View Full Version : West Nile Virus
01-21-2007, 12:59 AM
I thought it might be a good idea to post this link here.
Perhaps sometimes when we've seen one of our wilds acting strangely, the squirrel may be infected with West Nile's something to be on the look out for...
I'm wondering too, if any of the "wobbly" squirrels found in city parks are exposed to mosquitos that may be breeding in a stagnant pond within the park, since sometimes larger parks have small bodies of water on the grounds...
island rehabber
01-21-2007, 06:46 AM
Very good info, Squirrelly, thank you for posting that. I believe I have some treatment methods for West Nile in squirrels -- I'll see if I can add them to your post later. :thankyou
01-21-2007, 09:21 AM
I just wanted to add that as it says in the article that if they show these neurological symptoms it doesn't neccessarily mean that they have it. I have 3 with these symptoms and have been bitten repeatedly by each of them and have never gotten sick. If this was a sure sign of West nile virus I'd been in the hospital a few times over.
Mrs. Jack
01-21-2007, 09:50 AM
Are mosquitos seasonal, or not? Because of the floods/snow/melt/rain we've got saturated ground and while I keep all the birdbaths and water bowls clean and filled, I'm sure there is standing water elsewhere. But it's been very cold mostly too, do they breed in that kind of weather or is it more when it's warmer?
01-21-2007, 12:58 PM
Are mosquitos seasonal, or not? it's been very cold mostly too, do they breed in that kind of weather or is it more when it's warmer?
I never see mosquitoes during the winter, but I know this summer we had a terrible case of west nile. It drastically reduced the bird and squirrel pop in southern ID. A squirrel w/ west nile was paralyzed from the waist down, and shook violently until it died. My rehabber Toni got about 11 sick squirrels everyday during July and August. I think every squirrel with west nile died. I am eager to hear your treatment for wn, island rehabber. It might save a lot of squirrels next year if the disease comes around again. :shakehead
I believe you can only contract West Nile from a mosquito bite. You cannot get it from being bitten by a squirrel. It is not passed through the saliva.
This is a link for the Center for Disease Control regarding West Nile.
01-23-2007, 08:25 PM
OMG look at ID's numbers under the 'map of west nile viris activity' I had no idea that we were so much worse than the rest of america! imagine that number times ten. That's probably about how many poor little squirrels got west nile. :(
01-25-2007, 09:49 AM
Yeah, that's weird about Idaho being so much higher than the rest of the U.S. in reported (confirmed?) cases of West Nile Virus. I'm wondering if for some reason they might just keep better track of it?....Or (possibly) an error? I think if I were a rehabber in Idaho, I'd try to find out whether that number is accurate. And if it is, I'd check into whether they have a theory as to the reason...
island rehabber
02-02-2007, 08:21 AM
Sorry I'm late posting this, but two respected sources have told me that, if diagnosed early enough, West Nile can be treated with meloxicam (Metacam) , an anti-inflammatory that reduces the encephalitis (swelling) that WNV causes. It's also important to treat the secondary infections that may occur with this disease, such as pneumonia or UTI. Unfortunately, neurological impairment may be permanent even if the animal survives WNV. WNV is a zoonotic disease so sick animals should be isolated from healthy ones. Please PM me if you need specific doses, etc.
08-20-2007, 02:34 PM
Hi, I am Anna from southern Idaho. We found a squirrel over the weekend. She was paralyzed in her hind legs. And her left eye had white stuff in it. She was eating and drinking and I was prepared to give her a forever home. She died this morning :Cry I am wondering if she may have died from WN. My vet is not licenced to treat wildlife. And forget about Fish and Game returning any of our phone calls.
Thanks in advance......
08-20-2007, 05:41 PM
:thankyou for the welcome. There is no way I couldn't try to help. Several years back I raised tw0 baby squirrels that fell out of our tree. A rehabber showed me what to do. We released them in our front yard. We have 4 feeding stations in our yard and a nest box. This spring the nest box was used for the first time. It was so nice watching the babies come out and get to know the outdoors.:wott :jump
Sorry to post so late. Here is my observation of West Nile in squirrel..
The squirrel may have stiff joints and unable to bend their limbs. Then eventually they may have problems standing/getting up and would move in circles on the floor. WNV in squirrels can be treated with Arsenicum Album 30C potency and Aconite 30C potency homeopathy.
Recently I found for sale a WNV nosode. This shd be given in conjunction with the above when a squirrel is suspected of WNV. I will post the regime in another posting. I just bought a nosode for WNV and intend to add to the drinking water. The only thing is homeopathy in general is affected by direct light so I have to relocate the drinking stations
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