View Full Version : Squirrelett Update, We Found A Wound
10-31-2010, 07:16 PM
Hi Everyone, First, Great News!! Squirrelett is better today and has eaten a few times and been sipping on water. He's even been up and felt well enough to play his favorite game "pull the small strips of fabric through the bars" on and off all day, then he gets tired and goes and naps or I go and pick him up and he konks out. Second, I found a place on his other side I missed because I thought it was sticky tree sap the first time I ran my fingers over it. But upon another full body inspection today...I was wrong, and this is where I need your help ( again ).
I took this picture after I very gently washed under his right elbow and as you can see it is almost in the same place as the other elbow. I now think possibly something bit him and or he fell. The wound has healed somewhat on both sides but the left side still has some seeping fluids present. Please let me know your thoughts. He is also bruised around the sternum under both front arms but noticed the bruising is a little better today on his right side or the first body picture I sent. Should I try and clean the wound? I washed it very gently with a little bit of warm water but am hesitant to do anything else. I have pink antibiotic my rehabbed gave me to freeze in case one of the babies were to ever aspirate ( frozen in the freezer ). Thanks for your help, I hope he is on the way to recovery. Please say a little prayer for my baby woops, teenager squirrel boy I mean ( he's sensitive ). Hugs to all of you. Teresa and Squirrele121418tt
island rehabber
10-31-2010, 07:42 PM
yikes, that looks painful! Poor baby....
Do you have any Betadine or Novosan solution? FLushing it with one of those would be a great idea. You can put a topical antiseptic cream like Neosporin on it if it's in a place he's not likely to lick off. You won't need oral ABX unless it becomes infected; watch for swelling, abcessing, and draining yellow/green fluid.
10-31-2010, 07:51 PM
The pink antibiotic is probably sulfatrim - VERY safe and well tolerated if needed, and if his behavior changes = lethargy, etc., I wouldn't hesitate for a second to use it. Honestly, since it was likely a bite, I think I would use it regardless, but this is your choice. Animal mouths are filthy places filled with nasty bacteria. Poor little baby - you love up on him all he wants - when they hurt the actively seek comfort.
10-31-2010, 07:59 PM
I've been loving on this baby boy so much you can almost see his eyes roll everytime I walk over to the cage. I will wash it out with some betadine and keep him here with me warm and safe for as long as it takes. He wants to go outside I think but that's too bad I am going to make him stay until he is all better... and all kissed-up. :) I think I will hold off on the ABX unless it gets infected. I'm going by GNC tomorrow and get some of the remedies for Squirrlett and to have on hand. I have four of these crazy kids running around so better get stocked up. Thanks so much everyone. I'll keep ya posted.
10-31-2010, 08:27 PM
Oh poor sweet baby... :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
My humble thoughts: Try to ascertain if it is indeed a bite or puncture wound. If so, I'd use the ABs now. Also, if you suspect a bite, look closely for other punctures.
If it looks superficial, the neosporin should be fine.
And no matter what, do clean it with the above mentioned products.
I hope he gets better soon! What an adorable baby. I'm sure he loves all the extra kisses and snuggles. Just don't embarrass him doing it where any of his friends could see.... [haha]. :D
10-31-2010, 08:39 PM
I'm confused about the pros and cons of having antibiotics administered at this point. I was under the impression that if there is a possibility that it is a cat bite that antibiotics should be administered. Several years ago, I had a young cat in my household. She was indoor only. We noticed she had an abcess on top of her head. Took her to the vet, they drained and put her on antibiotics. It just got worse. They changed antibiotics. I don't know what was used back then, as I didn't really pay attention. The vet believed the wound was from a cat bite. Not that she was fighting with any of the other indoor cats, but you know how young cats play; how they mouth each other etc. Well, while she was on her second round of antibiotics, she died. She went downhill very quickly, before we really even knew what was happening. So, coming from that background, that is why when I have read on this board how important it is to get them on antibiotics right away if there is a possibility of a cat bite, I would be afraid to not get them on antibiotics.
I can understand how the wound could be missed. When I got Davey, the baby who had multiple cat wounds, I was so busy concentrating on the wounds that were clearly visible (and the darned maggots) that I missed a wound on his leg at first. I thought it was just hair matted with wound seepage from his other wounds, until I got around to cleaning his leg and the hair and then I saw another bite wound.
