View Full Version : My Tail

10-09-2007, 11:02 AM
What could be causing this? Doesn't act like it bothers him. Doesn't bother it at all, scratching or picking at it or nothing.

10-09-2007, 11:15 AM
i HAVE NO , CLUE.. it looks like a little poodle cut..like you brought her to get trimmed..its adorable...is she your pet?
VERY sweet looking face....:Welcome ..whats YOUR name...Mine is Rachel..I have a pet squirrel..rather I should say....lol..he's ALLOWED me to keep him as a pet..
Hes a blast!!
How long have you had her..
WHen did you get her?
Sorry for all the questions..
Just want a little more info..on the fuzzer..
My squirrels name is BEAN..he's thread is the world of Bean mr spioled..
:grouphug :Welcome :) :jump :multi

10-09-2007, 02:30 PM
:Welcome What a cutie pie!! A few questions to help our rehabbers answer you better:

From the context of the pictures, are we correct that you've had him since he was a baby? And this is an "inside squirrel"?

Is the loss of fur recent/sudden? Does it seem to be spreading up or down?

Any sort of injury to his tail recently? (we had one squirrel who got caught and sort of skinned her tail on one side ....). Is he an "only squirrel" or have any siblings that could have gone after his tail? other pets? Or was his tail perhaps already injured when you found him and the fur loss might be related to that?

Your answers will help us help you. :)

:grouphug :grouphug

10-10-2007, 07:53 PM
Could it be from "Over Grooming" the tail? - this happened to one of the three Sugar Gliders I have.

10-11-2007, 05:28 AM
:Welcome resqnurs2000
Cute friend you have there...:D
I had a Red squirrel, Riley who's tail looked like that. Are there any bumps or redness? Scrawny tail issues, usually something to do with nutrition. What type of foods are you feeding him? Here's a link to Riley's thread:
post #32 shows his tail

Any info you can give about any changes to his "domain" too, any new fleece, bedding, etc. or is he even an inside squirrel?