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Thread: Cat caught a chippie! Portage, Indiana

  1. #1
    Jade219 Guest

    Unhappy Cat caught a chippie! Portage, Indiana

    My cat Bought home a full grown chipmunk. It was still breathing (labored, but breathing). Its little ears were moving and I didnt see any broken skin. I filled a box up with t-shirts and i placed a few cotton balls soaked in water by its precious little face. I hadnt seen him attempt to get any water or move. I decided to take a nap. When i woke up about an hour later the little guy had moved about five inches and had moved the cotton ball! Its breathing is much faster, and when I touched his belly, he screeched. He isnt moving anymore, but he seems to be breathig fine. Im not scared since i read that these little guys dont carry rabies. But Im scared the little guy has a broken bone or bones. I need help this is the first time I have ever tried helping a wild animal. I looked up vets in my area that work with wild life, and i cant find any. What am I supposed to do? Please help me and give me as much advice as you can. This is the first time I have ever found and attempted to help a injured chipmunk. Im hoping I can help him or find someone who can help guide me through this!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Cat caught a chippie!

    Here's a link to basic care:

    Also, cat saliva is toxic and he will need antibiotics. Got any? We can tell you how to dose. Cipro and Baytril are best.

    Where are you? Maybe we have someone close.

  3. #3
    Jade219 Guest

    Default Re: Cat caught a chippie!

    I have benadryl. Would that work? If not i will go get something else. I live In Portage, Indiana. Should i put anything out for this little guy to eat if he can even do so?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Cat caught a chippie!

    I have limited availability right now but dark, warm, and quiet are the keys, as is hydration. Warm Pedialyte would be advised, administered with a 1cc syringe. If he's shocky (and it sounds like he is) try and get him to take some molasses. Rub it on his gums with a q-tip if necessary. Use another syrup or jam if necessary but molasses is best.

  5. #5
    Jade219 Guest

    Default Re: Cat caught a chippie!

    just looked at the link, I wont try to feed him.

  6. #6
    Jade219 Guest

    Default Re: Cat caught a chippie!

    I have honey on hand. Ill go do that right now.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Cat caught a chippie!

    Benadryl is not an antibiotic. Ask your friends. Pet stores sometimes have ABs without a script such as Fish Flox, so you can call around too. I'll put a notice up to see if anyone can help in your area.

    Warm yogurt is good. Warm Ensure (the human stuff) is good. Avocado (no pit or skin). But food comes AFTER hydration and warmth (and the molasses).

    Right now though I have to go. Others will be on. Just keep checking back.

  8. #8
    Jade219 Guest

    Unhappy Re: Cat caught a chippie!

    He just stopped breathing:cry I tried. Thank you for your advice.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Cat caught a chippie! Portage, Indiana

    Very sorry. Thanks for trying. Others may find you. It happens lots.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Cat caught a chippie! Portage, Indiana

    Godspeed little chippie...
    Jade, remember that you made his last moments far more comfortable than lying on the ground outdoors. Thank-you for trying.
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