Re: Flying Squirrel Manual
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We're looking for a flying squirrel REHAB manual. We know the basics, feeding percentages and all that, but I'd like a guide on when to bump from 6 feedings a day to 5, to 4, and something going over the best weaning foods, when to start giving them, etc. Right now he's only 9 grams so we're feeding every 3 hours, but we're not sure when to cut back. All is well so far.
Too bad we only have the one. If anyone in Missouri is reading this and has a single that they're willing to give up to go with this little one, please email me. We would be willing to give ours up for him to be with a friend. Thanks!
That is so sweet and noble that you would give up such a sweet little monster! I was told it was okay for flyers to be singletons because they will bond with their caregiver and then once released they will bond with a flyer colony. I am sure you know by now that the "Skuls" are the flyer experts, so please ask them, they are very wise and nice too. As for books, there is an old one that is out of print..but I can't remember the name just now. There is another book called " Wild Mammal Babies, the first 48 hours and Beyond", by Debra Goode and Irene Ruth and GUESS WHAT - It is on our Raffle right now. Yep you can buy a chance of only $1 or more and that puts your name in for this book. That's a good deal since the book is around $65 (I think that's what I paid?). Anyway this book has an entire section on flyer babies & it is easy to read and use. I have only raised three boys and I loved them dearly. I love, love, love flyers! Welcome and good luck! ~Staci
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