View Full Version : Possibly dehydrated squirrel

09-24-2014, 11:23 PM
He is about a little over a year? and appears dehydrated, lost weight, and has a slight hunch back, due to being thinner? always fed a well balanced diet, please advise, help!

09-24-2014, 11:27 PM
Is he a pet? Describe the diet. Can you post a pic or two? If you gently pinch the skin between the shoulders, does it tent or go immediately back down, like on the back of your hand?

09-24-2014, 11:34 PM
If he is dehydrated he needs to be given some homemade pedialyte to get some fluids back into him then we can work on his diet. How old is he? If he is under 12 weeks old we need to get him on some good formula --Fox Valley or Esbilac with Probiotics. If over 7 weeks old we need to get him eating some HHB squirrel blocks to ensure he is getting his daily allowance in vitamins and minerals.

Homemade Pedialyte:
1 cup warm water
1 tbsp sugar
1/4 tsp salt

Squirrel Block - HHB:

Squirrel Diet:

09-25-2014, 08:05 AM
Have you seen him peeing? Generally, an arched back can mean pain. Please detail his diet, history, etc. Yes, the homemade pedialyte, you will have to syringe it into him, slowly. He will not likely drink it on his own. How long has he been loosing weight, was it gradual or did it come on sudden? How does he seem to be moving?

09-25-2014, 12:10 PM
Is he a pet? Describe the diet. Can you post a pic or two? If you gently pinch the skin between the shoulders, does it tent or go immediately back down, like on the back of your hand?

Yes, Monkey is a pet. One of two. I also have Whiskers a female. Monkey is the male. Well, the diet changes as their tastes change. They are quite spoiled.
I start with water, even though they have water in their cages, he still likes to be fed by syringe like when he was a baby (Had him since 1-2 weeks old). Then they get a dish full of either endive or kale, half a red grape (they dont care for lately), green beans and/or sugar snap peas, sometimes watermelon, blueberries, apple on/off, mushrooms (they LOVE them). I gave them a small hunk of fresh corn on cob for about 2 weeks about a month ago, which they were obsessed with, but I read online not to give them the corn on cob, it's bad for them. So, we stopped with the corn.
I almost wonder if I should start the corn up again (while I can still get it) as it is high in fat content? Should I? I almost have to wonder if the weight loss started upon when we stopped giving him the corn? He literally would sit in his cage waiting for it.
then I give them sesame seeds, then some sunflower seeds, then some unsalted pistachios, a acorn (our hickory nuts didnt grow this year?), also, a shelled walnut goes in their hanging baby hat beds. Plenty of play time, and then when he goes back in cage he gets a primate monkey biscuit every day, he loves them. (she hates them), after he is done, I give him a shelled walnut. We just started last night a block of alphalpha (sp), we found for Ginniea pigs and hamsters, he appears to like them? So is there anything I am doing wrong diet wise?

I would love to send you a picture, but I am new to this site and don't know how, can you tell me please, If you tell me, I surely will.

I am very familiar with the tent test, and have been doing it since I suspected weight loss. At first it wasnt too bad, I tried, gently of course last night and he kinda squeaked like I was hurting him? It does not appear to go pack down, to answer you're question. That was the final straw of panic for me, hence posting on here. I woke up early this morn and have been giving him a syringe or two here there.
Last night I tried pedia-lyte (grape) he used to love, no go, he wouldnt take any. I tried some esbalanc puppy milk, no go.

I bought a digital food scale that does grams, but can't get him to stay long enough to get a weight, even putting a nut there.

I called my v et this morning, and unfortunately she wouldnt see him due to the legalities. She did give me a name of an exotic animal hospital, but she said they would make me surrender him, and I just can't do that. He loves me so much, and the feeling it the mutual

Anxious to hear back from you. Thank you so very much for writing me. And let me know what you think about starting corn again. Fattening and has juices in there.

09-25-2014, 12:26 PM
Although that diet is varied, it is lacking a good squirrel block which should be the cornerstone of a basic healthy squirrel diet. Also, there is lots of nuts, corn, and fruits in their diet which are not really very good for them. I would give him a tums and start the MBD protocol as a precaution, it will not harm him and might help.

If he responds to this, I would start Whiskers on this too.

09-25-2014, 12:41 PM
Have you seen him peeing? Generally, an arched back can mean pain. Please detail his diet, history, etc. Yes, the homemade pedialyte, you will have to syringe it into him, slowly. He will not likely drink it on his own. How long has he been loosing weight, was it gradual or did it come on sudden? How does he seem to be moving?

I have not seen him peeing, but I wasnt looking either. I will have to keep an eye out now. he does have a slightly arched back, like when he is eating a nut (sitting up), but other times he does not.

I am going to try the homemade pedialyte today. Last night I tried grape pedia and esbelanc, and he wanted no part like when he was a baby. He is a little over a year old.
He still loves to be syringe fed, water, even though he has water in his cage 24/7.

Diet in this order, I believe is very rounded.
First thing is a zooopreme primate/monkey biscuit, he loves them!
All fruits veggies: endive or kale, sometimes watermelon, sometimes a red grape, green bean or sugar snap peas, sometimes apple, blueberries every day, mushroom (he loves).
then plenty of play time
Then some sesame seeds, some unsalted shelled pistachios, an acorn (no hickory nuts on our tree this year?).
then once back in cage, a shelled almond in his hanging infant hat/beddie.
then he gets a shelled walnut.

Note: I used to give him a small piece of corn on the cob about a month ago, duration was a couple of weeks, then I read in a couple of spots online that it was bad for them and we stopped. He was upset with that. I almost wonder if this is why he lost some weight and is now dehydrated? Do you think I should start the corn on cob again? I mean while I can still get it that is.
So I would say I started to notice slight weight gain about a month ago. It has been gradual, but of course with a little animal it is hard to tell, until...
My husband thought I was crazy, but he always thinks I am over reacting with our cats, and I am always right.
i just think I have to move quickly.

He moves just fine, and is energetic and playful.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much for reaching out to me.

09-25-2014, 12:46 PM
Giving a TUMs can't hurt. Use the pedialyte for 24 hours max and then back to regular water.

I have not seen him peeing, but I wasnt looking either. I will have to keep an eye out now. he does have a slightly arched back, like when he is eating a nut (sitting up), but other times he does not.

I am going to try the homemade pedialyte today. Last night I tried grape pedia and esbelanc, and he wanted no part like when he was a baby. He is a little over a year old.
He still loves to be syringe fed, water, even though he has water in his cage 24/7.

Diet in this order, I believe is very rounded.
First thing is a zooopreme primate/monkey biscuit, he loves them!
All fruits veggies: endive or kale, sometimes watermelon, sometimes a red grape, green bean or sugar snap peas, sometimes apple, blueberries every day, mushroom (he loves).
then plenty of play time
Then some sesame seeds, some unsalted shelled pistachios, an acorn (no hickory nuts on our tree this year?).
then once back in cage, a shelled almond in his hanging infant hat/beddie.
then he gets a shelled walnut.

Note: I used to give him a small piece of corn on the cob about a month ago, duration was a couple of weeks, then I read in a couple of spots online that it was bad for them and we stopped. He was upset with that. I almost wonder if this is why he lost some weight and is now dehydrated? Do you think I should start the corn on cob again? I mean while I can still get it that is.
So I would say I started to notice slight weight gain about a month ago. It has been gradual, but of course with a little animal it is hard to tell, until...
My husband thought I was crazy, but he always thinks I am over reacting with our cats, and I am always right.
i just think I have to move quickly.

He moves just fine, and is energetic and playful.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much for reaching out to me.

09-25-2014, 12:50 PM
Although that diet is varied, it is lacking a good squirrel block which should be the cornerstone of a basic healthy squirrel diet. Also, there is lots of nuts, corn, and fruits in their diet which are not really very good for them. I would give him a tums and start the MBD protocol as a precaution, it will not harm him and might help.

If he responds to this, I would start Whiskers on this too.

