View Full Version : Optional treatments for Anxiety and/or OCD in tree squirrels

Diggie's Friend
12-03-2017, 02:38 PM
One of a number of companies in California, that offer a source of 'CBD' now legally available to the public for personal use, is produced by, "Green Gorilla". Their product sheet notes that they combine pure CBD extracted from organic Non GMO Hemp, with Extra Virgin and Olive oil, for subliqual use delivery. Olive oil supports the uptake of the CBD compounds, just as it has been found in lab research to support the uptake of other compounds in rats. The info card I got also notes that their CBD oil has absolutely no psychoative properties, or HTC, and is good not just for humans, but also, "great for dogs, cats, and other animals of all shapes and sizes". How I came to learn of this source as at a local horseshow where they presented. There. I got to ask about the use of this product, and learned that it has been useful to use in pain management, reduce pain from old injuries, and from arthritis in both humans and animals, that can increase mobilty, and also reduce stress.

You can contact the company at www.ilovegreengorilla.com

Diggie's Friend
12-03-2017, 03:09 PM
Pure CBC oil has been shown in laboratory research to reduce anxiety in rats better than a placebo.
In this study CBD was found to be effective in stopping a chemically induced OCD behavior in rats:


In a federal funded research study, which can be read about more here, a team of researchers wanted to study treating OCD with CBD. They did this by injecting rats with Meta-chloro-phenyl-piperazine (mCPP). This is a compound found in the drug, ecstasy. This compound induces panic attacks and OCD-like effects in mammals. After the rats were initially injected, they were put in a sand-filled cage with a few dozen marbles. Almost immediately the rats began burying the marbles. This is an OCD-like effect caused by the mCPP compound.

After observing this effect, the rats were then given liquid CBD. Almost immediately, their behavior changed. Almost all rats stopped this marble-burying side effect and began to resume normal function. All psychotic induced behavior was ended and normal brain function was observed.

This might take the edge off of the compulsion to bury nuts in the fall for squirrels that can't have more than one nut a day.

Another article on how CBD works in the brain to reduce anxiety; also comparing it to the use of SSRI's.


Here is another source that uses a lower level of 3 % that is also available.


12-05-2017, 03:00 PM
I reached out to Green Gorilla, and they responded with an email that stated they do not know how to treat squirrels...but suggested maybe trying their 150ml product.

CannaPet has consistently responded to me with questions and suggestions. I'm afraid I'm [I]that[I] squirrel mom...and I've bombarded them with daily emails. Everyone has been super patient. One customer service person replied to me to say she was delayed in getting back with me, as she had to find someone who actually was familiar with super-small animals. I liked a lot the fact that she didn't respond with some pat response, but took the time to get real answers.

Today is the 7th day of CBD treatment for Muggsy. I've kept it at two of the recommended doses per day, and have had great success. There is a slight "calming" effect, but I suppose that is kind of the goal.
CannaPet uses a cannabinoid- and terpene-containing blend, in an organic, non-GMO form. So...it isn't pure CBD, but rather a slew of CBDs and terpenes. This allegedly produces the "Entourage Effect." The link below also has links to scientific studies, celebrity-doctor explanations (i.e. Sanjay Gupta), and the science behind phytochemistry.


*Side note: I didn't give Muggsy his morning dose of CannaPet today. When I brought him his lunch, it appeared that he had maybe started to mess with the tip of his tail. As I pulled some matted hair away from it, he felt it! I'm hoping this means he leaves it alone.
However, I did go ahead and sprinkle some CannaPet onto some dehydrated organic coconut flakes (I keep 'em in the freezer)...which he devoured.

I cannot attribute this as a cause and effect...or rather, I don't know if missing one dose of the meds affected him in any way. I'll try again in a week or so to confirm.

DiggiesFriend: I hope it's okay I contributed to your thread. I'm very excited for studies concerning cannabis. If this post needs to be moved, please do.

Diggie's Friend
12-06-2017, 04:34 AM
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/16916075_Cannabinoids_inhibit_calcium_uptake_by_br ain_synaptosomes
Much to look through in this highly technical early study done on the chief properties of the hemp plant, in regards to both CBD (non-hallucinogenic), and THC (the hallucinogenic) compounds in raw hemp. What initially stood out to me in this study, was that the isolated THC compound was not found to work on some causes of brain seizures, and may even have negative impact to the brain membrane in rodents when used at higher dosage levels. Typical of these laboratory rodent studies is that the test dosages used for rats and mice range from low (ineffective) doses, to those that are very high (causing possible negative side effects) not an appropriate measure for dosage for use in treating anxiety (OCD), and seisures in pets and wildlife.

For this specific reason it is important to understand that any potential source of CBD oil should first be checked to see if it contains only isolated CBD without THC, or fillers, etc, as the CBD source from "GreenGorilla" is noted to provide, before considering using it to support a squirrel’s health.

