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Thread: URGENT PLEASE READ: Don't Use Dog Pads as Cage Liners!

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default URGENT PLEASE READ: Don't Use Dog Pads as Cage Liners!

    TSB friends, I have permission from a very experienced rehabber on another list to reprint her words here. It may save the lives of your baby squirrels tonight, if you are using a certain type of dog "wee-wee pad" for a cage liner. I personally know of two rehabbers who do, and I'm sure there are many others because they fit perfectly and are very functional. BUT, as she says:

    This year we have also had
    a horrific time with the early Fall squirrels. We have had over 65 come in
    in the last month or so and have about 20 left.
    Many have been cat/dog caught, many came in after the winds & rain from
    Lee, and I know many have either been abandoned by Moms due to the draught,
    or malnourished as the Moms are not that healthy because of not getting
    enough food for themselves - much less to make milk to feed babies.
    Some are dying within a couple of days - injured, pneumonia from being
    down & found in water, etc. , but some are living for weeks - eating well - by
    next feeding they are dead or close to it.
    All had normal squirrel protocol on admission.
    I've had them on F. V., switched to Esbilac - no difference. All have been
    in incubators, or when older - in heated cages.

    I have found out what I think has killed many - I did it.

    This is a word to everyone on this list :

    We use human neonate-incubators just like in the hospitals - which are

    We were given a whole case of the paper pads for incontinence that people
    use on their beds to save the sheets from becoming wet - the pads are
    greenish on one side and the white absorbent padded cloth/paper on the other.
    We use these in the incubators on top of the bedding to keep from having to
    change it so often.

    Some one donated a large 100+ package of the Pee-pee pads for dogs - to
    use in the house for sm. dogs/puppies to go on when it is inconvenient to go
    outside. They look very similar (except smaller) to the human bed pads,
    except they have a blue backing instead of being green.

    In the everyday routine - I have been using the dog pads - the same way I
    have been using the pads made for people (easier to use because they fit
    perfectly in the incubator - do not need to be cut as the larger people pads
    I never bothered to look at the package. The dog pads have an
    "attractant" in it (supposed to get the puppy to use it quicker). Nothing on
    package has said what the attractant is. I figured it was made for puppies -
    couldn't have anything harmful.
    I never even thought about it. I blamed formula, scrubbed & sterilized the
    incubators, necropsies, you name it - I did it.

    The one thing I did not do - is check what was NOT printed on the package.
    I, finally, contacted the distributor of the pads and they e-mailed the
    MSDS & ingredients sheet.

    The "attractant" is lethal - to breath, contact to skin, etc. The puppy
    PeePee Pads have been killing every squirrel baby that came into contact
    with them. The babies laid on it, breathed it in, the heat from the
    incubator probably enhanced the chemical that was emitted.

    My stupidity cost the lives of so many babies that were put in my hands to

    PLEASE - don't get so complacent that you don't check, each and every
    time, when a new or different item (be it formula, donated items, cleaning
    supplies, whatever) is used, especially on donated bedding - what was it washed
    in, fabric softener. If you don't know - rewash before using just in
    case. Cleaning supplies - read the precautionary statements. If there is
    something written that you don't know what it is - google it. Or, as I did too
    late - contact the maker.
    Also, check where it was made. These puppy pads were made in China for a
    U.S. Company. China is not required to put everything on the label, but
    the U.S. Company MUST have a MSDS sheet on everything that goes into the
    making of the product.

    I'm sorry this is so long - but please don't do what I did. It is hard
    enough to lose one that is in your care when you don't know why - but it is
    nothing like the grief you have when it was your own fault.

    Lake Charles, Louisiana
    Federal and State - Rehab, Possession, and Education permits
    25+ years (and stopped counting) - Mammals, Raptors, Waterfowl, and Exotics
    Island Rehabber
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    Wildlife Rehabilitator

    "Ancora Imparo" (I am still learning)

    If you can't afford the vet,
    You can't afford a pet.

    "Better one day in the trees, than a lifetime in a cage."

    '...and the greatest of these, is Love. '

  2. 4 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to island rehabber:

    KCullen (11-02-2021), Ktbnin1133 (04-02-2022), squirrelgirl30 (04-13-2017)

  3. #2
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    Default Re: URGENT PLEASE READ: Don't Use Dog Pads as Cage Liners!