Isnt the squirrel block, the zoopreme primate/money biscuits? He gets one everyday and loves them. I started him very early on, and that why he likes them. She wont touch them. Please let me know if they are the same or different. If they are different can you tell me where I can purchase some?
I thought fruits and vegetables are necessary? We don't give them the entire list everyday, they get a change every once in a while as they get picky, because they are spoiled.
Any suggestions on how to get him to eat a tums???
ok, I am confused, what exactly is the "MBD protocol" Can you please further explain and let me know where to get it?
I will do it immediately as soon as I hear back from you. Also, I agree with you Whiskers, while plump and fine, not a bad idea.

Thanks for the advice, greatly appreciated, and I anxiously await to hear back from you.

09-25-2014, 01:13 PM
If he is dehydrated he needs to be given some homemade pedialyte to get some fluids back into him then we can work on his diet. How old is he? If he is under 12 weeks old we need to get him on some good formula --Fox Valley or Esbilac with Probiotics. If over 7 weeks old we need to get him eating some HHB squirrel blocks to ensure he is getting his daily allowance in vitamins and minerals.

Homemade Pedialyte:
1 cup warm water
1 tbsp sugar
1/4 tsp salt

Squirrel Block - HHB:

Squirrel Diet:

You are my HERO! I just made the homemade pedialyte, he had SIXTEEN small syringes. He couldnt wait for me to fill the next one fast enough!
He is now licking his paws and arms, trying to get every morsel.

FANTASTIC advice, thanks so much.

Now I have to figure out what another person wrote and suggested, waiting for their reply.
Again, can't thank you enough! Of course this is just the beginning be he likes it!!!
Maybe this is all he needs? I mean I have had cats get dehydrated for no apparent reason?

09-25-2014, 01:39 PM
Monkey biscuits are a starter for teething but don't have the nutrients at all. They need Henry's Blocks you order online....or Kaytee mouse or Harlan Teklad.....sorry I don't have exact descriptions as I'm not home..monkey biscuits don't offer any nutritional value.

09-25-2014, 01:48 PM
If he is dehydrated he needs to be given some homemade pedialyte to get some fluids back into him then we can work on his diet. How old is he? If he is under 12 weeks old we need to get him on some good formula --Fox Valley or Esbilac with Probiotics. If over 7 weeks old we need to get him eating some HHB squirrel blocks to ensure he is getting his daily allowance in vitamins and minerals.

Homemade Pedialyte:
1 cup warm water
1 tbsp sugar
1/4 tsp salt

Squirrel Block - HHB:

Squirrel Diet:

You are my HERO! I just made the homemade pedialyte, he had SIXTEEN small syringes. He couldnt wait for me to fill the next one fast enough!
He is now licking his paws and arms, trying to get every morsel.

FANTASTIC advice, thanks so much.

Now I have to figure out what another person wrote and suggested, waiting for their reply.
Again, can't thank you enough! Of course this is just the beginning be he likes it!!!
Maybe this is all he needs? I mean I have had cats get dehydrated for no apparent reason?

09-25-2014, 01:54 PM
Monkey biscuits are a starter for teething but don't have the nutrients at all. They need Henry's Blocks you order online....or Kaytee mouse or Harlan Teklad.....sorry I don't have exact descriptions as I'm not home..monkey biscuits don't offer any nutritional value.

Ohhh, dang it the internet strikes again. I did not know that, thank you very much.
I will get some of the nutballs from henrys. I believe someone sent the link and all to me. Very good to know. Monkey does love his monkey biscuits though, think I can still give him them along with the nutball?

Thanks again. Truly.

09-25-2014, 02:08 PM
Both of them need to be on a high quality rodent block. The gold standard is Henry's Healthy Blocks, they're the only block formulated specifically for squirrels. Because pet squirrels not on a high quality block usually don't get enough calcium, even with a varied diet of healthy veggies, fruits, & wild foods, they are prone to metabolic bone disease - MBD. This can be fatal. The MBD protocol is a way of getting calcium in them, fast, until you can get them on a good block and/or calciun supplement. I'm including several links.

MBD protocol. Do this, even if your sqrls don't have MBD, the extra calcium won't hurt them...

Healthy diet for squirrels:

Henry's... get them some healthy blocks. Lots of other great stuff for the squirrlies too!

And yes, you can still give the monkey biscuits. Mine love their MBs so much my 8yr old (human lol) had to try them! They should each have 2HHBs a day. I give them in the morning when they're hungriest. Then mid-morning they get their bowl of veggies. Once the veggies have been eaten, they can have their monkey biscuits. They think they're a treat!

09-25-2014, 02:13 PM
You are my HERO! I just made the homemade pedialyte, he had SIXTEEN small syringes.
He couldnt wait for me to fill the next one fast enough!
He is now licking his paws and arms, trying to get every morsel.

FANTASTIC advice, thanks so much.

You are Welcome...... I have never had a squirrel pass up the Homemade Pedialyte.
Its way better tasting than the store bought stuff --they just love it and drink it right
up, therefore, getting the hydration they need right away.

I often put in a little more sugar than called for to entice them (just 1/4 tsp more) :)

09-25-2014, 02:55 PM
You are my HERO! I just made the homemade pedialyte, he had SIXTEEN small syringes. He couldnt wait for me to fill the next one fast enough!
He is now licking his paws and arms, trying to get every morsel.

FANTASTIC advice, thanks so much.

Now I have to figure out what another person wrote and suggested, waiting for their reply.
Again, can't thank you enough! Of course this is just the beginning be he likes it!!!
Maybe this is all he needs? I mean I have had cats get dehydrated for no apparent reason?

I think that you have the info and links to the MBD protocol. Based on the diet, it could well be this. Start the protocol NOW.

Good Luck and let us know how he responds.

09-25-2014, 06:33 PM
Ok, While he drank 16 small syringes of homemade hydrator today my hero gave me, + 1 more, he is not interested tonight. He did however, drink a bit of regular fresh water at play/feed time.
I called Henry's and they are sending the HHB blocks as well as a calcium suppliant I will start them on as soon as I receive it.
I did start both on tums (fruit) and tried, yogurt, peanut butter, and karo syrup, per henry's advice. Whiskers did fine on it, while poor sick Monkey only did a little, but I guess a little is better than nothing? Any suggestions? My husband suggested a tiny piece of wheat bread with the peanut butter/tums mixture???
I only gave them veggies this evening, no fruit, and almost no nuts. I broke down and gave them both one shelled pistachio.
Monkey looked sad. Can't wait till the HHB blocks and calcium come. They can' come soon enough.
Any more suggestions from anyone? All are welcome.
Oh, btw, to the person that asked me if I have seen him pee. He peed all over my husband tonight. Good sign I think?

09-25-2014, 07:47 PM
I think that you have the info and links to the MBD protocol. Based on the diet, it could well be this. Start the protocol NOW.

Good Luck and let us know how he responds.

Ive rdered it today once you all schooled me better. The HHB blocks and the Calcium supplement. I can't get it quick enough. She was great on the phone.
I am still doing the homemade pedialyte as he will take though he still drank reg water this eve. I have tried with the tums as suggesed by henry's, yogurt = no, Kayro syrup with the tums = no. Reg (not the no salt stuff I buy the hate) peanut butter with tums, = ok? and she takes it better then him (and fat and happy), he has taken some twice. I will just keep trying to get it done throughout the night, day etc... I was told to only feed them veggies, no fruit until arrival of HHB blocks, and no nut.. .... I did, but broke down and gave them one shelled pistachio, and tiny piece of bread.
Please tell me if I am doing anything wrong at this point, I so appreciate any advice, I just need to get this shipment and get them on the good path. Cant live without him/them.
btw, I also gave them a small Kaytee Alfalfa biscuit, is that ok?
Thank you so mcu, greatly appreciated.

09-25-2014, 07:53 PM
Ok, While he drank 16 small syringes of homemade hydrator today my hero gave me, + 1 more, he is not interested tonight.
He did however, drink a bit of regular fresh water at play/feed time.

