Help! I took in two orphaned fox squirrels about three weeks ago after their mother's nest was raided by feral cat. They were fine, no injuries, but mama didn't come back. At the time of rescue, eyes were open, bottom teeth in and they were moving but not sitting up. Maybe 5-6 weeks? So maybe 8-9 weeks now? Following the introduction of solids guide and nutrition triangle on Henry's pets I've been introducing veggies (romaine, cilantro, baby corn, carrots) and feeding them with Fox's Valley formula. Once I introduced Avocado, which is local to where they will be released, they. went crazy for it and sort of stopped eating much of anything else. Formula decreased and most other solids have been ignored. I have yet to introduce fruits or nuts and though I give them Henry's picky blocks they mostly ignore them. Maybe a few bites.
The girl is still doing great and thriving but the boy has been taking less formula and becoming lethargic, barely leaving the den/squirrel box at the top of their crate. I'm worried he's not getting enough food. Should I stop giving avocado? Should I introduce tastier things like nuts and fruit to keep his strength up? Should I remove all but formula? Any tips would be greatly appreciated. He's always been the smaller of the two but this feels different.
They have lots of warmth in their cage too, if helpful.
Thank you kindly.