My wild squirrel friend has a broken front left foot. I have been treating my wild, tail-less squirrel friend Stumpy for mange. Was successfully giving her ivermectin for last two weeks. Came home from being out of town for 2 days and did not see her yesterday when we got home. Today I saw her moving slowing down a tree. I called her but she did not move. Normally she would come immediately when I call. I approached and looked more closely. I could see she was having trouble climbing up or down the tree. When she hit the ground I saw why. Her left front foot is injured. No cut or bleeding visible. But the foot seems to be simply lifeless and dangling. She can not bear weight on it. She CAN use the foot/paw to assist her in lifting food to hear mouth and holding it to eat it. She moves around on 3 legs. I am terrified. What can I do? She is wild, not tame. She competes with many other new, young squirrels for food. I chased a cat away this morning. Should I trap her if I see her again? I am heart broken. I have had her visiting in my yard for 3 years. No sign of her this evening but we have had some big thunderstorms. Just sick about this turn of events....what to do???