Oh, btw, to the person that asked me if I have seen him pee. He peed all over my husband tonight. Good sign I think?
Please keep in mind that if he is drinking any where around his 5-7% in HMP he will not be ready
to eat again for a few hours, therefore, he will not take the HMP in an hours or two from his last feeding.

And --w00t on him peeing........................... :alright.gif:alright.gif:alright.gif

09-25-2014, 09:30 PM
Both of them need to be on a high quality rodent block. The gold standard is Henry's Healthy Blocks, they're the only block formulated specifically for squirrels. Because pet squirrels not on a high quality block usually don't get enough calcium, even with a varied diet of healthy veggies, fruits, & wild foods, they are prone to metabolic bone disease - MBD. This can be fatal. The MBD protocol is a way of getting calcium in them, fast, until you can get them on a good block and/or calciun supplement. I'm including several links.

MBD protocol. Do this, even if your sqrls don't have MBD, the extra calcium won't hurt them...

Healthy diet for squirrels:

Henry's... get them some healthy blocks. Lots of other great stuff for the squirrlies too!

And yes, you can still give the monkey biscuits. Mine love their MBs so much my 8yr old (human lol) had to try them! They should each have 2HHBs a day. I give them in the morning when they're hungriest. Then mid-morning they get their bowl of veggies. Once the veggies have been eaten, they can have their monkey biscuits. They think they're a treat!

Thank you so much, I have the MDB on order as of today. Mean time, trying calcium treatments, and no nuts, (ok, only one shelled pistachio tonight, NO more tomorrow, promise) and the HHB block on order.

What you wrote scare me even more. I will stay up all night to try homemade hydration and tums, with something, not a lot of success for his eating tonight. Tried it in
yogurt, Kayro syrup, and peanut butter.... some success.
Any suggestions further?

Really appreciator the advice/help. LMK

09-25-2014, 09:38 PM
I think that you have the info and links to the MBD protocol. Based on the diet, it could well be this. Start the protocol NOW.

Good Luck and let us know how he responds.
I have it all ordered but now can't get it quick enough. So worried, I wont sleep.
Am trying the tums in stuff, with some success. the homemade hydrator. I feel like such a failure and am very worried.
Too late tonight but maybe I can expedite the order tomorrow?
He is still lively and playful, but still...
You all have been such a great help, thanks so much.

09-25-2014, 10:02 PM
My husband may be a genius? I took a tiny small piece of wheat bread, dipped in the hydration fluid, spread the peanut butter with the tums on it, and he ate it pretty good.
Ok? How often? I will do it every few hours. Just need my HHB block, Calcium supp (MBD protocol) soon!! In mean time am doing what I can to get by and help.
I will leave you all alone till morn, but all of you're support and advice has been great, thanks so much. I couldt have children, these are my children

....A worried mom :(

09-25-2014, 10:12 PM
Have you seen him peeing? Generally, an arched back can mean pain. Please detail his diet, history, etc. Yes, the homemade pedialyte, you will have to syringe it into him, slowly. He will not likely drink it on his own. How long has he been loosing weight, was it gradual or did it come on sudden? How does he seem to be moving?

FYI, he peed pretty good one my husband tonight. yay!

09-25-2014, 11:56 PM
You're doing great :hug We all understand how much you love Monkey & his sis, we've been there. Loving a squirrel & having that love returned is like no other experience, it's sublime... There's a bunch of great people here with an incredible amt of knowledge & experience, & they're all here to help. I'm so glad you found TSB :Welcome
I'm sorry for scaring you, but MBD isn't something to be taken lightly. Many people go into defensive mode and refuse to follow advice. I'm glad you're not one of those...:thumbsup Listen to what the people here say & follow their advice... they know their :squirrel4 squirrels!
Do try to get some rest yourself, even if it is just napping between hydrating... you've got to take care of yourself, too. It's hard enough to have a clear head in stressful situations, and being sleep deprived surely won't help.

09-26-2014, 09:34 AM
ok, still energetic and playful this morning. He certainly hasnt lost energy thats for sure. gave him/them their dosage of small piece of bread with peanut butter and the tums in there. she gobbled hers down, he eats it, drops it, eats it, drops it...he is working on it, he gets too excited when he sees me and just want to be pet and played with <3 :grin3. So I left the room so he can finish.
He doesnt want the homemade pedialyte at all this morning, but he may have drank water from his bowl on his own and I am unaware?

I forgot to ask you all. Is it ok to give him Kaytee niblers, the alfalfa treats for guinea pigs and rabbits? Appears to be pretty full of natural nutrients. LMK

Thanks all, can't wait for the HHB and calcium supp. tick tock.....

09-26-2014, 10:54 AM
Good going Monkey! (& Whiskers, too!) Glad to hear he's up & at 'em and eating his calcium like a good little boy:dance By giving these guys the calcium supplement & getting them on the Henry's blocks, even if Monkey improves by getting rehydrated, having their diet straightened out may well save both their lives in the long run by preventing full blown MBD. There's lots of interesting threads in the MBD section of the board, and also in nutrition. One thing I should mention, if MBD is even suspected, you're going to want to take some simple precautions to prevent falls (or provide a LOT of padding). In calcium deficient animals, bones become brittle & can break easily. Better safe than sorry:)

About the hydration issue, have you repeated the tent test? I remember you saying before that he acted like it hurt... poor guy... if his bones are achy he might like to get on a heating pad set on low. I know you know this, but just make sure its under part of his cage or bed so he can decide if he wants it, & also that he can't get to the cord. If the skin is still tenting any at all, you need to keep going with the hydration. Don't use a rehydration solution (pedialite OR homemade) over 24 hours. Not sure when you started, but after 24 hours, switch to plain water. Keep syringe feeding it to him if you have to. Just like human kids, some squirrels like the extra attention of being syringe fed when they're feeling low :Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon So keep up the TLC.

About the product you mentioned, alfalfa something, I think? I have no idea... Maybe someone else knows, or you could try using the search option at top right to see if you can find out anything about it.

Keep up the good work, I know you'd do anything in the world for those two!:grouphug

09-26-2014, 11:38 AM
Good going Monkey! (& Whiskers, too!) Glad to hear he's up & at 'em and eating his calcium like a good little boy:dance By giving these guys the calcium supplement & getting them on the Henry's blocks, even if Monkey improves by getting rehydrated, having their diet straightened out may well save both their lives in the long run by preventing full blown MBD. There's lots of interesting threads in the MBD section of the board, and also in nutrition. One thing I should mention, if MBD is even suspected, you're going to want to take some simple precautions to prevent falls (or provide a LOT of padding). In calcium deficient animals, bones become brittle & can break easily. Better safe than sorry:)

About the hydration issue, have you repeated the tent test? I remember you saying before that he acted like it hurt... poor guy... if his bones are achy he might like to get on a heating pad set on low. I know you know this, but just make sure its under part of his cage or bed so he can decide if he wants it, & also that he can't get to the cord. If the skin is still tenting any at all, you need to keep going with the hydration. Don't use a rehydration solution (pedialite OR homemade) over 24 hours. Not sure when you started, but after 24 hours, switch to plain water. Keep syringe feeding it to him if you have to. Just like human kids, some squirrels like the extra attention of being syringe fed when they're feeling low :Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon So keep up the TLC.

About the product you mentioned, alfalfa something, I think? I have no idea... Maybe someone else knows, or you could try using the search option at top right to see if you can find out anything about it.

Keep up the good work, I know you'd do anything in the world for those two!:grouphug

Thank you so much for the encouragement Robin. Much appreciated, believe me. This sight has been fantastic! Although, I kind of stink at it still. I havent figured out how to upload a picture yet. lol. And I am too afraid to leave this thread in fear I wont be able to find it again. Tough to get old I guess? lol.

