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Thread: Found an injured baby - need advice

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    Default Found an injured baby - need advice

    We found a baby that fell from a very tall tree yesterday. I've raised baby squirrels before but he seems to have no use of his back legs. I think he is 4 weeks old bc his eyes are not open but bottom teeth are in. Bought formula from the pet store and gave him some pedialyte. I have prednisone from one of my dogs if there is a way to get a tiny bit off for him but I don't know how much. He peed some today but no poop yet. Yesterday he pooped in the box he was in before we fed him. I may have gabapentin too. Will look through my dog medicine cabinet. Tried to find a rehabbed but there are none near me and I don't want him to just be killed. I'm afraid to take him to a vet bc you are not supposed to have them here unless you are a rehabbed. Any thoughts on what I can do to help him? Ty in advance!

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    Default Re: Found an injured baby - need advice

    Tell us what formula you got exactly. Pet stores usually recommend the wrong stuff.

    We can help you dose your baby but we need info from you.

    We need the baby's weight. A scale that weighs in grams can be purchased at Walmart inexpensively - in kitchenwares. YOU will need a 1ml or smaller syringe without the needle. We will need to know the size of the prednisone pills in milligrams.

    The sooner meds begin the better the chances for the baby.

    You also need to read this:

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    Default Re: Found an injured baby - need advice

    Quote Originally Posted by CritterMom View Post
    Tell us what formula you got exactly. Pet stores usually recommend the wrong stuff.

    We can help you dose your baby but we need info from you.

    We need the baby's weight. A scale that weighs in grams can be purchased at Walmart inexpensively - in kitchenwares. YOU will need a 1ml or smaller syringe without the needle. We will need to know the size of the prednisone pills in milligrams.

    The sooner meds begin the better the chances for the baby.

    You also need to read this:

    Thanks for the link, I did read that site and several others. He weighs 94 grams this morning. We got the esbilac puppy formula premixed so we’ve been mixing it with filtered water. Last time I raised a squirrel I had gnc formula and it seemed good bc he was very healthy but the pet store no longer had it. I did not have gabapentin left but I have 10 mg prednisone and 75 mg vetprofin (not sure either can be used, just telling what I have). I bought multiple syringes and the tip and all he seems to do best with and that comes out one drop at a time, is an adjustable dose syringe. Should I order different formula from online?

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    Default Re: Found an injured baby - need advice

    Quote Originally Posted by Summerc25 View Post
    Thanks for the link, I did read that site and several others. He weighs 94 grams this morning. We got the esbilac puppy formula premixed so we’ve been mixing it with filtered water. Last time I raised a squirrel I had gnc formula and it seemed good bc he was very healthy but the pet store no longer had it. I did not have gabapentin left but I have 10 mg prednisone and 75 mg vetprofin (not sure either can be used, just telling what I have). I bought multiple syringes and the tip and all he seems to do best with and that comes out one drop at a time, is an adjustable dose syringe. Should I order different formula from online?
    The Esbilac powdered formula is the best for squirrels under 4 weeks, but the premixed liquid almost always causes diarrhea and it is not nutritionally sufficient for baby squirrels (I know, weird but the liquid and powder are very different). And after 4 weeks I personally use a mix of half Esbilac and half Fox Valley 20/50 (on-line only) until weaning.

    Prednisone dosing sent via PM... PLEASE keep us updated on his progress... especially before starting days 4 and 7 as we may tweak the protocol depending on his progress...

    Squirrel Advocate

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    Default Re: Found an injured baby - need advice

    Quote Originally Posted by Spanky View Post
    The Esbilac powdered formula is the best for squirrels under 4 weeks, but the premixed liquid almost always causes diarrhea and it is not nutritionally sufficient for baby squirrels (I know, weird but the liquid and powder are very different). And after 4 weeks I personally use a mix of half Esbilac and half Fox Valley 20/50 (on-line only) until weaning.

    Prednisone dosing sent via PM... PLEASE keep us updated on his progress... especially before starting days 4 and 7 as we may tweak the protocol depending on his progress...

    Tyssssm Spanky❤️ I will keep updating

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    Default Re: Found an injured baby - need advice

    I found the fox valley32/40 on Amazon but the 20/50 is out of stock. It’s the Henry’s store front. Should I go ahead and get that to get it here faster? He’s doing good, finally pooped but only like two tiny ones. Is that normal? Definitely enjoying meal time more. Just started the pred. After work so first dose at 6:30pm and will give it again 6:30am.

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    Oh and I went and got the powdered esbilac after work.

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    Default Re: Found an injured baby - need advice

    Quote Originally Posted by Summerc25 View Post
    I found the fox valley32/40 on Amazon but the 20/50 is out of stock. It’s the Henry’s store front. Should I go ahead and get that to get it here faster? He’s doing good, finally pooped but only like two tiny ones. Is that normal? Definitely enjoying meal time more. Just started the pred. After work so first dose at 6:30pm and will give it again 6:30am.
    NO. Do not get the 32/40. Just about everyoe has trouble - or their babies do - with that, which is why it isn't sold out. Keep checking the Henry's site - she will get in a couple dozen and put them up and they sell fast, look multiple times a day...
    Last edited by CritterMom; 09-22-2023 at 05:25 AM.

