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Thread: DISCUSSION - Rehabbers! What do you feed your squirrels?

  1. #1
    mpetys Guest

    Default DISCUSSION - Rehabbers! What do you feed your squirrels?

    I would like anyone who feeds multiple squirrels to chime in on a discussion on what you feed your squirrels. When I just had 3 or 4 NR's and a few rehab babies, it wasn't difficult. I just followed the healthy diet with the recommended HHB's. But as time went by, I found myself with more and more squirrels. Up until yesterday, I had 31 squirrels in my care that I was feeding. I say up until yesterday because yesterday we released 14 squirrels! I hope to update my release thread soon with pictures!

    So now I have three NR's, 14 squirrels that I am overwintering for a spring release and another young one that will be brought to me the middle of the month for overwintering and release. In about a week, eleven squirrels will be brought to us to overwinter for a spring release as well. I am still feeding the just released squirrels as I leave their release portals open so they can come and go and have their new wild diet supplemented with the fruits and veggies they have been used to. After a month or so, I will start closing up release cages and make the release cage available to the oldest squirrels I am overwintering. So at that time there will be 29 squirrels being fed here.

    What do others with large numbers of squirrels they are responsible for, feed them? I have heard of some that are on a rodent block only diet, others the same but supplemented with fresh veggies and some fruit. What rodent block do you use. I have been using Mazuri that I get from Petsmart but I found out that some feed stores have this block or can get it in 50 pound bags for much less. One rehabber was telling me that she pays, I think, $20 for a 50 pound bag of rodent block. I'm not sure what brand.

    Any info will be appreciated!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: DISCUSSION - Rehabbers! What do you feed your squirrels?

    Mazuri makes two different types of rat block - one for pet rats, which they sell in 20# bags for about $25 and one for "feeder" rats which is 50# for about $23. The difference between the two seems to be the amount of protein - the feeder rat (the cheaper stuff) is closer to what we do for our squirrels and the pet rat is quite high - 20+% protein... I buy the feeder rat to make the food for my wilds. It is softer and more porous than other rat blocks.

    Purina makes Mazuri so a feed store that carries Purina feeds should be able to get it for you. I go through a 50# bag every two weeks! My wilds all look very fat and happy and OMG there are a lot of them.

    BTW, it SMELLS...

  3. #3
    mpetys Guest

    Default Re: DISCUSSION - Rehabbers! What do you feed your squirrels?

    Quote Originally Posted by CritterMom
    Mazuri makes two different types of rat block - one for pet rats, which they sell in 20# bags for about $25 and one for "feeder" rats which is 50# for about $23. The difference between the two seems to be the amount of protein - the feeder rat (the cheaper stuff) is closer to what we do for our squirrels and the pet rat is quite high - 20+% protein... I buy the feeder rat to make the food for my wilds. It is softer and more porous than other rat blocks.

    Purina makes Mazuri so a feed store that carries Purina feeds should be able to get it for you. I go through a 50# bag every two weeks! My wilds all look very fat and happy and OMG there are a lot of them.

    BTW, it SMELLS...
    Good to know about the difference between the two! Since you are feeding these to your wilds, and you say it SMELLS . . . Would it be hard to deal with in the house, smellwise that is if feeding 15 - 20 squirrels indoors?

  4. #4
    momma2boo Guest

    Default Re: DISCUSSION - Rehabbers! What do you feed your squirrels?

    I don't have the numbers that many do but I feed Harlan Teklad. And as everyone must know by now ... I make Boo Balls for mine. The HT isn't expensive (I don't think so anyway ... I guess it depends on your interpretation of expensive and what side of the tracks you're looking from )

    Wish I had more input.

  5. #5
    mpetys Guest

    Default Re: DISCUSSION - Rehabbers! What do you feed your squirrels?

    Quote Originally Posted by momma2boo
    I don't have the numbers that many do but I feed Harlan Teklad. And as everyone must know by now ... I make Boo Balls for mine. The HT isn't expensive (I don't think so anyway ... I guess it depends on your interpretation of expensive and what side of the tracks you're looking from )

    Wish I had more input.
    I keep hearing about the HT blocks but don't recall seeing them at petsmart. Are they available at places like Petsmart or Petco?