I just ran upstairs and did the tent test again, and it seems just slightly it stays up, not bad though, not like yesterday. although, he did NOT squeak which is good. He will not take his pedialyte though so maybe he is drinking reg water on his own when I dont see? I will try to give him reg water from syringe in a bit. Yes, he is a pumpkin spoiled baby. He loves water from a syringe. When I pet him on either side of his chin which they both love, but mostly him, they/he raised his hand on the side ur petting. Cutest thing. He absolutely adores me! I had to leave the room once for an important phone call, and my husband said he just stood on top of his cage waiting for me to return, all sad. <3

I jut feel awful, and so stupid thinking I was giving them the best healthy diet. NOT. Last night all they got was kale (instead of endive for a change) sugar snap peas, and a carrot, surprisingly they loved, they never did before. I did break down at the end of play time and gave them both ONE unsalted shelled pistachio. Is that ok?

I thought about the heating pad, but I can't figure a way to get it in cage without him having access to the cord. Working on it, thinking. They spend a lot of time in their hats. I came up with the best idea when they became active (after eyes opened). I knew they cant have knit or terry material like towels, so their nails dont get caught and break. So I figured fleece would be good. I thought about the shape I wanted and it came to me...an infant hat! I went to walmart and found (clearance too) 3.00 fleece infant hats, and they have like the flaps on the sides to cover the infants ears. I flipped them upside down and hung them up top of the cage (like squirrels like to be high to feel safe) with safety pins. THEY LOVE THEM! They dont want to leave them. I wish I could post a picture for you, but I can't figure it out yet :( You would love the idea.

I have ALWAYS been paranoid about falls since I have no access to a vet. you guys are my vets, lol. They are actually in the spare bedroom since I have 3 cats as well. Cant have that. They like to play in the window on the screen climbing it. The bed is against the wall, so IF they fell, they would land on the bed. But they never have. Not to mention it is a carpeted floor. But I am very paranoid of falls. Monkeys cage is actually 3 tiers, and he likes to do back flips (circus squirrel, lol) in there. So there is not much I can do if he fell in there. Know what I mean? So far, so good I guess?

Nah, I dont care about me. Out of work 2 yrs in oct, after 21 years at my job :( so now I dote on my squirrels, cats, opps husband too and cook a lot (im a good cook). Lord knows I don't clean, JK. My main priority now is Monkey <3 I will never forgive myself if this doesnt work out.
I just feel like time is going so slow, I want my shipment of HHB blocks sooner than later, like NOW.
I will post again asking around if anyone know about that other thing the alfalfa nibblers. hmmm, they seem ok? We did give them one last night and a monkey biscuit since they are not bad for them and offer "some" nutrients while we wait on the HHB and calcium.

Truthfully, I think Monkey is enjoying the extra TLC, lovings & pettings. <3

09-26-2014, 11:41 AM
Does anyone know about a product made by Kaytee, alfalfa nibblers made for bunnies and guinea pigs. Is this ok to give to Monkey and Whiskers, while I wait for my shipment of HHB and calcium. lmk please & thanks so much.

09-26-2014, 12:40 PM
Does anyone know about a product made by Kaytee, alfalfa nibblers made for bunnies and guinea pigs. Is this ok to give to Monkey and Whiskers, while I wait for my shipment of HHB and calcium. lmk please & thanks so much.

I am glad you got some calcium into your squirrels! :thumbsup The process of developing MBD can sometimes take years so just know the the cure takes months. Your squirrels will slowly start to rebuild their bone strength and you must remain vigilant and consistent in their diet and treatment.

HHBs usually arrive within a week or so. In the meantime, really hold of giving any nuts or corn at this moment. Keep up with the Calcium treatment, try to give small amounts throughout the day (little with breakfast, a little bit with lunch, dinner etc). If you have a petco type store nearby, these blocks are reasonably healthy (but not as healthy or as tatty as HHB):


As was said earlier, be careful about playing gently. With weakened bones, any fall could be catastrophic.

it sounds like you caught this fairly early on so I expect that with correct treatment and a good diet they should recover! :thumbsup

09-26-2014, 01:20 PM
I am glad you got some calcium into your squirrels! :thumbsup The process of developing MBD can sometimes take years so just know the the cure takes months. Your squirrels will slowly start to rebuild their bone strength and you must remain vigilant and consistent in their diet and treatment.

HHBs usually arrive within a week or so. In the meantime, really hold of giving any nuts or corn at this moment. Keep up with the Calcium treatment, try to give small amounts throughout the day (little with breakfast, a little bit with lunch, dinner etc). If you have a petco type store nearby, these blocks are reasonably healthy (but not as healthy or as tatty as HHB):


As was said earlier, be careful about playing gently. With weakened bones, any fall could be catastrophic.

it sounds like you caught this fairly early on so I expect that with correct treatment and a good diet they should recover! :thumbsup

I am so glad I did too. And I am giving both of them the calcium and the same diet as suggested. Just makes sense. Yes, Lee at Henry's spent about an hour on the phone with me and explained dosage and spreading out throughout the day as best I can. She was very sweet and informative as like all of you have been to me. I can't express my gratitude enough to all of you. Truly.

As I explained to Robyn, We are always cautious of falls even before this. They are in the spare bedroom and it is carpeted. They like to play in the window up and down the screen. I have the bed right up against the wall IF he/they fell, they would land on the bed, but they never have. Although, Im sure you would know I am right there for the 'just in case". I pretty over protective if you can't guess.

I am going to give them another dose in a little bit, will let you all know if something changes.

I just brought them both a couple of sugar snap peas.

He will not take the homemade pedialyte today, refuses it, but loves the extra TLC and attention. I am guessing/hoping he is just drinking his regular water in his cage? I tent tested him about 3 hours ago, and while it stays up just a tiny bit, it appears much better than yesterday.

I do have a petco, and inquired about the kaytee product you mentioned and they had no clue. I will have to try them again, maybe a different person will know?

You're kind words of encouragement on his healing fast made me feel a little better. It just feels like this shipment is taking forever and it's only been one day. Guess I am not patient. Glad to know it only takes a week. I should have just paid to expedite it.

I promise to be vigilant and stick to the diet. I am not one of those "yeah right I know better" people. I respect everyone's advice. Clearly I didnt know everything or I wouldnt have done it. I will be learning till I take my last breath, that's the plan. I will try my hardest no nuts. Last night was just one small shelled unsalted pistachio. Was trying to get them back into cages and they didnt want to, lol..

Did you know about the Katee alfalfa nibblers I mention? Was wondering if that is ok?

thanks agian :grin3

09-26-2014, 04:17 PM
I know what you mean about being out of work. I was in the professional world, had been at my job for a couple months shy of 10 years, and this past May I just got sick of it all and walked out. My frustration had been building, every day I woke up miserable & just sort of slogged through the day. Now that my time is my own I'm SO much happier! I'm loving spending time with my family & pets, my husband Donnie, 8 year old daughter Summer, two Siamese cats Niko & Sabrina, and the two squirrels we're currently overwintering for spring release, 8wk Cassie & 9wk Sly. We live upstairs with the kitties, but have a huge downstairs squirrel room that we spend alot of time in, letting them play out of their cage. Donnie is a former Army Ranger Sergeant, and 3 years ago he had a brain hemorrhage that left him paralyzed on his right side. He also lost his speech (aphasia) but was able to regain that pretty well through speech therapy. The doctors all told him he'd never walk again, but his strong mind & determination made the wheelchair, in his words, totally unacceptable. He told me he didn't want to burden me with having to spend my life pushing him around, up & down ramps, & transferring him from the bed to the chair. We had only been married 3 weeks when it happened. They did emergency surgery and removed an 8cm clot. The day he was moved out of the ICU into a regular room was our 1 month anniversary! He spent 28 days in the hospital, and also had a blood clot that broke off from not moving his leg and hit his lungs. His resolve set in & he worked very hard and now he can walk. Granted, it's rough on him, his gait throws his back out of alignment, and where the muscles are very weak & he doesn't have any control, his ankle will roll inward. He has to be really careful with every step he takes or else he ends up putting his weight down on the side of his foot and ankle. He will never regain any use of his right arm, hand or fingers, but he's been so clever coming up with work-arounds that most people take for granted. He's learned to write legibly with his left hand, he can tie his own shoes, he washes dishes (I know, right! That's a feat for ANY husband!) and he's even come up with a way to trim his own fingernails... on BOTH hands! Wow, what a ramble!:offtopic ...Anyway, I'm wanting to go back to school in the spring, or maybe even wait until next fall, but I just don't know what I want to DO??? I know I want something that will be personally fulfilling. I don't want to end up back in the same dis-satisfied place I've been before. So I'm taking this time to enjoy living and really just trying to find my 'fit' in life.