    Thanks for passing this along....who would have thought....

  4. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: URGENT PLEASE READ: Don't Use Dog Pads as Cage Liners!

    The only way we will grow and get better--is if we SHARE --the Good and the Bad.
    Thank You Suzy,,that was hard to admit...but will save many ,from similar errors in the future

  5. #4
    Twi_prime Guest

    Default Re: URGENT PLEASE READ: Don't Use Dog Pads as Cage Liners!

    Glad you posted this. I was actually thinking I would use a doggie pad next time I tried to help a small mammal pee. Thank You!

  6. #5
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    Default Re: URGENT PLEASE READ: Don't Use Dog Pads as Cage Liners!

    Good INFO to Have --Thanks......

  7. #6
    NovaAlison23 Guest

    Default Re: URGENT PLEASE READ: Don't Use Dog Pads as Cage Liners!

    I adopted a 1 1/2 year old dog a year ago. Due to severe abuse he was not potty trained. That dog was SO scared of those pee pads, I always wondered why. After almost a year I have him almost completely potty trained without using them. Those will never be in my house again, I have kids... awful thought.

    *People always give me crap for having a dog almost a year and not having him 100% potty trained at almost 3. Most people don't adopt dogs with this severe abuse history. He has to go to a special vet. He has to be physically introduced to EVERY person he meets. He has just within the last month stopped pulling back every time I go to pet him. I have had to learn to train him completely by myself. A training class of any size would scare him so bad he wouldn't learn anything. The vet has already told me he will not live to be old, because of everything he has gone through, but he will live happy from this point forward. He has doubled his weight, he has grown most of his hair back, and he knows how to play with toys now.*

  8. #7
    Adventurista Guest

    Default Re: URGENT PLEASE READ: Don't Use Dog Pads as Cage Liners!

    Quote Originally Posted by stosh2010
    The only way we will grow and get better--is if we SHARE --the Good and the Bad.
    Thank You Suzy,,that was hard to admit...but will save many ,from similar errors in the future
    You're so right. Brave and generous. A true lover of the wild ones.

  9. #8
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    Default Re: URGENT PLEASE READ: Don't Use Dog Pads as Cage Liners!

    Quote Originally Posted by Adventurista
    You're so right. Brave and generous. A true lover of the wild ones.
    How true. Very brave of Suzy.

    I wonder how those pads affect the puppies.

    Just reinforces my distrust of any product made for pets = "the courts will never award you money if they die because of our products, so why should we care?"

    Sorry. It just makes me so mad.
    Henry's Healthy Pets
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    The animal shall not be measured by man. In a world older than ours, they move finished and complete, gifted with senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear. They are not brethren; they are not underlings; they are other nations… ~Henry Beston, The Outermost House, 1928

  10. #9
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    Default Re: URGENT PLEASE READ: Don't Use Dog Pads as Cage Liners!

    Great post! I also was thinking about using them! Just look at them yesterday as a matter of fact! Soooooo glad I decided not to get them!!!!!!!! Thanks for the info!

  11. #10
    Jackie in Tampa is offline Left TSB to start her own Board
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    Default Re: URGENT PLEASE READ: Don't Use Dog Pads as Cage Liners!

    I have tons that I never use...they will be going to the shelter!
    TY...for the knowledge!

  12. #11
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    Default Re: URGENT PLEASE READ: Don't Use Dog Pads as Cage Liners!

    I've been using them under Hope's cage for a while now. Never thought of them as being dangerous. Since she's not in contact with them, do you think she's been harmed?? I guess I should explain how her cage is. It sits up on 3 inch legs and I put newspaper down and then a puppy pad under one corner of it. So it's not even touching the cage at all. The one that's there now will be removed within the next 15 minutes (she's still sleeping in this morning and I'll have to wake her before I go to work) and I will not put another one under her cage ever!!

  13. #12
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    Default Re: URGENT PLEASE READ: Don't Use Dog Pads as Cage Liners!

    Rianna, given this info I would not use them anywhere near a squirrel, just to be safe.
    Island Rehabber
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    "Ancora Imparo" (I am still learning)

    If you can't afford the vet,
    You can't afford a pet.