  10. Serious fuzzy thank you's to CritterMom from:

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    Default Re: Found an injured baby - need advice

    Quote Originally Posted by CritterMom View Post
    NO. Do not get the 32/40. Just about everyoe has trouble - or their babies do - with that, which is why it isn't sold out. Keep checking the Henry's site - she will get in a couple dozen and put them up and they sell fast, look multiple times a day...
    Ok I’ve been checking on and off all day and they only have the huge pack that’s like $100. I found some on fox valleys site but it ships ups ground. May go ahead and order it though. New problem. My 20 yr old nephew has been feeding him while I’m at work the last few days. He’s been careful and great with him but today I could tell he was upset when I got home and he said too much formula came out and milk came out of his nose. He turned him upside down too drain it but I’m really worried. How quick can we tell if he gets aspiration pneumonia?

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    You will likely know in a couple days. Might be a good idea to get proactive and start hunting for antibiotics NOW.

    Are you using a 1ml syringe and nipple to feed? You should be. They give you a lot more control.

  13. Serious fuzzy thank you's to CritterMom from:

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    Default Re: Found an injured baby - need advice

    Quote Originally Posted by CritterMom View Post
    You will likely know in a couple days. Might be a good idea to get proactive and start hunting for antibiotics NOW.

    Are you using a 1ml syringe and nipple to feed? You should be. They give you a lot more control.
    No, we have a 1ml syringe and the short tip doesn’t go in his mouth well and it runs out on him instead of into his mouth. I bought bottles too. Do we put one of the nipples on the 1ml syringe? Will definitely try. I bought multiple syringes and this one was only doing a drop at a time. I don’t know what happened. I just feel sick. What kind of antibiotics? I will manage to get some if I don’t have it.

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    Default Re: Found an injured baby - need advice

    Quote Originally Posted by CritterMom View Post
    You will likely know in a couple days. Might be a good idea to get proactive and start hunting for antibiotics NOW.

    Are you using a 1ml syringe and nipple to feed? You should be. They give you a lot more control.
    I used the 1 ml tonight and it's working much better. His eyes opened today.

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    NEVER use a bottle. EVER. There is NO WAY to control how much formula Is being given.

    as for antibiotics:
    see what you might have laying around. And report back asap.

    but still ask friends, neighbors etc to see what else you MIGHT be able to conjure up, just in case.

    It’s ALWAYS best to have something you DONT NEED, than to NEED something you don’t have! 🥰

  17. Serious fuzzy thank you's to Tashahaven from:

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  18. #14
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    Default Re: Found an injured baby - need advice

    Quote Originally Posted by Tashahaven View Post
    NEVER use a bottle. EVER. There is NO WAY to control how much formula Is being given.

    as for antibiotics:
    see what you might have laying around. And report back asap.

    but still ask friends, neighbors etc to see what else you MIGHT be able to conjure up, just in case.

    It’s ALWAYS best to have something you DONT NEED, than to NEED something you don’t have! 🥰
    Agreed! I didn't actually end up using the bottles but I had bought them along with multiple syringes. The offender was a larger syringe with a longer tip. Just using the 1ml from now on. I will look through my medicine cabinets and get back to you guys. I usually keep everything when it comes to meds just in case lol. Thank you 😊

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    Default Re: Found an injured baby - need advice

    Quote Originally Posted by CritterMom View Post
    You will likely know in a couple days. Might be a good idea to get proactive and start hunting for antibiotics NOW.

    Are you using a 1ml syringe and nipple to feed? You should be. They give you a lot more control.
    I found cefdinir 300 mg capsules and amoxicillin 500 mg tablets. Can I do anything with either of those if he gets sick? So far he’s acting normal. Thx!

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    Default Re: Found an injured baby - need advice

    Quote Originally Posted by Summerc25 View Post
    I found cefdinir 300 mg capsules and amoxicillin 500 mg tablets. Can I do anything with either of those if he gets sick? So far he’s acting normal. Thx!
    Cefdinir is a no, Amoxicillin is better than nothing but I would continue the search... family, friends, neighbors... just a single pill.
    Squirrel Advocate

  21. Serious fuzzy thank you's to Spanky from:

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    Default Re: Found an injured baby - need advice

    Quote Originally Posted by Spanky View Post
    Cefdinir is a no, Amoxicillin is better than nothing but I would continue the search... family, friends, neighbors... just a single pill.
    Will keep looking! Ty!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Spanky View Post
    Cefdinir is a no, Amoxicillin is better than nothing but I would continue the search... family, friends, neighbors... just a single pill.
    Is there a specific one I should look for? Ty!

  24. #19
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    Default Re: Found an injured baby - need advice

    See if you can possibly get ahold of augmentin……

    The hope is you won’t need it…

  25. Serious fuzzy thank you's to Tashahaven from:

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  26. #20
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    Default Re: Found an injured baby - need advice

    Quote Originally Posted by Summerc25 View Post
    Is there a specific one I should look for? Ty!

    People meds: Augmentin, Cipro, Bactrim (TMP/SMZ), Doxycycline

    Animal Versions: Clavamox, Baytril

    These are some of the most common and most effective, but if something else is found post the name and someone will advise if it is effective against AP.
    Squirrel Advocate

  27. Serious fuzzy thank you's to Spanky from:

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