About features of The Squirrel Board - at the top of the thread, on the right side, theres a drop-down menu under 'thread tools'. You can select 'subscribe to this thread' and then select what kind of notification you wish to receive whenever someone posts on this thread. I set mine to 'Notify by email'. As far as being able to find this thread again, from anywhere on TSB you can click the main red 'Forum' up at the top, then click 'specific ailment information', then 'other' which is at the very bottom, and then you'll be able to see this thread listed. Write that on a post-it and keep it by computer, that way you can read some other threads and learn more about squirrel care, nutrition, etc. plus familiarize yourself with moving around through diff forums.

Uploading photos - when you post a thread or click reply to thread, you get the box that you type in. Right above where you type is all the diff things you can use editing your msg, font, size, etc. On the top line, 3rd from the right, is a paperclip. Select that. It will open a new window called 'manage attachments'. On the right hand side close to the top theres a button that has a green circle with a + sign and says 'add files'. click that, and then click 'choose file' it will take you to your computer files where you can find your pictures. Select the pic you want, then click 'open' at the bottom right.Your comp. files will close & you'll be back to the manage attachments' window. You can then either select 'upload' or '+' to add another pic. When you've got all the pics you want to attach, then click 'upload', and then 'done' at the bottom right. Your pictures should be attached to your post. Sorry if this is too detailed or confusing, just wanted to give you a step-by-step. :grin2

09-26-2014, 04:35 PM
The heating pad... hmmm... What I did was put the heating pad JUST inside the cage, to where the edge of the pad that the cord came out of hung down between the cage floor & the door opening. The door didn't want to close all the way, but I used a c-clamp from the hardware store to get it to stay closed enough so they couldn't slip through. Where the heating pad was actually inside the cage, I put a piece of thin plywood over the top of it, then set their bed on top of that, half on - half off. That was when I 1st put them in that cage, though, so it's not like I moved the bed. Yours might not like having the bed in a diff spot. Maybe that will give you some ideas though.

Speaking of ideas, I'm definitely going to try the fleece baby hats! I went out and bought a nice hammock at a pet store, but it took up so much room in their cage it was really in the way. And it's not a small cage by any means!:grin3

09-26-2014, 08:58 PM
I know what you mean about being out of work. I was in the professional world, had been at my job for a couple months shy of 10 years, and this past May I just got sick of it all and walked out. My frustration had been building, every day I woke up miserable & just sort of slogged through the day. Now that my time is my own I'm SO much happier! I'm loving spending time with my family & pets, my husband Donnie, 8 year old daughter Summer, two Siamese cats Niko & Sabrina, and the two squirrels we're currently overwintering for spring release, 8wk Cassie & 9wk Sly. We live upstairs with the kitties, but have a huge downstairs squirrel room that we spend alot of time in, letting them play out of their cage. Donnie is a former Army Ranger Sergeant, and 3 years ago he had a brain hemorrhage that left him paralyzed on his right side. He also lost his speech (aphasia) but was able to regain that pretty well through speech therapy. The doctors all told him he'd never walk again, but his strong mind & determination made the wheelchair, in his words, totally unacceptable. He told me he didn't want to burden me with having to spend my life pushing him around, up & down ramps, & transferring him from the bed to the chair. We had only been married 3 weeks when it happened. They did emergency surgery and removed an 8cm clot. The day he was moved out of the ICU into a regular room was our 1 month anniversary! He spent 28 days in the hospital, and also had a blood clot that broke off from not moving his leg and hit his lungs. His resolve set in & he worked very hard and now he can walk. Granted, it's rough on him, his gait throws his back out of alignment, and where the muscles are very weak & he doesn't have any control, his ankle will roll inward. He has to be really careful with every step he takes or else he ends up putting his weight down on the side of his foot and ankle. He will never regain any use of his right arm, hand or fingers, but he's been so clever coming up with work-arounds that most people take for granted. He's learned to write legibly with his left hand, he can tie his own shoes, he washes dishes (I know, right! That's a feat for ANY husband!) and he's even come up with a way to trim his own fingernails... on BOTH hands! Wow, what a ramble!:offtopic ...Anyway, I'm wanting to go back to school in the spring, or maybe even wait until next fall, but I just don't know what I want to DO??? I know I want something that will be personally fulfilling. I don't want to end up back in the same dis-satisfied place I've been before. So I'm taking this time to enjoy living and really just trying to find my 'fit' in life.

About features of The Squirrel Board - at the top of the thread, on the right side, theres a drop-down menu under 'thread tools'. You can select 'subscribe to this thread' and then select what kind of notification you wish to receive whenever someone posts on this thread. I set mine to 'Notify by email'. As far as being able to find this thread again, from anywhere on TSB you can click the main red 'Forum' up at the top, then click 'specific ailment information', then 'other' which is at the very bottom, and then you'll be able to see this thread listed. Write that on a post-it and keep it by computer, that way you can read some other threads and learn more about squirrel care, nutrition, etc. plus familiarize yourself with moving around through diff forums.

Uploading photos - when you post a thread or click reply to thread, you get the box that you type in. Right above where you type is all the diff things you can use editing your msg, font, size, etc. On the top line, 3rd from the right, is a paperclip. Select that. It will open a new window called 'manage attachments'. On the right hand side close to the top theres a button that has a green circle with a + sign and says 'add files'. click that, and then click 'choose file' it will take you to your computer files where you can find your pictures. Select the pic you want, then click 'open' at the bottom right.Your comp. files will close & you'll be back to the manage attachments' window. You can then either select 'upload' or '+' to add another pic. When you've got all the pics you want to attach, then click 'upload', and then 'done' at the bottom right. Your pictures should be attached to your post. Sorry if this is too detailed or confusing, just wanted to give you a step-by-step. :grin2

That is a horrendous story. So sorry, we just have too many coincidences, we must have been BBF in a pst life (JK) or should be? Makes me feel terrible for feeling bad for me, you poor thing. I am gland ur hubby is doing better. BTW, I am left handed too, but am ambidextrous on a lot of things. Maybe he is too? God bless him for his duty and for his accomplishments. what a fighter. Good for him, my muscles are weak and I didnt go thru all of that. Also, what a wonderful wife to stick with it, some wouldnt. Hard start, but gotta be better now and it will only ge better.

I have a feeling we have a slight age diff, due to ur convo. I am 50.:(:boohoo UGH! but look much younger... I think? I wont go back to school, doesnt make financial sense for me, but not sure on ur age, but if financially feasible, do it, u dont have to decide right away? But I get you, to decide what you want to do. I was in a happy job for 20 years, hired a secretary finally, and she turned big time, I got promoted and 13 mos later BYE! has my heart broken, not as much as monkey presently. Very few worthy jobs out there. I came close recently, but nope, I was #2. Im in a diff field, for a girl. Maint supervision or safety. nothing against men, I love mine, but it's a mans world. I agree, I wont take a job beneath me and it has to be personally fulfilling. Not to mention it ruins you're resume if you do. Feel so bad for the kids coming out of college.

