View Full Version : Other
- West Nile Virus
- heartworm?
- Poop!
- nevous twitch or defect
- Cause for 'no fur' on tail?
- need help
- Help catching squirrel
- My Tail
- parvo
- pneumonia/Aspiration
- Redness on cheeks
- Dark Red Urine
- Black and white squirrel
- Distilled Water
- Remedy for sticking plungers....any insight appreciated!
- Tetanus in squirrels
- wot could it be???
- Can anyone help please..????
- what causes a Water Infection in squirrels????
- High Blood Sugar and Diabetes
- Squirrels eating with the head upwards
- gross; disease? water dish contamination?
- Swollen toe!!! Help!
- Encephalomyocarditis
- Pointy's Furless Tail
- Teeth
- Can a squirrel's ear grow back?
- Bacterial Skin Infection
- swelling above both eyes
- wolves
- Hyperthermia (Heat Stroke)
- Disabled or Diseased Arctic Ground Squirrel?
- Bird question
- Skin Problem.. not sure what it is
- Wife Scared about Staff Infections--HELP!
- Is there a way to deter Cats from my yard?
- weird fur...????
- Lulu-Bean's Teeth
- ***Question for Rehabber re: LYME DISEASE?***
- Mighty Oscar
- Wobblies
- Brenna has been dragging her bottom today. UTI?
- Teeth question
- heat stroke
- Strange, scary behavior...worried it's seizures
- untimely death
- Normal Shedding?
- please can someone help??
- I think Squirrelett is sick, please help me.
- Squirrelett Update, We Found A Wound
- Long term care of brain injured squirrel
- My squirrel seems sick
- Pepper's Teeth
- When to disinfect a cage . . .?
- For Squirrels difficult to dose w antibiotics
- Source for collars
- swollen upper arms and stiffness
- Seizures and Traditional Chinese medicine?
- Allergies
- Please help
- Contagious Illnesses
- Maggots! please read
- Zymbal's gland tumor
- Issue with eyes
- Question??????
- anti-parasite supplements/plants?
- Wounded Ear
- Crippled Squirrel/Urine scald legs
- Teeth color questions...
- Squirrels antomy liver location
- Rehab advice needed for paralysis
- constipation
- New & With a Couple Questions in Fla.
- odontoma info
- Squirrel's Temperature
- Ailment on wild squirrel I feed
- Emergency Drugs I Should Have on Hand for Baby Squirrels
- Have ya'll heard of CLOSTRIDIUM ENTERITIS?
- HIBICLENS for skin wounds
- cloudy eye/blind eye
- bach's remedy
- Wild Squirrel Question
- sudden death of 4month old squirrel--??
- Something wrong with my favourite wild squirrel
- Rabies virus / Please read!!!
- Looking for a flying squirrel:)
- do squirrels carry lyme disease?
- Pneumonia & the phantom click
- What are these strange sores on my wild squirrels?
- Rabies
- Diagnosis on this viral Internet feed??
- Age guess
- Respiratory Infections
- Neo-Squammy Syndrome (NSS)
- Warning about nicotine toxicity
- spinal injury info
- Eye Problem
- Trimming Teeth?
- How big are normal balls??
- Ball Size
- Paralyzed Squirrels
- Neuro Squirrels
- Blind Squirrels
- Deformed or broken hand?
- Partially blind squirrel
- Possibly dehydrated squirrel
- Scratching Baby
- 9 week old flying squirrel calcium deficiency?
- Do squirrels grieve
- Please help mishaped head and swollen/red eyes
- Hair still thinning after Revolution and using dip bath from bath from the vet.
- Baby squirrel wanted
- Milk Thistle - How do I dose?
- UTI treatment?
- Laser Treatment in Spinal Trauma
- One Eye Blind?
- Best treatment for possible aspiration pneumonia?
- worms???
- Swollen Testicle
- post mortem inquiry
- Respiratory issue adult squirrel.
- Long term efficacy of expired antibiotic medication
- Sore eye
- Rabies in a wild squirrel?
- Pneumonia .. this could help
- Inability to Regulate Temperature?
- Whitish/clearish/watery/puffy poo
- Squirrel Stool Issues-diarrhea, parasites, new foods, rehydration
- Now deceased - Found this post - injury or disease?