    "Better one day in the trees, than a lifetime in a cage."

    '...and the greatest of these, is Love. '

  14. #13
    mpetys Guest

    Default Re: URGENT PLEASE READ: Don't Use Dog Pads as Cage Liners!

    IR, please thank Suzy for me for allowing you to reprint her post. It is such important information. Even if we do not use these pads, we all need to watch out for other members who may not see this post and pass this info on if they bring up puppy pads, human pads or are just discussing litter or how to keep cages clean. This post will undoubtedly save lives. Thanks IR. Thanks Suzy.

  15. #14
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    Default Re: URGENT PLEASE READ: Don't Use Dog Pads as Cage Liners!

    I was just given a box of these pads. I shudder to think if I had used them.

    Just as Jackie said, I will donate mine to my local shelter. Thank goodness for Suzy sharing this info as those pads look like they would fit perfectly in the bottom pan of two of my cages.

    I will keep using my good old newspaper. My heart goes out to Suzy

    What we do without the wonderful updates from TSB? Priceless info.

  16. #15
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    Default Re: URGENT PLEASE READ: Don't Use Dog Pads as Cage Liners!

    OH DEAR GOD IN HEAVEN, and I.R. on Earth Squirrel Protector ... I swear as I am typing ( see the picture I am attaching ) that I have just thrown away a package of puppy pee wee pads I have in my squirrel stuff. I used them to set on my lap as I was feeding the babies oh my God THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. I feel so stupid to have never even thought of reading the back of something I placed so close to my baby squirrels. This place really saves squirrel lives and I am just so grateful tonight... and always. Tee
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    The Lady On Bay County Florida, Animal Rescue Center, Volunteer

  17. #16
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    Default Re: URGENT PLEASE READ: Don't Use Dog Pads as Cage Liners!

    I meant to say this place is one of the greatest places on EARTH and the lives of squirrels everywhere depend on this squirrel board, GOD BLESS YOU WONDERFUL SQUIRREL LOVE'N FOLKS.
    The Lady On Bay County Florida, Animal Rescue Center, Volunteer

  18. #17
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    Default Re: URGENT PLEASE READ: Don't Use Dog Pads as Cage Liners!

    Quote Originally Posted by island rehabber
    Rianna, given this info I would not use them anywhere near a squirrel, just to be safe.
    Thank you!! I forgot to check back in on this thread and missed your response I removed the pad as soon as I finished posting and our house is now pad free.

    Many thanks for all of this information.

  19. #18
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    Default Re: URGENT PLEASE READ: Don't Use Dog Pads as Cage Liners!

    There are a couple of other wildlife rehab message boards and forums I try to follow. They are both very SERIOUS; no jokes, off-topic discussions or (gasp!) mention of "pet squirrels" allowed, EVER. But some of the best and the brightest rehabbers on the planet frequent these boards and I learn a lot from them. This is just one example of how important it is to use the internet to our advantage so we can keep learning.
    Island Rehabber
    NY State Licensed
    Wildlife Rehabilitator

    "Ancora Imparo" (I am still learning)

    If you can't afford the vet,
    You can't afford a pet.

    "Better one day in the trees, than a lifetime in a cage."

    '...and the greatest of these, is Love. '

  20. #19
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    Default Re: URGENT PLEASE READ: Don't Use Dog Pads as Cage Liners!

    egads I tried them once but after having to clean shredded pad... it just seemed stupid to me to try use something that would make more cleaning! so glad im lazy!!!

    I have human washable pads. They are cotton but I used them for Trembee but prefer fleece for my babies. I do use the bads for coonies and skunks and fawns. but they are just cotton without any extra chemical..or even ultra absorbing they just happen to fit in my big crates. and since the nursing home donates them to me i normally just turf them after using them.

  21. #20
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    Default Re: URGENT PLEASE READ: Don't Use Dog Pads as Cage Liners!

    Yes, it seems the human ones are fine. It's the puppy pads with the "attractant" added that are so dangerous.
    Island Rehabber
    NY State Licensed
    Wildlife Rehabilitator

    "Ancora Imparo" (I am still learning)

    If you can't afford the vet,
    You can't afford a pet.

    "Better one day in the trees, than a lifetime in a cage."

    '...and the greatest of these, is Love. '

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