Thank you SO much for the help on this site, greatly appreciated, really. I pasted and printed and will try it. maybe I can figure out how to sent you pics, when he was better of course :squirrel3. I can send you the infant hats pic's. GREAT idea, trust me, not much space, even if big cage, besides they like small spaces anyways.
My hubby is about to soon build them huge cages, they have good sized cages now but if we are keeping them, and WE are! lol, they need plenty of room to play, climb, etc...
He is a carpenter, so all good. but holding off now. obvious reasons.

tonight he ate, played, we were very careful. very. He will not take HM pedia or reg water? thinking he is drinking his own in cage but not sure. I cant forc it down him, so not sure, only been two days since treatment really, but worry non stop!!!!!! He just looks thin to me and did tent test again, got a little squeak, not bad, but I am obsessed I guess, he is always on my mind, 24/7. I will try more water in a little bit and continue all night. He did so well yesterday? He had almost 3 treatments of tums, peanut butter on bread. I know not five, but its so hard to break up the right amount, and they were good treatments... since I was told it wont hurt him? He only ate the sugar snap peas tonight mostly, but he had so much throughout the day, that could be why? They both got the same btw. He is frantically looking for his nuts all over to include pockets, which I gave the both NONE! :woot

I will keep you posted of course. I know we got side tracked, but I didnt mind, if it bad to do on here you can always email me, no worries. SandiekBailley@gmail.com.

I really appreciate you're help :Love_Icon

09-26-2014, 09:03 PM
The heating pad... hmmm... What I did was put the heating pad JUST inside the cage, to where the edge of the pad that the cord came out of hung down between the cage floor & the door opening. The door didn't want to close all the way, but I used a c-clamp from the hardware store to get it to stay closed enough so they couldn't slip through. Where the heating pad was actually inside the cage, I put a piece of thin plywood over the top of it, then set their bed on top of that, half on - half off. That was when I 1st put them in that cage, though, so it's not like I moved the bed. Yours might not like having the bed in a diff spot. Maybe that will give you some ideas though.

Speaking of ideas, I'm definitely going to try the fleece baby hats! I went out and bought a nice hammock at a pet store, but it took up so much room in their cage it was really in the way. And it's not a small cage by any means!:grin3

I will have to look at ur notes and try to send you a pic of mine, you will love it!
Hmmm, thought about that, and my concern was closing cage too. I have carabeiners. that could work? prob is He/they LOVE their hats so much, he wont want to leave it. maybe I can make it work will see. they make em now so dang things shut off after a bit. But am familiar with low heat and something over it to prevent a burn, from when he was like a week old. Fear he wont leave his fav hat/bed???

Btw, too funny, I have three cats, all siamese. Told ya, too much in common, lol

09-26-2014, 09:32 PM
The heating pad... hmmm... What I did was put the heating pad JUST inside the cage, to where the edge of the pad that the cord came out of hung down between the cage floor & the door opening. The door didn't want to close all the way, but I used a c-clamp from the hardware store to get it to stay closed enough so they couldn't slip through. Where the heating pad was actually inside the cage, I put a piece of thin plywood over the top of it, then set their bed on top of that, half on - half off. That was when I 1st put them in that cage, though, so it's not like I moved the bed. Yours might not like having the bed in a diff spot. Maybe that will give you some ideas though.

Speaking of ideas, I'm definitely going to try the fleece baby hats! I went out and bought a nice hammock at a pet store, but it took up so much room in their cage it was really in the way. And it's not a small cage by any means!:grin3

ok, monk is first, whisks is second. yay! you helped me a lot!!!! Check the hats out.


I hope this worked? lmk, Monkey should be on the left and Whiskers on right?

GREAT notes btw. wow. Ur like me, details do matter.

09-27-2014, 03:28 AM
Very cute pics, Monkey has a very gentle face.:)

Just follow Leigh's advice, she knows exactly how to treat MBD.

I will say that the TSB has people of all different backgrounds and situations but we are all united by our love of squirrels. They are the common bond that brings us together. :thumbsup

09-27-2014, 09:05 AM
Hi :wave123 good morning. I love those hats, but even better are the sweet little faces peeking out of them!:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon Monkey & Whiskers are lucky little fuzzers to have a Squammy who loves them like you do:Love_Icon

I think you're right about the heating pad, it would probably go unused since they sleep in their hats. On a side note, I've been looking at heating pads at every store I've been in lately, even though I've got an old model without the auto shut-off. I've found 2 store that sell them without that feature. Walgreens has one, it's the most expensive one they sell of course :shakehead for $40, but Family Dollar (not sure if that's a national chain or just regional?) has one for either $12 or $15...

09-27-2014, 09:44 AM
Very cute pics, Monkey has a very gentle face.:)

Just follow Leigh's advice, she knows exactly how to treat MBD.

I will say that the TSB has people of all different backgrounds and situations but we are all united by our love of squirrels. They are the common bond that brings us together. :thumbsup

Thank you, he does have a gentle face... and soul. Hate to say it, but he is my fav <3. Don''t tell Whiskers.

robin taught me step by step how to DL pics and more. She has been very helpful as II was having difficulties navigating and picts, etc. She as well as all of you have helped me a lot. Yes, our common bond is love for squirrels. Let's just say I'm nuts about squirrels. lol. I also feed the outside sqquirrels, chipmunks, a possum, bout 8 raccoons. It's become the "Bailey farm". lol

Leigh was so considerate and nice. I couldnt believe she spend about an hour on the phone with me. She gave me lots of valuable information. I am having a hard time getting the dosage just right and dont it 5 times a day as she instructed. She said it is more effective to be more time released than just one shot a day. Yesterday was only 3 times, but 3 hefty dosages. I think they just get full and them thats that? thats my guess. I figured everyone said it can't hurt them, so I figured if they are only going to do 3, I better make them stronger so he/they are getting the 500 mg a day.

Do you think that is ok?

I don't know what happened yesterday with the water, he didnt want the hydration fluid, so I assumed (hoped) he was drinking his water in his cage, but last night I made a mental note of the level and this AM it appeared relatively the same. Good news is, he drank 20 syringes of hydration fluid this AM! :woot and you KNOW Im going to keep pushing it allllll day long! NO nuts at all yesterday, I didnt even break down and give them one pistachio.

So, keep you're fingers crossed. Cant wait for my shipment. I am being vigilant. I am a person of my word. He means the world to me. <3

09-27-2014, 09:56 AM
Hi :wave123 good morning. I love those hats, but even better are the sweet little faces peeking out of them!:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon Monkey & Whiskers are lucky little fuzzers to have a Squammy who loves them like you do:Love_Icon

I think you're right about the heating pad, it would probably go unused since they sleep in their hats. On a side note, I've been looking at heating pads at every store I've been in lately, even though I've got an old model without the auto shut-off. I've found 2 store that sell them without that feature. Walgreens has one, it's the most expensive one they sell of course :shakehead for $40, but Family Dollar (not sure if that's a national chain or just regional?) has one for either $12 or $15...

Thank you. they do have the cutest faces. I just love em to death! Wish I had a pic of the way he raises his arm on the side of the chin you pet, its so precious.

Yeah, just not sure they will leave their hat beddies for a heating pad. They absolutely love them! They act "put out" when they have to leave them, lol. Isnt that the coolest idea? It just came to me. Check walmart out for them. The fleece is perfect too, bc their claws dont get caught and they are nice and warm (I would guess).
Good to know on the heating pads, we DO have a family dollar right around the corner, I will have to check that out. I understand why the make them with the shut off, and know they are prone to catching fire, but I believe in having choices. Tired of everyone judging and telling others what to do. not to mention, it's not like I'm not home all day, ya know? Sadly.

Monk was a good boy this morn. He has his first tums/peanut butter on bread dosage and he drank 20 syringes of hydration! gonna be some major peeing going on in a little bit. I will keep trying all day and keep you all posted. :thumbsup

09-27-2014, 09:56 AM
Don't give him any more hydration fluid, switch to plain water. I think you said he hadn't taken much, if any, yesterday but he'd taken it the day before? What you gave him this morn shouldn't hurt him, but when given regularly, over 24 hours can have the opposite effect, actually make him more dehydrated. Again, since he didn't take much yest, what you gave him this morn is OK, but no more, just water. It's great that he took it though!