  6. #6
    momma2boo Guest

    Default Re: DISCUSSION - Rehabbers! What do you feed your squirrels?

    Quote Originally Posted by mpetys
    I keep hearing about the HT blocks but don't recall seeing them at petsmart. Are they available at places like Petsmart or Petco?
    Nope ... I order them online from
    I can send you the link if you need.

  7. #7
    mpetys Guest

    Default Re: DISCUSSION - Rehabbers! What do you feed your squirrels?

    Quote Originally Posted by momma2boo
    Nope ... I order them online from
    I can send you the link if you need.
    Please do. I would like to try them and check pricing on them.

  8. #8
    momma2boo Guest

    Default Re: DISCUSSION - Rehabbers! What do you feed your squirrels?

    Quote Originally Posted by mpetys
    Please do. I would like to try them and check pricing on them.

    I noticed that they are giving 10% off orders this month if you use the
    coupon code DEC2011.

  9. #9
    dizzdigia Guest

    Default Re: DISCUSSION - Rehabbers! What do you feed your squirrels?

    Quote Originally Posted by mpetys
    I would like anyone who feeds multiple squirrels to chime in on a discussion on what you feed your squirrels. When I just had 3 or 4 NR's and a few rehab babies, it wasn't difficult. I just followed the healthy diet with the recommended HHB's. But as time went by, I found myself with more and more squirrels. Up until yesterday, I had 31 squirrels in my care that I was feeding. I say up until yesterday because yesterday we released 14 squirrels! I hope to update my release thread soon with pictures!

    So now I have three NR's, 14 squirrels that I am overwintering for a spring release and another young one that will be brought to me the middle of the month for overwintering and release. In about a week, eleven squirrels will be brought to us to overwinter for a spring release as well. I am still feeding the just released squirrels as I leave their release portals open so they can come and go and have their new wild diet supplemented with the fruits and veggies they have been used to. After a month or so, I will start closing up release cages and make the release cage available to the oldest squirrels I am overwintering. So at that time there will be 29 squirrels being fed here.

    What do others with large numbers of squirrels they are responsible for, feed them? I have heard of some that are on a rodent block only diet, others the same but supplemented with fresh veggies and some fruit. What rodent block do you use. I have been using Mazuri that I get from Petsmart but I found out that some feed stores have this block or can get it in 50 pound bags for much less. One rehabber was telling me that she pays, I think, $20 for a 50 pound bag of rodent block. I'm not sure what brand.

    Any info will be appreciated!
    I only have a couple guys but I dont use blocks (unless im making Boo Balls)
    I use the trail mix that Karen Clark came up with: Zupreen fruit flavored parrot pellets, unsalted soy nuts, unsalted seseme sticks, box of Sunseed Garden wafers,regular Cheerios, Arrowhead Mills shredded wheat, raw pumpkin seeds, yogurt drops. They LOVE it! I also give them 2 nuts a day and mix up their fruits and veggies every 3-4 days for variety.
    I also add Cal quick and potassium/magnesium to their water. For me this seems the safest route to go, ensuring they are getting all their nutrients as well as the correct amount of vitamins.

  10. #10
    momma2boo Guest

    Default Re: DISCUSSION - Rehabbers! What do you feed your squirrels?

    Quote Originally Posted by dizzdigia
    I only have a couple guys but I dont use blocks (unless im making Boo Balls)
    I use the trail mix that Karen Clark came up with: Zupreen fruit flavored parrot pellets, unsalted soy nuts, unsalted seseme sticks, box of Sunseed Garden wafers,regular Cheerios, Arrowhead Mills shredded wheat, raw pumpkin seeds, yogurt drops. They LOVE it! I also give them 2 nuts a day and mix up their fruits and veggies every 3-4 days for variety.
    I also add Cal quick and potassium/magnesium to their water. For me this seems the safest route to go, ensuring they are getting all their nutrients as well as the correct amount of vitamins.
    I gotta tell you. I tried this once ... had a helluva time finding unsalted soy nuts and the sunseed garden wafers ... but my squirrels loved it. I was keeping it in a bowl in their pen as a "snacky food" and still offering them a Boo Ball first thing in the morning. They liked having it to snack on in their pen.

