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Thread: Want help obtaining rehab license/permit in Virginia.

  1. #41
    Critter_Queen Guest

    Default Re: Want help obtaining rehab license/permit in Virginia.

    My suggestion:

    "What squirrel? She ran away. Virginia says 'no squirrels', so I let her go."

    You are bound to run into issues down the road if you keep her (vet issues) have to decide if you can make that kind of committment to her. If you can, we'll help you.

  2. #42
    Critter_Queen Guest

    Default Re: Want help obtaining rehab license/permit in Virginia.

    Quote Originally Posted by island rehabber
    One woman with a rehab facility in the midwest had 65 of her healthy, pre-release babies seized and killed last year.
    When and where was this? That makes me SICK! WHY wouldn't they try to place the animals with REHABBERS?!?!?!? Ugh. I hate government. It's all politicin' and no common sense!

  3. #43
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    Default Re: Want help obtaining rehab license/permit in Virginia.

    I understand the concern you all have about wanting me to stop drawing attention to myself, but I can't keep her a secret forever. I'm looking into getting my own place soon with my boyfriend. How am I going to explain Sadie to a landlord?

    I really appreciate the advice you guys have given me so far. I just really think I've exhausted all chances I had.

    I'm definitely commited to my girl. I'm willing to face any punishment that might come from this for her sake. I'm keeping her no matter what the state laws say. Saving the life of one squirrel won't cause an unbalance in the ecosystem. I suppose the next step is to try to find a vet who is willing to accept her as a patient (and give her back).
    “Many have forgotten this truth, but you must not forget it. You become responsible forever for what you have tamed."
    -Antoine de Saint Exupery

  4. #44
    Gabe Guest

    Default Re: Want help obtaining rehab license/permit in Virginia.

    You're right it was all polictics. She was a rehabber. She just wasn't rabies vector certified. They were sending a message to the rest of us.

  5. #45
    Critter_Queen Guest

    Default Re: Want help obtaining rehab license/permit in Virginia.

    Quote Originally Posted by sadiesmom
    I understand the concern you all have about wanting me to stop drawing attention to myself, but I can't keep her a secret forever. I'm looking into getting my own place soon with my boyfriend. How am I going to explain Sadie to a landlord?

    I really appreciate the advice you guys have given me so far. I just really think I've exhausted all chances I had.
    Although I know you'd love to keep her...and generally I wouldn't suggest this, but what about finding her a different permanent home in a state where she's legal? I mean, it's not what you'd like, but it sounds like you feel that your only other options are to either let her go (I wouldn't do it if she's imprinted or tame) or euthanize her.

    I forget, why is she non-releaseable?

  6. #46
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    Default Re: Want help obtaining rehab license/permit in Virginia.

    If it comes down to it, I will give her up to someone who lives in a squirrel friendly state. But I don't want to. This baby has my heart.

    Sadie is unreleasable, but only because I say she is. She has absolutely no fear of anything and wouldn't make it outside a single day. She's a part of my family, and I can't just give up on her. And yes, she is definitely too tame and used to the good life to ever have to do for herself in the wild.
    “Many have forgotten this truth, but you must not forget it. You become responsible forever for what you have tamed."
    -Antoine de Saint Exupery

  7. #47
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    Default Re: Want help obtaining rehab license/permit in Virginia.

    Quote Originally Posted by Critter_Queen
    I mean, it's not what you'd like, but it sounds like you feel that your only other options are to either let her go (I wouldn't do it if she's imprinted or tame) or euthanize her.
    And no, never! I didn't mean to give that impression. I'm just really disheartened about running out of ideas to legally keep her. I'd never just let her go or euthanize her for that reason.
    “Many have forgotten this truth, but you must not forget it. You become responsible forever for what you have tamed."
    -Antoine de Saint Exupery

  8. #48
    DubShack Guest

    Default Re: Want help obtaining rehab license/permit in Virginia.

    I guess I'm lucky in a sense... If anything happened to someone around here, even though Washington has the same laws as Virginia, I'm from Idaho originally and it's only a half hour drive from here. By proxy I know a number of people involved with animals, and even wildlife. One family I know takes care of unreleasable wild animals, mainly the dangerous ones like lions, tigers, cougers, etc. I can imagine that if an emergency came up, it wouldn't be exceptionally difficult to find help.

    In your case, the "legal" avenue seems to be closed. Where in Virginia do you live? Do you know anyone, or have any family anywhere else?

    And I know this is going to make me sound like a real bastard, but coming from where I do, I don't think I can stress enough that you should take the "moving in with the boyfriend" as slowly and as seriously as possible. That's just opening up a can of worms that extends so far outside the realms of this discussion. And I realize I don't know you well enough to even be making this kind of assumption, but based on what we've all said thus far, there may be a hint of "I need to move in with my boyfriend to save my squirrel" thoughts. And I may be wrong, but on the off chance I'm not, thats just absolutely the wrong reason to move in with a guy. I know I'm the biggest hippocrit saying this, my wife moved in with me like two weeks after we met. But seriously, relationships are hard, they take a hell of a lot of communication to maintain, and I swear the moment you move in with each other is the moment you start hating each other.

    I could just go on and on on this subject, and I dunno if I'd even make sense, a lot of people feel differently on the subject. I just feel rather strongly that this is probably not going to be the right move for you. If you guys break up or you lose your apartment, then what happens to the squirrel... You're back to square one, only you've lost the ability to stop, let your emotions cool and analyze the situation for the best outcome. At this point you've got all the time in the world to make a decision, in that situation things could become desperate.