09-27-2014, 10:04 AM
Don't give him any more hydration fluid, switch to plain water. I think you said he hadn't taken much, if any, yesterday but he'd taken it the day before? What you gave him this morn shouldn't hurt him, but when given regularly, over 24 hours can have the opposite effect, actually make him more dehydrated. Again, since he didn't take much yest, what you gave him this morn is OK, but no more, just water. It's great that he took it though!

Huh? Leigh at Henrys said the 24 hr rule was only for the real pedialyte, gatoraide, etc, but for homemade it was fine. That's weird.

He didnt take one drop yesterday. I was hooping he was drinking his reg water but made a mental not of the level and this morn is remained the same, so I Fear he didnt drink any yesterday :(

I will tent test him again later. Last night I tried again and got a little squeak, which of course bothered me, I would never hurt them and feel badly when he does that. I will let you know how it looks later, have to get cooking. Have people over for my dad's birthday dinner gathering.

09-27-2014, 10:10 AM
Don't give him any more hydration fluid, switch to plain water. I think you said he hadn't taken much, if any, yesterday but he'd taken it the day before? What you gave him this morn shouldn't hurt him, but when given regularly, over 24 hours can have the opposite effect, actually make him more dehydrated. Again, since he didn't take much yest, what you gave him this morn is OK, but no more, just water. It's great that he took it though!

Ok, saw you're friend request, I think I successfully added you? Lmk if I did it right lol. I didnt know we could do that. Wow, the things you are teaching me.

09-27-2014, 06:16 PM
I'm far from experienced with pedialite or the homemade solution, so someone please correct me if I'm wrong. Also, I'm not sure what homemade solution you've made for hydration, so that may be the misunderstanding. The recipe for homemade hydration that is commonly listed on TSB is:

Homemade Pedialyte:
1 cup warm water
1 tbsp sugar
1/4 tps salt

While the homemade mix is much better for them (much less sodium) than Pedialite, too much salt can add to dehydration. Too much sugar can also do this, plus it can also cause runny or loose BMs. Since you might be giving Monkey hydration from a syringe for more than just a day or two, it would be safer for him if you use plain warm water, or you could just add a 1/4 tsp of sugar. The sweet taste may entice him more than plain water without being hard on his kidneys (as with the added salt)

09-27-2014, 08:32 PM
I'm far from experienced with pedialite or the homemade solution, so someone please correct me if I'm wrong. Also, I'm not sure what homemade solution you've made for hydration, so that may be the misunderstanding. The recipe for homemade hydration that is commonly listed on TSB is:

Homemade Pedialyte:
1 cup warm water
1 tbsp sugar
1/4 tps salt

While the homemade mix is much better for them (much less sodium) than Pedialite, too much salt can add to dehydration. Too much sugar can also do this, plus it can also cause runny or loose BMs. Since you might be giving Monkey hydration from a syringe for more than just a day or two, it would be safer for him if you use plain warm water, or you could just add a 1/4 tsp of sugar. The sweet taste may entice him more than plain water without being hard on his kidneys (as with the added salt)

Yes Robin that is what I have been using, Wrong? Leigh told me not prob with using it longer, If I am wrong someone please let me know. Nothing means more than my Monk. "I only used warm water for both this eve, as I didnt want to screw up. He only too one :( She took like 5, just warm water, lol.

I have seen no lose BM, that I know of.

Good news, bad news. She ate 2 peanut butter on wheat bread tums. he ate like 1 1 /2 maybe? First dose esd good, second, EH? third, I thought I would change it up, PB tums on a mushroom the love.... NOPE, no go. :(

Thy seem to want just sugar snap peas a lot, no endive, spinach...

Ate his whole monkey biscuit, sorry, he loves them and they have "some" nutrients...

I just feel badly he is not putting on any weight. Squeaked again when I tent tested him "gently" Play time was diff, but things were diff, no hubby there, cutting lawn, earlier due to my fathers bday dinner...

Ideas, help please on calcium, tums to get it in him??? Any ideas are so welcome.

09-27-2014, 09:02 PM
Just gave him another monkey biscuit, he is so missing his nuts and hungry. I know yall will yell at me, just trying to get thru this eek, to get my HHB.

So should I continue to give him the water and sugar?

any suggestions on new ideas to get him to eat his tums, calcium?

I am looking for ideas please.
he looks thin to me, maybe I was think he would put weight on with hydration???

09-27-2014, 09:25 PM
I hate it that Monkey squeaks when you tent test him. Poor guy. Aside from the squeak how is it looking? Does the skin still seem to be staying up? Improving?

Like I said, I'm not personally experienced with the hydration issue, but I've searched & read, then searched again & re-read, probably 30 threads on here about hydration, pedialite, & home made hydration solution, and these are the answers I keep finding: NO Pedialite after 24 hours. The added salt in the home made version can be counter-productive after 24hrs, but it's not as bad as the store bought.

Since neither of your sweeties has any trouble with loose poos, a little sugar (1 tsp) added to a cup of warm water should be fine, and may even make sweet little Monkey more likely to take the water.

You can also dissolve the Tums in water. The fruit flavorings aren't really good for them, but as a short term until you get the package from Henry's it's still better than nothing. Just not something to use every day for the rest of their lives.

I've heard that a lot of squirrels will nibble a Tums tablet, picky-little-strange-taste eaters lol!

You can also put a cuttlebone and/or antler in their cage. Both are calcium sources that also help them keep their teeth filed. Some pet stores also carry calcium chews for birds that Monkey & Whiskers may take.

I think you'll get your Henry's package Monday, or maybe Tues at the latest. My last order was placed on a Friday morning and it came on Monday. :serene

09-28-2014, 09:09 AM
I also think that you should use water after 24 hours on the pedialyte solution.

The extra salts are for squirrels that are dehydrated and who need electrolytes. But once they are rehydrated, switch to plain water. In the long term, the additional salts are hard for their kidneys to process so plain water is best.

Leigh is super knowledgable but I think she would agree that after a squirrel is rehydrated, plain water is best.

Keep up the good work.:thumbsup

09-28-2014, 10:10 AM
I hate it that Monkey squeaks when you tent test him. Poor guy. Aside from the squeak how is it looking? Does the skin still seem to be staying up? Improving?

Like I said, I'm not personally experienced with the hydration issue, but I've searched & read, then searched again & re-read, probably 30 threads on here about hydration, pedialite, & home made hydration solution, and these are the answers I keep finding: NO Pedialite after 24 hours. The added salt in the home made version can be counter-productive after 24hrs, but it's not as bad as the store bought.

Since neither of your sweeties has any trouble with loose poos, a little sugar (1 tsp) added to a cup of warm water should be fine, and may even make sweet little Monkey more likely to take the water.

You can also dissolve the Tums in water. The fruit flavorings aren't really good for them, but as a short term until you get the package from Henry's it's still better than nothing. Just not something to use every day for the rest of their lives.

I've heard that a lot of squirrels will nibble a Tums tablet, picky-little-strange-taste eaters lol!

You can also put a cuttlebone and/or antler in their cage. Both are calcium sources that also help them keep their teeth filed. Some pet stores also carry calcium chews for birds that Monkey & Whiskers may take.

I think you'll get your Henry's package Monday, or maybe Tues at the latest. My last order was placed on a Friday morning and it came on Monday. :serene

I am not sure what to make of the squeak. See, not now, but before weight loss/dehydration, we always played tickle tickle, and that was more like his armpits, belly, and he would squeak but come back for more, so I think it was laughing for him? At least thats what it appeared to be.

If he wont take plain water then I will have to try a little sugar. No salt. Sadly now she likes the plain warm water. lol. She has always liked being hand syringe fed too. My spoiled babies. & no, no probs with lose poop. Monkey must spit them out of his butt like a rocket launcher bc they usually are all over the wall, rug, but since I just cleaned & vacuumed there isnt any now.

Now see, I tried to dissolve one in water yesterday, but it wouldnt dissolve. I am betting I didnt have the water hot enough? Of course then I have to wait for water to cool down before giving it to him.

