View Full Version : Eye of squirrel in DC?

01-15-2022, 12:21 PM
Four days ago this squirrel's right eye only had a cloudy spot in the middle, looked like a cataract. Now the eye is much more affected, but I do not notice any discharge. Any ideas on what this is, if it is contagious, or if it might be contagious to humans?


01-15-2022, 05:27 PM
There might have been some injury/scratch to the eye that lead to an infection. It is still possible that the eye will recover and the squirrel will retain at least some of it's vision. If that squirrel was trapped, it could receive a topical antibiotic which might help with the infection or at least inhibit secondary bacterial infections. I'm not sure if an oral AB would help here but might be worth a try? Squirrels can carry diseases like any animal (people included) but for the most part washing your hands and taking universal precautions will protect you and the squirrel. They are NOT known to spread rabies. Do you see this little one daily?

01-16-2022, 04:43 PM
Thank you for your reply.
This squirrel is a thug. He's an absolute terror towards other squirrels, so I would not at all be surprised to hear one of them took the law into his own hands.
I see this squirrel a couple times a week, the rest of the time he's probably off dealing pot or carrying a full-auto Glock like the other thugs in DC.

01-16-2022, 05:01 PM
Aside from the eye, this boy seems in good shape for a thug. Most of the alpha males around my place have quite a few more "battle scars" than what this boys seems to display. Though he does seem to be a healthy one, but sometimes the littler fellas can be the most scrappy. My alphas always seem to have battle worn ears... torn, ripped, missing chunks and general damage... sometimes other easy to spot scars, and damaged tails.

01-16-2022, 07:34 PM
Most of the squirrels I see in DC are in pretty good shape, a bit of mange here and the odd missing tail but otherwise seem to have easier lives than squirrels in other geographies.
Recently an arctic snowy owl has been hanging around the main DC train station, so weirdos who seem to disproportionately populate foreign diplomatic corps can be seen carrying binoculars around downtown Washington DC. With the abundance of rats on which to feed seems to be doing quite well. I'm referring to the arctic snowy owl, just to be clear.

I can't imagine this squirrel's eye will make it, so if you visit DC please be on the lookout for the thug with the eye patch:

01-20-2022, 03:15 PM
Squirrel's eye seems to be doing a bit better:

01-20-2022, 09:12 PM
Most of the squirrels I see in DC are in pretty good shape, a bit of mange here and the odd missing tail but otherwise seem to have easier lives than squirrels in other geographies.
Recently an arctic snowy owl has been hanging around the main DC train station, so weirdos who seem to disproportionately populate foreign diplomatic corps can be seen carrying binoculars around downtown Washington DC. With the abundance of rats on which to feed seems to be doing quite well. I'm referring to the arctic snowy owl, just to be clear.

I can't imagine this squirrel's eye will make it, so if you visit DC please be on the lookout for the thug with the eye patch:


01-20-2022, 09:14 PM
Squirrel's eye seems to be doing a bit better:

Look at that. He doesn't even have any white earmuffs or red fringe.

01-26-2022, 01:36 PM
The squirrel's eye seems to be doing better:

01-26-2022, 04:21 PM
The squirrel's eye seems to be doing better:

Wow, that's pretty awesome!
I would have thought it was close to rupturing.

01-26-2022, 05:01 PM
There have been a few cases on the TSB where an eye that looks absolutely like it's a goner, has recovered. Squirrel's healing abilities are pretty amazing! Glad he is recovering.:great

01-27-2022, 11:25 AM
A wild who owns me had a sudden eye injury a while back. I was afraid she'd lose some or all vision in that eye, but in a matter of days she was healed. Couldn't tell if the damage was to the surface or inside or both, but she's fine now with just the tiniest cloudy-looking area just south of her right pupil. STILL can't tell if it's on the surface or inside, but it doesn't affect her vision at all that I can tell. I can't take pics anymore with my phone so missed the chance to chronicle the healing process. Anyway, based on her, I was hoping for something like a miracle for your guy, even though his was WAY worse. Thanks for the update!

04-23-2022, 05:05 PM
The squirrel seems to be doing fine. I wonder if it is, in fact, female?


04-23-2022, 05:14 PM
It is not only a female, it is a mama with babies - look at that poor, stretched out nipple poking out of the fur! She has some older babies (little monsters). She looks great!

05-21-2022, 01:25 PM
Squirrel seems to be doing fine, no sign of her pup(s):
