View Full Version : Zymbal's gland tumor

11-03-2011, 10:14 AM
I feed the wild squirrels in my yard and there is one with a large tumor on the side of his face. In researching this I found an old blog from this website with questions and photos from someone whose yard squirrel had the same affliction. My research also led me to another website which I think explains this disease. I believe it is a Zymbal's gland tumor, which is seen in rats. As squirrels are cousins to rats, it seems likely to be the same problem. Here is a link to the website:


I don't believe there is anything we can do for these squirrels, and I don't believe these tumors are infectious. Although I make sure there is food out for him and his healthy friends, I think that eventually he will die from this tumor. All I can do is provide food for him while he is still able to eat.

11-03-2011, 10:43 AM
Hi. I don't know anything aout this condition and didn't see it listed in the specific ailment section. If I am wrong, hopefully someone else will post a link to that information. Here is a link to a rehabber who has information on this condition at her site. I believe one of her squirrels had that condition. Please let us know what you find out.


11-03-2011, 11:09 AM
Yes, one of my wilds has either this or a bad abscess as well. I am hoping it is an abscess because without having a knowledgable vet look at him, there is no way to tell, and he is most definitely wild. I am currently giving him a treat of almond butter and ground macadamia nuts that is laced with baytril on the chance that this is an abscess that will drain.

11-03-2011, 08:53 PM
I had a squirrel die of a zymbals gland abscess....so sad