I have both cuttle bone and antlers in their cages. Whiskers chewed her antler a little in beginning that was like 2-3 weeks ago, ignores the cuttle bone, Monkey? He ignores both of them like they just dont exist. So much for those.

Gosh I hope the henrys comes soon, seems like forever when you want something badly. Doubt it will be Mon, got email next day saying shipment was scheduled to go out, so must be they didnt ship same day. I called her later in aft, so prob missed the cut off time for shipping.

09-28-2014, 10:22 AM
I also think that you should use water after 24 hours on the pedialyte solution.

The extra salts are for squirrels that are dehydrated and who need electrolytes. But once they are rehydrated, switch to plain water. In the long term, the additional salts are hard for their kidneys to process so plain water is best.

Leigh is super knowledgable but I think she would agree that after a squirrel is rehydrated, plain water is best.

Keep up the good work.:thumbsup

Understood on the salt.

I just tried more plain water, sadly she took 5, he only took 4, he was licking the tines of the cage, convinced the sugar must be somewhere? He grabs the syringe aggressively like he cant wait, drinks a little figures no sugar, maybe on the cage? He is a stubborn obstinate little squirrel.

Ill keep u all posted. come on henrys package! Hoping these HHB blocks put weight back on him???

09-28-2014, 12:19 PM
Put a little sugar in the tip to get him started.

He probably will not like the HHB at first, he is used to nuts and other treats. But be firm, tough love. Some people have watched their stubborn squirrels refuse to eat them for several days but don't worry, they will not starve themselfs. Think of a child who ate nothing but cheeseburgers and chocolate all their lives and then have to eat turkey burgers and a green salad.:grin2 It takes a little time but in the long run they will be happy and healthy and will come to love their HHBs.

Understood on the salt.

I just tried more plain water, sadly she took 5, he only took 4, he was licking the tines of the cage, convinced the sugar must be somewhere? He grabs the syringe aggressively like he cant wait, drinks a little figures no sugar, maybe on the cage? He is a stubborn obstinate little squirrel.

Ill keep u all posted. come on henrys package! Hoping these HHB blocks put weight back on him???

09-28-2014, 01:36 PM
Put a little sugar in the tip to get him started.

He probably will not like the HHB at first, he is used to nuts and other treats. But be firm, tough love. Some people have watched their stubborn squirrels refuse to eat them for several days but don't worry, they will not starve themselfs. Think of a child who ate nothing but cheeseburgers and chocolate all their lives and then have to eat turkey burgers and a green salad.:grin2 It takes a little time but in the long run they will be happy and healthy and will come to love their HHBs.

Yes, Leigh said the same thing. I did order the HHB for picky squirrels. More $ but if it works better at first, then well worth it. We both agreed at least at first use the picky eaters one, then as he gets better, switch over, gradually if I have too. Guess picky is sweeter? They seem to like sweet.
I just gave them their second dose of bread/peanut butter (tums), pretty healthy dosage, bc they get full and dont want anymore. Think that is ok???
I am trying to make the bread as tiny as I can, which ends up difficult for me, bc of course it flips over onto paper towel, hand etc. always messy side down of course. When Monkey starts getting picky, I hand it to him bread side up and he gets fooled and eats it all. LOL

I just gave him like 4-5 syringes of water w/ just a tine bit of sugar. I ended up fooling him & learned something new. Apparently he doesnt care for his paws wet or sticky, so he licks them, so as he was licking his paws, I either kept syringing it in his little paws or kept sneaking it into his mouth. Have to be resourceful. Whatever works right?

So, I will keep trying these two things all day/tonight to ensure he is getting ample (& her too). Thanks again for all of ur support.

09-28-2014, 10:20 PM
Ok good news, actually got FIVE tums treatments in him, FOUR in her, that' a record. Healthy doses, bc hard to judge by eye till I get my real stuff MONDAY! yay. Leigh wrote me, my hero.
I think? Monkey looks better hydration wise, weight? cant tell yet.
Gave them both spinach (now they hate, suggestions?), mushrooms, sugar snaps, and they devoured! so I had to give them more, they were so good. I also noticed monkeys water dish low, even with syringed water today (doesnt mean he didnt splash it around like he sometimes does to play or clean?) but seemed encouraging. Also gave him a monkey biscuit and her too (she normally doesnt care for them), the BOTH devoured them!

Hydration looks a little better I think? Still concerned about hunched back and weight loss. Leigh thinks it may be also or diff parasites, I am in a convo with her.

Can anyone tell me how long after HHB he will start to put weight back on to be my chunky monkey again??? about???

I will get my shipment tomorrow I believe, and will follow directions, promise. They have had NO nuts!!!

Since Monk loves his MB so much I want to still order more, but dont have the site I ordered from, does anyone have the (reasonable) site available? Please lmk, running low for my baby. Thanks

09-28-2014, 11:22 PM
If you're lookingto add weight, you might also get a tube of Nutra-Cal. It's intended for dogs that need extra nutrition because they're not eating, have been sick, etc. Some sqs don;t like it, but many do. It's like $8 a tube.

09-28-2014, 11:30 PM
If you're lookingto add weight, you might also get a tube of Nutra-Cal. It's intended for dogs that need extra nutrition because they're not eating, have been sick, etc. Some sqs don;t like it, but many do. It's like $8 a tube.

Fantastic, will try it, do you happen to know where I can purchase a tube? petsmart? etc? I am on a strict MBD diet at this time until my HHB blocks arrive I thin tomorrow, is that still ok to give him even on this diet? It's a possible MBD issue, It may be more, not sure yet, Leigh is assisting me.

Please advise where to get possibly for a time saver and if ok?

thanks so much, appreciate it.

09-28-2014, 11:43 PM
It's at many, many pet stores. I think even Walmart. Yes, it's OK with the MBD treatment.

09-29-2014, 01:49 AM
Sandie, I think it might be a good idea if you were to start a new thread in the 'non life threatening help needed' forum. You've gotten Monkey hydrated and you're addressing the dietary deficiencies, but I wouldn't want to miss the forest for the trees, so to speak. There are lots of people here who've probably literally seen it all, and a new thread in that forum will get more attention. They may have some other ideas to help you pinpoint what's behind Monkeys weight loss.:grouphug

09-29-2014, 09:31 AM
It's at many, many pet stores. I think even Walmart. Yes, it's OK with the MBD treatment.

Ok, thank you. Going to get some in a little bit :serene

09-29-2014, 09:32 AM
Sandie, I think it might be a good idea if you were to start a new thread in the 'non life threatening help needed' forum. You've gotten Monkey hydrated and you're addressing the dietary deficiencies, but I wouldn't want to miss the forest for the trees, so to speak. There are lots of people here who've probably literally seen it all, and a new thread in that forum will get more attention. They may have some other ideas to help you pinpoint what's behind Monkeys weight loss.:grouphug

Opps! sorry, didnt know it was wrong. Ok, now hopefully I can figure out how to do that. lol.

10-01-2014, 10:25 AM
How is Monkey doing today??

10-01-2014, 11:21 AM
How is Monkey doing today??

Minkey's dehydration issue appears resolved. Passes tent test. The concern at this point is the weight loss. He & whiskers are on the HHB blocks now and a strict diet. He has never been lethargic and remains playful and energetic. This is why I am searching for a vet to look at his poop. We are thinking parasites at this point. Need to determine if so, which kind.

10-01-2014, 05:43 PM
Did you see my post in non- life threatening forum. I gave you a name of a vet in Elma NY, about 1 1/2 hrs from Rochester.

10-01-2014, 06:43 PM
Did you see my post in non- life threatening forum. I gave you a name of a vet in Elma NY, about 1 1/2 hrs from Rochester.

Shoot, no I did not. Been having major laptop issues today, have to take it in I guess. On ipad now.
I will try to find it. Are they squirrel friendly to a non licensed person??? I will not surrender him. Sorry, just won't.
Thank you sooo much. I have to look. Much appreciated, Lmk on the surrounding part please.