- Eye problem in Wild Squirrels-genetic, injury or disease in Kansas?
- Bayliascaris and wildlife rehabbers
- HRT4SQRLS' clarification of Anti-FUNGAL vs anti-PROTOZOAL MEDS (Proper Use of Metro)
- Regarding the use of Ibuprofren
- Urinary tract infections?
- Unknown Parasites
- Can squirrels get parasites from eating ants and other insects?
- Flying squirrel juvenile rabies
- Aflatoxins info and test strips
- Loss of hair on last half of tail
- Diabetes (Types I & II) (Congenital & Dietary) Research & Treatment Strategies
- Wildlife Diseases and US Maps by State - PDF.
- Kidney Disease Info, Data, and potential treatments
- Aronia berry: It isn't called the Superberry for nothing!
- UTIs: Causes -Treatments - & Preventatives
- Last year notice of outbreak of Seoul Virus - aka: Old World Hanta Virus
- Yellow spots on baby squirrel
- Yellow Jackets, what NOT to do!
- Free of Caged
- Tutorial aide: terms symbols, units, percentages, & calculating medicine in rehabbing
- I found a website for medication
- Balding yard squirrel
- Help! Young squirrel with poop problems:(
- Deadly Silence of Electric Cars?
- Arch back & Baby fine hair
- Optional treatments for Anxiety and/or OCD in tree squirrels
- Non Functional Ears?
- hurts to pee
- Tularemia in Eastern and Western Gray Squirrels in WA State
- Zoonotic diseases in squirrels
- Homeopathy: what it does and how to use it.
- Bacterial Classification, Structure and Function
- Is Motrin safe for squirrels?
- General conditions found in rats/rodents, and treatments
- Liver disease: Not from what is in the food, but what may be on the food?
- 1.5 % of Americans carry MRSA antibiotic resistant Super bug
- Advice - Grey squirrel inflamed itching bald spots underbelly - please help
- Snake !!!
- can anyone help diagnosis this little guy?
- Squirrel With No Fur On Tail
- Unknown lumps
- Cancers in rodents
- Anesthesia in tree squirrels and woodrats
- Vet info
- Viruses found in Tree Squirrels
- The many possible causes of Seizures
- What went wrong
- Cipro and other Fluoroquinolones may cause aneurysm
- poassible bloat
- Cataracts or Lenticular Sclerosis or (nuclear) Sclerosis
- 3 - 7-8 week old boys penis all elongated
- Raccoon Roundworm in Rodents
- Are you poisoning your animals?
- Squirrel susceptibility to COVID-19?
- Nugget- inflamed penis
- Grey squirrel with unusual balls of white hair
- Losing tail fur
- Bloody stool
- 5ish week old with neurological issues
- 12 common stool problems in squirrels
- Vomiting after Fox Valley 20/50
- New User: Outdoor Squirrel w/broken tail
- Suckling siblings
- Hearing compromised because of loud vacuum noise
- Bloody tail, lost fur, getting worse
- Specific constipation remedies w/ instructions by age/weight, please
- Bone changes after castration in (middle-aged) rats A model for osteoporosis
- Coccidia
- Hair loss and chewed tail with exposed bone
- UTI infection treatment help
- Sneezing
- Rare but potentially fatal causes of mortality in rodents
- Eye of squirrel in DC?
- Genitalia concerns
- Eye removal surgery
- Dosage help please
- Strange pinkish, redish fur on belly of female squirrel.
- Does this squirrel need help?
- Itchy squirrel
- Vomiting vs. Regurgitation etc... A must read!
- Chronic Ear Infections in Neuro Squirrel
- Paw Swelling and Peeling in Young Squirrel: Seeking Advice
- Losing Fur over a period of a year and a half
- Rash/infection of foot?
- heavy metal contamination in Eastern Gray squirrel populations
- Discontinuing Antibiotic If A Squirrel Is Not Urinating Immediately.
- HELP NEEDED: Inflamed Lymph Nodes and Flakey Skin
- Bottom Teeth dull and receding & top teeth not growing.
- Sneezing/ white tears
- Info on potential causes of white tears in rodents
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