  11. #11
    dizzdigia Guest

    Default Re: DISCUSSION - Rehabbers! What do you feed your squirrels?

    Quote Originally Posted by momma2boo
    I gotta tell you. I tried this once ... had a helluva time finding unsalted soy nuts and the sunseed garden wafers ... but my squirrels loved it. I was keeping it in a bowl in their pen as a "snacky food" and still offering them a Boo Ball first thing in the morning. They liked it.
    They can be ordered at
    I have also bought Soy Beans from Publix and made my own...ive been experimenting a bit with new flavors, using Grrr as my guinea pig!
    If he eats it without throwing it back at me in disgust I know I have a winner!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    somewhere over the rainbow
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    Default Re: DISCUSSION - Rehabbers! What do you feed your squirrels?

    I buy the 50 lb bags of Mazuri (have a feed store right down the street from me and she can get me anything I need!) I put break it down into gallon freezer bags and take out bags as I need them. I also feed greens, veggies, some fruits, some nuts, hhb's (although I switch them out...feed hhb's for a few days, then the block, so they don't get bored with either.)
    President--Meemor Anonymous,

  13. #13
    momma2boo Guest

    Default Re: DISCUSSION - Rehabbers! What do you feed your squirrels?

    Quote Originally Posted by dizzdigia
    They can be ordered at
    I have also bought Soy Beans from Publix and made my own...ive been experimenting a bit with new flavors, using Grrr as my guinea pig!
    If he eats it without throwing it back at me in disgust I know I have a winner!!
    You dehydrate or cook (whatever they do) your own soy beans by buying fresh edamame? That was where I had looked for the unsalted soy nuts but all I could find was salted.

    (Psst ... sometimes I still give them some of the fruit bird pellets. They think of it as a special treat. I gotta tell ya ... the dry mix was so much easier than mixing Boo Balls. So easy to scoop some into their bowls)

    Sorry Michele about the ... I got way
    Back to your previously scheduled program. LOL

  14. #14
    mpetys Guest

    Default Re: DISCUSSION - Rehabbers! What do you feed your squirrels?

    Quote Originally Posted by momma2boo
    You dehydrate or cook (whatever they do) your own soy beans by buying fresh edamame? That was where I had looked for the unsalted soy nuts but all I could find was salted.

    (Psst ... sometimes I still give them some of the fruit bird pellets. They think of it as a special treat. I gotta tell ya ... the dry mix was so much easier than mixing Boo Balls. So easy to scoop some into their bowls)

    Sorry Michele about the ... I got way
    Back to your previously scheduled program. LOL
    I didn't see any threadjacking! Actually, I have tried the Zupreem fruit bird pellets. I did add some other things to it but it was a waste with my guys but, for what it's worth, they love the zupreem pellets. I add the Mazuri blocks to give them choices. I gotta tell you, the other day I gathered all their bowls, some were empty, some had pee in them so I washed everything and filled their bowls with the pellets. After I finished, I sat down and it was like music to my ears. Crunch, crunch, crunch. I looked around and these squirrels were sitting, all hunched over, crunching on the pellets in their hands. Fourteen squirrels all at once! The pieces are different colors and shapes. I don't know what it is about the purple ones, but that is the flavor that is least liked! Some squirrels will eat most of the purple but some like my sweet, Charlotte are a hoot. I go look at her bowl and in the bottom I thought she had pooped in her bowl, but no, it was the purple pellets. She refuses to eat them!

  15. #15
    dizzdigia Guest

    Default Re: DISCUSSION - Rehabbers! What do you feed your squirrels?

    Quote Originally Posted by momma2boo
    You dehydrate or cook (whatever they do) your own soy beans by buying fresh edamame? That was where I had looked for the unsalted soy nuts but all I could find was salted.

    (Psst ... sometimes I still give them some of the fruit bird pellets. They think of it as a special treat. I gotta tell ya ... the dry mix was so much easier than mixing Boo Balls. So easy to scoop some into their bowls)

    Sorry Michele about the ... I got way
    Back to your previously scheduled program. LOL
    Yes, I slow cook/dehydrate them (also do it for the pumpkin seeds too sometimes as they BOTH love them cooked way better than the raw). It is alot easier plus Grrr says much tastier!

    Yes, SOOO sorry Michele...i'll go hide now!

