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Thread: sarcoptic mange mites

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    Default sarcoptic mange mites

    sarcoptic mange mite photos.
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  3. #3
    TexanSquirrel Guest

    Default Re: sarcoptic mange mites


  4. #4
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    Default Re: sarcoptic mange mites


    I just finished treating a baby squirrel for sarcoptic mange. I used Revolution and it was a complete success. He was an eight week old that weighed 280g. I used 1/3 of the vial for kittens/cats under 5 lbs. I applied it as soon as I noticed his condition and then three weeks later.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: sarcoptic mange mites

    Quote Originally Posted by crochet101

    I just finished treating a baby squirrel for sarcoptic mange. I used Revolution and it was a complete success. He was an eight week old that weighed 280g. I used 1/3 of the vial for kittens/cats under 5 lbs. I applied it as soon as I noticed his condition and then three weeks later.
    Revolution is a great drug for that, as well as for fleas and some types of worms. Only thing with Revolution is you must have a vet prescription to buy it. A good alternative if you don't have a cooperative vet is Ivomec (ivermectin), which can be purchased over the internet without a scrip. It works beautifully for sarcoptic mange in squirrels.
    Island Rehabber
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  6. #6
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    Default Re: sarcoptic mange mites

    What does this mange look like on a squirrel, are there bald spots,scales. Our junior has some bald spots and we dont know why. I notice him scratching some but I dont see any critters on him.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: sarcoptic mange mites

    Quote Originally Posted by wdarmac
    What does this mange look like on a squirrel, are there bald spots,scales. Our junior has some bald spots and we dont know why. I notice him scratching some but I dont see any critters on him.
    Mange gives them bald or thinning spots, with red bumps and/or scalyness on the skin in those places. It's hard to see the mange mites, but you will see the bumps, etc. If it's just bald spots sometimes it's a natural shedding of their coats and it will fill in pretty quickly.
    Island Rehabber
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    "Ancora Imparo" (I am still learning)

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    Default Re: sarcoptic mange mites

  9. #9
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    Default Re: sarcoptic mange mites

    You cannot see mange mites with the naked eye. These pictures on here I had to take with a very high powered microscope lense. I couldn't even see them with the lower powered lens on the microscope, I had to go one up.

    Squirrels do shed in patches. If the skin looks healthy with no crustiness, scabs or signs of irritation it is probably just shedding. If you want to see what mange mites do and what it looks like go to the speciffic breeds / grey squirel / Mr. Tilty thread. Look at the beginning of the thread to see pics of when he had it. YOu can go through that thread to see how it progressed and how he looked after it was cured. He has scarring because he had it for a few months before I got him. It started off mild then progressed to the point to where he was too weak to stand up on his own. He had to sit on his side to eat. Now he is fine and walks and sits fine. The name Mr. Tilty is no longer necessary.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: sarcoptic mange mites

    When I first received my mangy little guy he was infested with fleas and I did not know what else. I did notice little dry skin patches but I did not think much of it. I successfully got rid of the fleas and he was fine for about two weeks. I then noticed there were more dry patches, some with red bumps and bright red irritated skin. Then came the itching and scratching. The poor little guy could not stop scratching and would run around his cage frantically, obviously very uncomfortable. All of this happened within a very short period of time (within 48 - 72 hours). His worst spots were under his armpits and his back. I have since learned that these are typical of mange mites.

    One night after I fed him his Esbilac he was actually crying and whining. The next day I got the Revolution and with in 48 hours he was not scratching and the red patches and bumps became normal skin color. I really liked using Revolution because it covers a large range of parasites at once.

  11. #11
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    Yes, that certainly does sound like mange. I used Ivermectin on Tilty and he stopped scratching immediately and seemed instantly relieved. The healing takes longer. Fleas are easy to get rid of. If you do not have the proper meds for them then you can just wash the squirrel in blue Dawn dishwashing liquid. It is safe on the squirrel and kills the fleas instantly.

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    Default Re: sarcoptic mange mites

    I dont think this is mange, I dont see any places that are scaley or irritated, there is smooth pink skin from where he has pulled the hair. He does scratch some, but no more than he has in the past. what it is, but I am keeping an eye on it. Where do you get the Ivermectin in case I do need it later on.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: sarcoptic mange mites

    If you are in a leagal state or have a vet that will treat your squirrel you can get it through the vet. WHat state are you in? If there is no signs of irritation then it is probably not mange. Look for signs of hair regrowth. It starts as a shadow beneath the skin then you will soon see tinty hairs poking out. If you see this it is probably just shedding and nothing to worry about.

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    I live in Missouri and I dont believe its squirrel friendly state for the simple reason I called a vet about a year ago and the receptionist told me they werent allowed to give any info on caring for a wild animal that I wasnt suppose to have one, I didnt tell them my name, its the same vet I use for my dog.

  15. #15
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    Default Re: sarcoptic mange mites

    You can now buy Ivermectin at Chris' Squirrels & More.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: sarcoptic mange mites

    I will order me some so I will have it if I need it.

  17. #17
    BlairU Guest

    Exclamation Re: sarcoptic mange mites

    I have a baby squirrel now who I suspect has mange. I'm very worried about him because he seems to be getting weaker by the day. Started out a a little scaly patch in the middle of his shoulders, and has suddenly speread across his whole back within the last few days and he has hair falling out all over. I have a vet appt for this Sat, but what can I do for him until then. Can I put cortizone on the affected areas to help him feel better?

  18. #18
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    Default Re: sarcoptic mange mites

    Blaire he needs Ivermectin, an injection will work quicker.. is there anyway you can get him in earlier to the vet?
    Please keep him well hydrated with Pedialyte, and keep him on a heating pad set on low.
    He needs Esbillac puppy formula for nutrition once he is hydrated.
    Mange means he needs even more hydration then ever! Feeding with a syringe is best.
    ALso all of his baby blankets ect need to be changed atleast daily untill the mange is under control.

    Pa. licenced Rehabber

  19. #19
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    Default Re: sarcoptic mange mites

    What is the dosage of Ivermectin? squirrel between 4-5 weeks. I have recently noticed red bumps on Simba's tummy, can these be trans to people?
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  20. #20
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    Default Re: sarcoptic mange mites

    Red bumps could be flea bites? Adams flea powder (or flea powder for kittens)on a paper towel and dabbed onto baby may help.
    How old is Simba?

    Pa. licenced Rehabber

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