The following excerpt is a quote from an article a medical journal in Britain GreenGorilla notes in their product information:

As I wrote previously, first add magnesium and inositol, and then if you see the need, to add the CBD. I would expect that bringing up magnesium to bowel tolerance is going to increase the effects. For this reason I would lower the amount of the CBD as you increase the magnesium. IF then if you see need to raise it then bring it back up to where you have it presently Magnesium should increase the effects; Magnesium Glycinate is best to use for animals with seisure issues would lower the dose by using the lowest strength and just one drop together wtih magnesium in the diet at bowel tolerance to be on the safer side. Again, also add the pure powder inostitol to your recipe as I wrote by PM.


I was given a info sheet from GreenGorilla; on it they quote an article from Great Britain on the medical properties of Cannabinoids.

Antiamatic :reduces nausea and vomiting (squirrels can't vomit, yet what provokes it is still experiences by rodents.

Anticonvulsive: Suppresses seizure activity

Antipsychotic: Combats pyschosis disorders

Anxiolytic/anti-Derpressant : Combats anxiety and depression

Antioxidant: Combats free radicals

Anti-inflammatory: Combats inflammatory disorders

Diggie's Friend
12-06-2017, 05:02 AM
The THC noted in the study is the portion that is hallucinagenic in the whole hemp, not the CBD extract. No concern on that account as this source is noted to contain no THC.

Green Gorilla notes:

THC, is completely removed from the hemp plant before the CBD is extracted. This not only allows users to get the full benefits of CBD, but they can get them without the hallucinatory effects that ...

island rehabber
12-06-2017, 08:24 AM
I am very impressed with this breakthrough and truly hope it helps little Muggsy!
I have no scientific or medical knowledge of the benefits of THC but I do know that hemp and hemp oils had been used for centuries prior to the hysteria that happened in 1960's America, which slammed the door on all beneficial uses. I am glad that door is slowly creaking open now. God gave us this beautiful plant to use, and then someone said it was evil...:shakehead

Diggie's Friend
12-06-2017, 03:01 PM
Just for clarification, the THC is the same compound that has halucinagenic properties which was found in this early study in Hemp leaves to possibly lend to membrane brain damage at higher doses, that are typically used in rat research studies. My concern I realized moments later after making the post were unmerited, as THC is removed in processing of CBD oil.

When it comes to the support of knowledge, it is always needful to do so comprehensively. This has beenmy personal goal here on the board towards supporting those with sqrirels to make informed good choices for the diet and healthy supplements from nature that support it, as well as to point out with the research the findings of what is not healthy for this species, and why, which involves not just lab study results, but field studies with tree squirrels specifically.

As we age the bodies production of Inositol by our body that supports the brain function and balance lowers. Both inositol and magnesium are lowered during seisures. The level of these nutrients have been found to be lower in both diabetic rats, and those that have seisures; supplementation of both these sources to health offer needed support towards leveling bloodsugar, and balancing brain chemistry in rodents. In more current research magnesium was found to be needful in a closer ratio much as Ca:P is, to support bone, and metabolic health. Envigo (formerly Harlan Teklad)_that produces both 2016, and 2014 Global Rat diets, includes Ca:Mg at (3:1).

In my own research and development of an organic whole foods surrogate diet for tree squirrel cared for in captivity, the entire daily menu, not just the supplements, measure (2:1) Ca:Mg. including when various alternating options are chosen to feed over the week. With this closer ratio fo cA:Mg we saw former aggressive behavior moreover cease fro other close members of the family, that was supported by a better feeding protocol of no nut treat feeding, and meals fed in the nest cage. Now close family members are accepted by her squirrel; that said Luvs being the Squommie is still # 1 with her girl when it comes to her being handled.

12-13-2017, 03:28 PM
Now WHO is stepping up RE: CBD. I didn't realize the federal government still considers it "scheduled" med...because it can be shipped to EVERY state in the U.S.

Interesting read, though...particularly RE: CBD vs THC.

I hope you don't mind my posting this here.


Diggie's Friend
12-13-2017, 08:12 PM
No I don't mind at all. It is good to look into at an issue like this in endeavoring to understand it better.

I don't think that the author of the article has looked into the PDF, where the Abstract states:

These results suggest that this concentration of THC damages synaptosomal membranes. Since lower concentrations of THC did not affect membrane potential or calcium efflux, they apparently inhibit calcium uptake through a direct action on calcium channels. We suggest that inhibition of synaptosomal calcium uptake may be involved in the anticonvulsant action of cannabinoids.

Again this is the same fraction of Hemp that is hallucinogenic, not CBD that doesn't have these effects. I also understand that at a lower level HCT can have a therapeutic effect, which is also noted in the Abstract of this pdf study. That calcium is lowered is significant, for calcium excites the cells, where magnesuim calms them. This lowering calcium in the brain causes the cells to relax as to brain to become calmer.

https://www.researchgate.net/publication/16916075_Cannabinoids_inhibit_calcium_uptake_by_br ain_synaptosomes

01-08-2019, 10:31 PM
I have 2 tree squirrels that are blind and have suffered from slight heat traumas. I decided to try the CBD on them. It seemed to be slowly helping,but their poo turned almost white, sort of a cream color. So I took them off of it, fearing that it was effecting their digestion someway. They live together and the poo is normal now.