My vet administered the antibiotic, Convenia. I am not an expert on squirrel meds or anything, but I think I like this medication. The number one advantage is that one injection is good for two weeks. The squirrel doesn't have to be stressed with taking oral antibiotics and you don't have to worry if he actually took it all in.
Best wishes on this baby.
10-31-2010, 08:44 PM
I've read that there is evidence that Convenia doesn't last long in squirrels. I would think that the Sulfatrim is a much better option. Hard to tell when they can't talk and the fur is covering everything how infected they are, I would think.
The site looks inflammed and swollen. It may even be an abscess. I think it is probably infected. I would definitely give Sulfatrim before it he becomes sepsis, then it would be too late. I hate to sound pessimistic, sometimes just because they start to eat, it does not mean they are recovering. I have had such an experience only for them to pass few days later.THere are very good homeopathic remedies that will help the abscess open and for the pus to drain. I have use those homeopathic remedies with great success. If you want to know more, please PM me
Nancy in New York
10-31-2010, 09:23 PM
I agree, I too would start the antibiotics ASAP. I don't like the looks of that wound, and if you have it there, why wait...Sometimes too, you will even be able to smell the infection. Do you notice an odor?
Good luck with the little one, he sure is a sweetie...:Love_Icon
10-31-2010, 09:25 PM
Well, I examined him again just a few minutes ago and to be honest, I am just baffled over what this really is. I know he is badly bruised underneath his right elbow with a small little raised area that looks like an ant bite. On his left side what I thought was tree sap was dried ozzy stuff then revealedthe wound. If you look really close at the wound, it looks like it healed somewhat but there is stilla fair amount of thin skinned pus like stuff just underneath the surface. There is some redness so I am starting him on the ABX to be on the safe side. Yesterday morning he was so stiff when I picked him up, so much so that I thought once or twice he had expired and nearly fainted each time, no joke. Squirrelett was the biggest of the four but was the momma's boy of the bunch. You know how they are...Feisty at times and then the second you pick them up their ears lay down and they assume that adorable squirrel-baby stance. Tonight Squirrelett is being protective over his little bowl of sweet potatoes and jumped at me twice when I reached in to get him but the minute I get him cuddled up in his fleecie he retreats to his side and wants me to hold him, almost smiles.
He's been doing this really strange thing with his mouth, a rapid quivering bottom jaw , very strange tonight but at least he is drinking and eating and seems to be content but can't tell how bad his pain really is. We have a neighborhood female cat named "Bill" ... my neighbor names all of his pets Bill for simplicity, ( don't ask ), and Bill his cat and Bill his dog could be the perpetrators. Oh well, no use in trying to figure it out I suppose, I'm just worried I guess. I've been reading the forum all day since I'm sort of a newbie and oh my gosh, I've gone through a box of tissues today. Any thoughts are appreciated but I'm thinking " a Go " on ABX.
island rehabber
10-31-2010, 09:28 PM
The "rapid quivering jaw" is teeth-grinding -- he is in pain. If you have metacam, I would give him a dose. If not, Bach Rescue Remedy (a drop rubbed inside an ear) will help too. And yes as you describe the wound in this recent post, I agree with the others that preventative ABX should start now.
I also forgot to add that sometimes botfly larva warble can look like abscess but if it is botfly, you will soon know. I doubt it is that.Cat bite can also give rise to abscess and it needs to drain. AB will help with infection but homeopathic will open the site up and pus to drain. I say this because recently I had a female with swollen genital and AB alone did not help. I had to use homeopathy. she is fine now. The decision is yours to make as to which course of action or remedy you like to take
Also on foxers, sometimes it looks purplish under their fur that may look like bruising but it is just the colour of their skin. The site looks bad to me though. Hope he makes it. Sulfatrim is quite safe to administer. Make sure you give him some benebac or yoghurt when you give Sulfatrim.
Arnica and hypericum also help with pain if you dont have metacam
10-31-2010, 11:13 PM
No I don't have any of the pain meds but am going to be at GNC and Rehabber first thing in the morning for all of the above, Lisa my rehabber is awsome and get this! She lives less than 1 block from me, I was truely blessed whenI found her in August. She will be home early a.m. thank God. Started the ABX and he took it with no problem. While I was giving him his meds I snapped two more pics. He's sound asleep now and I have moved his cage to my bedroom. I gave him a little warm wipping off and put a warm compress on his sore sides (s) and made sure he was nice and dry and comfy in his bed. He loves to have his chin scratched so that's why his head is so tilted, he's a sucker for a good petting and a scratchy. It's just hard to say but I'm thinking a bite for sure and possibly on those darn Bill - named pets shock him or banged him up against something.Since August 26th my life has changed because of these four babies; Thank you Lord for these wonderful blessings; I'm doing my best. Thanks ya'll, have a blessed evening and I pray God keeps you safe in his arms, always, Teresa and The sickly Lil Squirrelett
Sweet little Squirrelett! Along with antibiotics, try the warm compresses to help draw out the infectious debris under the skin. I would also try the homeopathy BHO recommends for drawing out pus, if it starts to buildup under the skin's surface.
