View Full Version : Squirrel with malocclusion

05-08-2023, 02:42 PM
Hi everyone,

I have been out of the rehab scene for a while. I used to rehab neonates and then moved out of the country. I’m back now. I saw a squirrel with malocclusion the other day by a McDonald’s eating bread. Saw him again yesterday. I know it is a bad situation and that they can die of starvation. Even if fixed it can reoccur. Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions. I live in the suburbs of Chicago so if anyone knows of any rehabbers in the area that can help in any way I would appreciate it. Thought it wouldn’t hurt to ask. Also, I know of someone mentioning on here that a squirrel lived for a while with malocclusion. If anyone has access to that I would like to read it. Thank you!!!

Charley Chuckles
05-08-2023, 03:29 PM
Hi I grew up in Park Forest south suburbs 👍 but that was a lifetime ago, been in Florida most of my life.
That poor guy it's growing right back under his eye and they grow fast. Without help he'll die a horrible death 😭
Is it possible to trap him, bait with bread. You'd have to have a vet trim them but I'm afraid they just grow back the same way🤔 or remove the tooth/ teeth in any case he most likely would become a NR. If no one can keep him as bad as this sounds to have him put down would be the humane thing to do😞

05-08-2023, 03:40 PM
@Charley Chuckles Hi. I was thinking of trapping him but would have to see if it was ok with the people that live there. He was at McDonald’s but seems like he stays behind the fence since that’s where he ran to both times. I’m pretty sure I can deal with the teeth since I’m in the veterinary field but like you said I need someone to take him. I also may be moving soon for a new job. Can I find rehabbers on here that would take him?

Charley Chuckles
05-08-2023, 06:25 PM
Actually many of us have adopted NR squirrels including me. We've had many squirrel trains to transport. That said this guy/gal is a wild so it's hard to say. I've know of some who have adopted wilds with issues and they become great pals ( I think they know they were rescued)
Hoping others here can give some feedback👍
Thank you for working with this one🤗
Oh BTW I'd love a REAL Chicago pizza 🍕 THERE IS NO BETTER PIZZA ON EARTH :bow

05-08-2023, 06:56 PM
I’m pretty sure most rescues would euthanize him since the malocclusion can reoccur. That’s why I thought of this place. Hopefully someone can reach out. If anyone can share some info on squirrels surviving with malocclusion I would appreciate it. I know it was mentioned here before. I read someone saying something about the teeth can actually break on their own. Probably not ideal since they need their incisors but it would at least give him some more time. I tried to look online but I couldn’t find anything. Not surprised that research hasn’t been done on this.

@CharleyChucles I would take living in warm weather all year round and palm trees than Chicago pizza any day 😅

Charley Chuckles
05-08-2023, 09:30 PM
This squirrel needs intervention, I hope you can find help🙏 I hope someone knows of rehabbers in your area.
I would do about anything for a pizza from Aurelio's in Homewood :beerchug

06-24-2023, 03:15 AM
Hello my name is Little Z and I had my Baby Girl Charlotte for 9 years with malocclusion. The vet noticed her teeth starting to grow to the roof of the mouth. She clipped them a couple of times but after that my boyfriend and I would trim her upper tooth every 3-4 weeks. She was never happy about the procedure but when we were done first thing she'd do is start eating with happiness. It is a difficult thing to have to do especially so frequently but we managed. I would do it all over again in an instant. What I used were toe nail nippers, I bought new ones about once a month to make sure I always got a clean cut. I wish you and your baby the best

06-24-2023, 06:15 AM
I think the first thing to do is see if you can get permission to trap him and take care of his teeth. There is a vet near the Indiana/Illinois line that treats squirrels if needed. Also some rehabbers will keep NR animals and sometimes vet offices can be a resource for rehabbers that might be able to help.

First things first….get him trapped.