Anyone else have this experience?

01-14-2019, 07:58 AM

I’ve never used CBD oil, but I know many folks on here have. I hope someone with some experience will chime in.

Diggie's Friend
01-14-2019, 01:25 PM
Do you know whether the heat trauma cause the blindness/

Are the corneas opaque and white?

12-13-2021, 05:11 AM
Honestly, I've heard so much about these CBDs, but I definitely haven't heard that in the context of squirrels. I'm honestly still not sure it works that way, at least for them.

Charley Chuckles
12-15-2021, 10:23 AM
I've been using CBD/CBN oil (which contains some THC) on my seizure squirrel for years now. She was on phenobarbital for 5 years, she would even have Grand mal seizures due to head trauma as a baby.
I started using CBD oil and decreased SLOWLY her phenobarbital, it's worked wonders 👍
She is still on phenobarbital but at a much smaller dose. The CBD oil has a calming effect and has even been given to infant children to stop epilepsy seizures.

I have had no ill side effects using it, she still on occasion has a small breakthrough seizure which calcium glutamate, or a drop of honey (on her lips NEVER put in mouth while they are seizing) brings her right out. She would get breakthrough seizures even when just on phenobarbital.
Just make sure the product is grown/ produced in the USA . I buy mine at "YOUR CBD STORE" they are all over the USA.

I take a piece of pecan or walnut, put just one drop from the dropper that comes in the bottle, let it soak in for a good while then give it to them.

I use the oil at night to sleep 💤
I use the cream for arthritis in my foot it's awesome no more cortisone injections which are so not good for you. Also for my hands, knees! I'm so happy with the products I've been using now for years 👍

Diggie's Friend
05-12-2022, 03:25 AM
Magnesium is known as the, 'calming mineral'. Magnesium Threonate is considered the best form for crossing the blood brain barrier, providing greater support to the reduction of seizure activity.

With, Magnesium Threonate" from, "Double Wood", begin by including (1/2) portion (not a teaspoon measure) a capsule daily, up to (3/4) portion capsule daily from, "Double Wood". Should loose stool occur, reduce the amount of the portion given by (1/64 Tsp.) (not portion measure).


08-23-2022, 02:35 AM
Do Green Gorilla sell CBD Gummies? Please let me know.

Charley Chuckles
08-23-2022, 08:09 AM
Do Green Gorilla sell CBD Gummies? Please let me know.

I only get mine from
They have many in Georgia, just type it in and I bet you will find a location near you. They also deliver 👍

Diggie's Friend
09-22-2023, 10:41 PM
UPDATE: on the use of CBD at higher doses in animals.

Just like with pharma drugs; natural sources may also have their down side with negative side effects. In this, CBD oil is no exception. Likewise, weighing potential positive results against potential negative ones as to whether to use CBD for rodents is a personal choice.

The following article was published Oct 2019 during the Covid-19 crisis. It relates information from research results, with both the positives and negatives effects and side effects found in animal and human research that CBD oil was found to promote.

CBD oil is noted in animals at high doses to not be risk free. In animals, CBD AEs included developmental toxicity, embryo-fetal mortality, central nervous system inhibition and neurotoxicity, hepatocellular injuries, spermatogenesis reduction, organ weight alterations, male reproductive system alterations, and hypotension, although at doses higher than recommended for human pharmacotherapies.


01-10-2024, 08:02 PM
I know this is an old thread but I was searching around for CBD as possibly helping with anxiety in squirrels. I wanted to see if anyone had used CBD recently. We have a seemingly anxious squirrel - has been his whole life, opposite of his sister. I give my dogs and cat CBD so I have a 125mg dose from a reputable company. Would 1 drop a day be reasonable?

Charley Chuckles
01-10-2024, 08:31 PM
I've been using CBD for years on my seizure squirrel, she was on phenobarbital for years I started using CBD and cutting her phenobarbital back she is mostly on CBD now very little pheno and very little breakthrough seizures I can't even remember her last one without looking at my notes I keep on her.
I use the peanut butter flavor for dogs but it's human grade (YOUR CBD STORE..they are in every state and they ship) I put 1 to 2 drops on a HHB 👍 I've never had any side effects. I would imagine it would be great for anxiety.
I would just try one drop on a day you could monitor for 24 hours. Then if all goes well use as needed, personally I wouldn't do more than one time a day.
I'm just speaking from my experience however I did discuss it with my wonderful squirrel vet and she thought it would be fine and it has been👍
I trust the brand I use and no nothing of other brands.
I hope this helps.