View Full Version : heartworm?
02-28-2007, 06:34 AM
if squirrels get west nile from mosquito bites, am i right to assume they can also get heartworm? if so, can a preventative like heartgard (ivermectin) for dog or cat be used? what about treatment if diagnosed with heartworm? (i have a cat who tests positive for exposure, so am concerned...) thanks.
02-28-2007, 07:23 AM
Great Question Applesmom!!! I would like to know that also!!!
02-28-2007, 09:04 AM
I looked around onlline for a while and can't find any sugestion that squirrels can get or carry heartworms. I put a link above, that says what the other 15 sites I looked at said. Everything I found says heartworms are canine and occasionally in cats. Makes me wonder if there is a carnivore/heartworm link. I know squirrels are omnivores, but maybe it is in the type of flesh they choose-which for the most part is insect/worm, or the occasional "pinky mouse". Possibly a blood difference between the larger mammals and the smaller ones. Maybe the high rate of flesh in the dog/cat diet causes and increase in the ammino acids/protiens in their blood, which the larval heartworms are able to feed off of when they are transmitted to allow them to thrive.
I checked w/ my husband... he said that squirrels probably would not get heartworms. Dogs are the primary host. He has seen them in cats...very few. My cat is on Heartgard. A MD that comes in our clinic has seen a few cases of humans with heartworms. They stay in the larvae stage not actually worms. He would not recommend heartgard for squirrels.
I don't think heart worms have been seen in squirrels. That's not to say they can't or don't get them. My understanding is that heart worms in cats are a dead end for the worm, ie they can not reproduce in a cat. But it is highly danderous for a cat. The worm can live for up to two years and the cat will be very compromised during this period. The cat could die. I believe the same would be true of a squirrel with heart worm. I'm told humans can also get heart worms and that they do damage to the lungs in the form of calcium deposits.
Mars...sounds like you and I were thinking and typing at the same time.
:D Great minds think a like.:thumbsup
I was fixing to type those exact words....WOW!
08-30-2012, 11:06 AM
squirrel hearts are so small in size- only as big as your thumbnail- perhaps this is part of what might make such an animal an undesirable host?
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