Thanks for the update on Hank! I hope that you are considering Mel's offer about helping to facilitate contact with a Vet or Rehabber in your area!
The weight loss you reports is certainly concerning! While Hank gets his two HHBs daily, does he actually consume them in their entirety or does he shred them and actually consume significantly less than the original weight of the Blocks?
He does eat the majority of his two blocks, with very little shredding
How many Mazuri Blocks does Hank consume each day and might he also tend to shred those and not consume all that he begins to nibble on?
There is more shredding from the Mazuri blocks and he gets maybe 5 a day in those, but doesn’t eat them all
From what I recall from your initial posts, Hank has been given two HHBs and free-fed Mazuri Blocks long before his stooling issues came about those do NOT seem likely to be factors in what is going on but the possibility does exist.
Hank was getting his 2 Henry’s a day, and other greens and veggies, a few Mazuri blocks added in that.
To the best of my recollection, it appeared that Hank's stooling issues seemed to be associated with his eating avocado which was discontinued and there was a short period of normal stooling but then the loose stools returned!
[B]Yes, the first time it happened was a week before this non stop one. He had it for a day, and still was normal for about a week, gave the Avacodo again, and that’s when it started again and we haven’t been able to fix it yet[B]
Also he was caught eating dried mud from my husbands boot who works in the log woods as well
I would sure like to see Hank evaluated by a Vet
I would love to find a vet that would see him without someone taking him and euthanize him, that’s my only fear
but even so; your thoughts of adding some additional food may, as you suggest, be good to try at this time (except for avocado!). Hopefully, this will be just what Hank needs at this time! You may already have this but just in case, here is a link to Henry's Healthy Foods Pyramid;
The wide base of the pyramid contains the healthiest foods and these are of course, quality blocks! As one moves up the pyramid, the levels narrow with the with the less healthy food options being toward the top and at the tip of the pyramid are the treats such as most fruits and nuts! Yes, nuts and fruits are treats for captive Squirrels! My suggestion, if you are going to add foods would be use the Pyramid as a guide and also to avoid ALL of the treat category foods until enough time passes to determine if Hank is gaining weight and whether or not his stooling issues are improving or hopefully resolved!