he woke up as normal, 6 am, ate his block, (sugar free) green Beas, avocados, blueberries and a hazelnut (Yea, he is a bigger breakfast dude).. Anyway, he did his thing (running around and playing, we had our play time most morning, then he went to nap around noon and I was working away at my desk, he came out around 1 pm and ran around but I noticed he was not putting his full weight on his right foot, kind of limping! Then he went in to nap again around 2:30 which is normal for him when he is not going nuts! He got up about 2 hours later but not for long and this time he won't put any weight on that leg, he tries at least to avoid using it.. Now its 8 pm he usually eats a block with a couple green Beas, but only ate half a block, some water and back to the box he went..

My Vet is about 5 hours away.. do I need to start planning the trip?


02-18-2023, 08:13 AM
If he let's you handle him, examine the foot and leg and try to determine if there is anything obviously wrong. Also check closely for any sort of strings or fibers... even long human hair... that may be wrapped around the leg. Check his toes and in between the toes for any foreign objects.

If he is still favoring the leg / foot after the weekend I would be considering a vet trip, yes.

02-18-2023, 11:04 AM
I checked and checked but can't seem to find anything, he got up this morning for a few minutes sat beside the window, ate his block, veggies and a blueberry, drank some water and back to bed! :tap

02-18-2023, 04:51 PM
quick update:

He woke up around 11 am, ran around, played as usual, ate and back to nap at 2 pm. Putting weight on the foot, just not full weight

02-18-2023, 05:44 PM
Yeah, he probably strained it somehow. Eating and going to bed is just what he needs to do!