Here is a photo from his last feeding, still looking pretty good!
I fed him two hours after the last feeding, because he only would eat about 1cc the previous feeding. He ate 1.4cc this time, so I'll go closer to 3-3.5 hours until the next feeding.
Here is a photo from his last feeding, still looking pretty good!
I fed him two hours after the last feeding, because he only would eat about 1cc the previous feeding. He ate 1.4cc this time, so I'll go closer to 3-3.5 hours until the next feeding.
cava (03-10-2018), island rehabber (03-10-2018), Jen413 (03-10-2018), LR (03-15-2018), Nancy in New York (03-10-2018), stepnstone (03-10-2018), Toddy (03-10-2018)
That last picture looks so much better!
And..... he's a BLINKIE!!!
State Licensed
Wildlife Master Rehabilitator
LR (03-15-2018)
How is Baby Blinkie (I have no idea what you named him ) doing?
LR (03-15-2018), Mel1959 (03-12-2018), Nancy in New York (03-12-2018), stepnstone (03-12-2018), Toddy (03-12-2018)
He was good for a while but his stool never completely firmed up. It started getting firmer for a second, but now it’s gotten worse. And his sister has been doing great but all of a sudden she’s having loose stool now too. He’s pretty lethargic and has no enthusiasm to eat. She’s gained weight like crazy and he’s only gained a gram or even less per day. I’m not sure what to do. I was going to skip a few feedings and hydrate, but he seems like he hasn’t been getting nutrients from his food at all. I think I might make a separate post.
LR (03-15-2018)