If the wounds open, you can also try flushing them with Normosol, which is a sterile IV fluid for sub-q and flushing wounds. Most likely, your rehabber friend will have this. Using a 10-20 cc syringe with a needle, you would draw some fluid out from the bag and then if there is an opening to the abscess, try to flush it as best you can to push out debris and any other wound matter. If this is not available, use purified room temperature water. Also, keep all insects away from him - flies love these sorts of wounds - and that will complicate things.
You should clean the wound with a very dilute Betadine solution (iodine, diluted like very weak tea). If you notice that the Sulfatrim isn't helping, see if your rehabber friend has Baytril or another antibiotic. Keep him hydrated as well and if your friend has Metacam, he could use a little of that so his breathing will stay regular and he will be without pain.
Just keep a close eye on him for changes in behavior - slowness, excess sleeping (other than what may be caused by any pain meds). If you don't see any bruising/bite marks on his lower abdomen to match the ones under his arms, then if either of the "Bills" picked him up, it may have been head first and then he was tossed. Keep your eyes on his eye movements as well (straying eyes, unclear focus, etc.) and note any changes in his behavior or differences with his head in general. Make sure you examine his head the way you did his body by pushing his hair backward just to make certain there is no bruising on his head. If he suffered any head trauma, you want to know now.
He is a little sweetheart! Hugs and kisses to Squirrelett from me! :grouphug
PS Sulfatrim is considered a "pediatric" level drug and is very safe and very good for flesh wounds. Stronger antibiotics are good if the body wall has been punctured and the infection is deeper than skin level. You'll know if the puncture is deeper because it will get worse before it gets better.
11-01-2010, 09:18 PM
Yes Tomo my little Squirrelett is so sweet and has been such a tolerant squirrel today. He has been to a new rehabber today and he didn't nip us, not even once. Even though I am very aware that Squirrelett is classified as "wildlife", I was so proud of him as he lay very still so his new rehabber, Kim Evans, could give him a very good exam. He's doing better this evening and moving around really good; eating and drinking and playing quietly in his cage. He's supposed to be sleeping but my rehabber gave him an "antler" to chew on so he thinks it's Christmas and is a busy as a bee right now. He's on Baytril ABX and a very diluted betadine solution to cleanse his wounds. After Kim looked at his wounds, she said more than likely it was not a cat or a dog but a red wing'd or a red tipped HAWK( can't remember ) tried to get him. After she was able to fully expose the wounds on both sides she explained to me that it was his talons that did this much damage to his little body. It's also possible that he fell in the process and possibly that's where the bruising came from or a little of both. She informed me that this particular type of hawk is migrating now and they are all over Panama City Beach and as a matter of fact lost one of her beloved squirrels, "Pegleg"", to this type hawk recently. Poor little Pegleg, he had a rough little life too. He lost his leg and was doing so good keeping up with the others and then this bad ole hawk got him. So, Squirrelett is to stay on the ABX for 5 days with wound cleaning several times a day and then she siad he would be fine to re release. :( I'm going to miss little Squirrelett but will be happy to see him having fun with his brothers, who by the way are searching for him.
I have somemore bad news though and am so sad. Another one of the four squirrels has not been home now in several days, about the time we found Squirrelett actually. The one who is missing is Wyeth, named after Andrew Wyeth the great American painter. With Squirrelett so sick those first few days I tried to look a little bit for him but it's possible Kim said that the hawk was trying to get both of them and Squirrelett is the one who got away. I can't even bring myself to think about it so I am just pretending he is over at the neighbor's tree with a new friend. It makes me shutter to think that Squirrlett saw his brother taken away in that manner. OK, it's time to give him his 9:00 med and a treat before bedtime. Thanks for everything, I sure hope he's on the road to recovery. Teresa and Squirrelett
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