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Thread: Squirrel squeaking and freaking out

  1. #1
    ZuZuGirl13 Guest

    Question Squirrel squeaking and freaking out

    Mt female was on top of her cage, ad I looked up and she was being hyper like she is and her tail was flitting all around. I laughed a little, cuz it was funny and so cute, but then, she started screaming out little squeaks. She hopped around on the cage a moment, then jumped up onto her favorite shelf, still squeaking, and went to the far end and pancaked with her arms hanging over the sides like she does, and stopped after a couple more squeaks. I got up and went to her, and she was fine. Let me pet her, didn't seem scared or anything...

    So, basically what I'm asking is...what the heck was THAT all about?

    She'll make little squeaking noises and funny humming purring sounds and little sneezes and all the usual sounds, but I haven't ever seen her do that. It was crazy! She looked like a total nut-ball.

    I shouldn't be worried about this, right? She's okay? She seems fine...currently zipping from one place to another. lol


    ZuZu's mama

  2. #2
    virgo062 Guest

    Default Re: Squirrel squeaking and freaking out

    Something probably just spooked her...Could be something as simple as a nic nack that has been moved recently or a piece of paper in the wrong place. They get like that sometimes nothing to be worried about

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Squirrel squeaking and freaking out

    Something scared her for sure!!!! They will do this when they get scared. They give this warning call to other squirrels, tail flagging and the pancake is so they blend in with the tree bark ( in your case a shelf?)
    Normal...... no worries. If she was near a window, she may have seen a big bird. My girl does this if a hawk or crow is seen.

  4. #4
    ZuZuGirl13 Guest

    Default Re: Squirrel squeaking and freaking out

    Nic-nack? pfft, yeah right. lol there's nothing in my room at the moment! haha. It might have been the neighbors. She doesn't seem to like them, and they were outside at the time. She stares at them through the window and gets all on edge whens he see's squirrel. lol

  5. #5
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    Orange City, FL
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    Default Re: Squirrel squeaking and freaking out

    Quote Originally Posted by ZuZuGirl13
    Nic-nack? pfft, yeah right. lol there's nothing in my room at the moment! haha. It might have been the neighbors. She doesn't seem to like them, and they were outside at the time. She stares at them through the window and gets all on edge whens he see's squirrel. lol
    I sooooo understand about the nic-nacks. My room has been stripped bare, only nic-nack I left out are the frogs who's eyes have already been chewed off Wayne & Garth do the same thing if our cat, dog, chickens or anything spooky goes past the windows. Sometimes they sit like statues even after the spooky thing has passed.

  6. #6
    ZuZuGirl13 Guest

    Default Re: Squirrel squeaking and freaking out

    Quote Originally Posted by Gina
    I sooooo understand about the nic-nacks. My room has been stripped bare, only nic-nack I left out are the frogs who's eyes have already been chewed off Wayne & Garth do the same thing if our cat, dog, chickens or anything spooky goes past the windows. Sometimes they sit like statues even after the spooky thing has passed.
    I've noticed that. Sometimes she'll sit there, legs under her fat self, and just STARE out the window. "ZuZu? Ohhhh ZuuuuZuuuu...Hello? Anyone in there?" and she'll peek at me like, "Nut?" hehe and come to the end of the cage. It's funny how intently she stares. Like if she looks away the world is going to end or something.

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