  16. #16
    mpetys Guest

    Default Re: DISCUSSION - Rehabbers! What do you feed your squirrels?

    My guys all get a good variety of veggies every day. The love, love, love, any type of hard squash, acorn, turban, butternut etc. I haven't found any that they do not eat. I am seriously planning on TRYING to grow most of their veggies by summertime. I had a garden several years ago and I know I can do it again. I grew, the hard squash, zuchinni, yellow sqush, peppers, cucumbers, snow peas, green beans, tomatos and watermelon. That was just for me. Now I have more incentive with all these squirrels!

    I have a question though about fresh veggies. I know I have heard not to feed the squirrels dehydrated fruit as the sugars are concentrated and that is not good. What about dehydrating veggies? I bought a case of zuchinni yesterday at Restaurant Depot and I just kept wondering if I could dehydrate them and give them to the squirrels as a crunchy treat. Be a good way of making sure nothing goes to waste. Any thoughts on this? Pros or cons?

  17. #17
    mpetys Guest

    Default Re: DISCUSSION - Rehabbers! What do you feed your squirrels?

    Quote Originally Posted by pappy1264
    I buy the 50 lb bags of Mazuri (have a feed store right down the street from me and she can get me anything I need!) I put break it down into gallon freezer bags and take out bags as I need them. I also feed greens, veggies, some fruits, some nuts, hhb's (although I switch them out...feed hhb's for a few days, then the block, so they don't get bored with either.)
    and these zip lock bags are they just stored at room temperature? I'm guessing yes. My feed store is supposed to be checking on pricing on 50 lb bags. They said they could get it. I was disappointed with Petsmart. When I asked if they could do special orders on products in larger sizes, they said they do not do special orders. I was thinking, at the time, that the Mazuri surely must come in a bigger size than the 2 - 3 pound size they have on the shelf even if Petsmart didn't carry it but they wouldn't even talk about special orders! I have 3 or 4 feed stores I shop at so I can check with all of them and see who can get what and at what price!

  18. #18
    momma2boo Guest

    Default Re: DISCUSSION - Rehabbers! What do you feed your squirrels?

    I personally store all foods (FV, HT,and pecans) in the freezer. Because I order in large quantities (cheaper) I want to extend the shelf-life.

    Also, based on Mary saying she used "freezer" bags and mentioned that she "takes them out" as needed I would assume she stores them in the freezer.

  19. #19
    mpetys Guest

    Default Re: DISCUSSION - Rehabbers! What do you feed your squirrels?

    Quote Originally Posted by momma2boo
    I personally store all foods (FV, HT,and pecans) in the freezer. Because I order in large quantities (cheaper) I want to extend the shelf-life.

    Also, based on Mary saying she used "freezer" bags and mentioned that she "takes them out" as needed I would assume she stores them in the freezer.
    Oh, I'm a bit slow. didn't pick up on that. Probably cause I buy freezer bags and end up using them for EVERYTHING! Then kick myself for not buying the cheaper storage bags! I have a big freezer and got in the bad habit of keeping it full. Only thing is, too much is wasted as I forget what I have in there or it gets buried. I want to stop buying food and live off my freezer, get it emptied out and have one shelf for me and Gene and use the rest for the squirrels and dogs. I used to make my own dog food until I got sick a couple of years ago and just had no energy. My dogs did so much better on it. I want to start doing that again for them.

  20. #20
    momma2boo Guest

    Default Re: DISCUSSION - Rehabbers! What do you feed your squirrels?

    Quote Originally Posted by mpetys
    Oh, I'm a bit slow. didn't pick up on that. Probably cause I buy freezer bags and end up using them for EVERYTHING! Then kick myself for not buying the cheaper storage bags! I have a big freezer and got in the bad habit of keeping it full. Only thing is, too much is wasted as I forget what I have in there or it gets buried. I want to stop buying food and live off my freezer, get it emptied out and have one shelf for me and Gene and use the rest for the squirrels and dogs. I used to make my own dog food until I got sick a couple of years ago and just had no energy. My dogs did so much better on it. I want to start doing that again for them.
    Not to get too far off topic but could you email me and tell me how you did that? I would love to feed my dogs homemade food.

    BTW ... did you ever get your S&P shakers?

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