    I really don't want to make you feel worse, even though I realize this can't possibly make you feel better. Just understand there are still probably some options here, we just really need to take a cold hard look at the situation to determine what really will be best for everyone. (and I'm not saying give up the squirrel, you gotta be a real dumbass to advocate the euthanasia scenario)

  9. #49
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    Default Re: Want help obtaining rehab license/permit in Virginia.

    I'd like to re-cap Dubshack's original comparison -- that keeping a squirrel in an illegal state is kind of like smoking weed, everybody does it but they don't make a public performance out of it. If you are going to keep this squirrel because you say she is unreleasable then you must stay underground with her. In my opinion it is irresponsible to allow your possession of her to become public knowledge to your landlord, your neighbors, or anyone else. Just because you think the law is stupid does not mean you are wise to break it. In other words, don't be toke-ing away on that spliff in front of the local police department while singing Bob Marley tunes -- they won't find it humorous and you may land in jail. Likewise, don't let anyone know you have this squirrel or you risk her being confiscated and euthanized. That's all I can say on this.
    Island Rehabber
    NY State Licensed
    Wildlife Rehabilitator

    "Ancora Imparo" (I am still learning)

    If you can't afford the vet,
    You can't afford a pet.

    "Better one day in the trees, than a lifetime in a cage."

    '...and the greatest of these, is Love. '

  10. #50
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    Smile Re: Want help obtaining rehab license/permit in Virginia.

    Wise Words from a smart rehabber.


  11. #51
    DubShack Guest

    Default Re: Want help obtaining rehab license/permit in Virginia.

    Yeah. I think IR said it better. I'm gonna go hide now...

  12. #52
    henrismom Guest

    Post Re: Want help obtaining rehab license/permit in Virginia.

    IR, You said it all, where I live its illegal to have a Pet squirrel. Talked to a
    rehabber, who said to stay quite. The law works like this, if he is found, he is
    euthanized on the spot or by a rehabber since he is a Pet, but if I had a pot
    of boiling water on the stove and officials came in, I could throw him in the pot of boiling water, not breaking the law that way.
    I have a Vet. who is willing to take care of him, but have to use the back door. The conversation was left at "I have a rat with a hormone condition."
    STUPID but its the law.

  13. #53
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    Default Re: Want help obtaining rehab license/permit in Virginia.

    I don't brag about Sadie to anyone. I understand that there are real dangers with having someone take her away from me, and I don't trust anyone to know about her if they don't already know. This is the most public I've gone with it, and I still worry about being discovered just through this thread.

    And as far as the boyfriend situation goes, I'm not moving in with him, per se. He's moving in with me in my aunt's home. Temporarily, that is. To make a long story short, he is from the opposite side of Virginia as me and after four years of dating we're only trying to see if there could be a possible next step. Because it is a long-distance relationship, we still don't know each other when it comes to day-to-day living, and we don't just want to jump into a marriage (or even an engagement) if we don't even know if we can live under the same roof. You know? It's a big decision we're making, but I assure you that it has nothing to do with keeping Sadie a safe secret.

    If I honestly thought Sadie could make it on her own, I'd let her be a wild squirrel. It would rip the heart right out of my chest, but I do know that it would be best for her (and for me, considering my situation with the law). You'd just have to meet her in order to understand why she absolutely cannot survive on her own. She's too incredibly tame. She has fear of nothing and thinks every living creature is her personal play date.

    Besides, we're having a rough time with coyotes around. There's a bounty on their head because of the population explosion and the fact that they keep killing people's pets. Sadie loves to hide until one of our dogs walks by, and then she tries to jump and catch their tail. I can only imagine her encounter with a hungry coyote if she only wanted to play with its tail.

    Most of my family is in Virginia, but I do have a great uncle in South Carolina. It's legal to own a squirrel there, I think. I'm not too entirely close to him (actually he's a butthole), but I'm sure I could send Sadie his way if things got that bad. I'd like to have someone on backup who actually knows a thing or two about them, though.

    I'm just under so much stress about this. I only want the best for her, but at this point, I am the best for her. I can't just hand her over to anyone else in Virginia, licensed or not, because either way she'd probably be killed.

    She's just so special to me, guys...
    “Many have forgotten this truth, but you must not forget it. You become responsible forever for what you have tamed."
    -Antoine de Saint Exupery

  14. #54
    Somebody's Mother Guest

    Default Re: Want help obtaining rehab license/permit in Virginia.

    how is sadie? just wondering.

  15. #55
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    Default Re: Want help obtaining rehab license/permit in Virginia.

    Replied to your private message, Somebody's Mother, but I'll leave a quick update here for others if they are interested.

    Sadie is doing beautifully. I visited her over the Thanksgiving holiday and she kept me entertained the entire time. She's a well fed spoiled girl who loves nothing more than to keep people laughing. What a doll. <3
    “Many have forgotten this truth, but you must not forget it. You become responsible forever for what you have tamed."
    -Antoine de Saint Exupery

  16. #56
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    Default Re: Want help obtaining rehab license/permit in Virginia.

    So glad to hear Sadie is doing well and happy. Where is she?

  17. #57
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    Default Re: Want help obtaining rehab license/permit in Virginia.

    Sadie is still with my parents, who live about three hours from me. There's next to no chance of her being discovered where she is now, so she'll stay with them until I can get in some sort of situation where I can keep her myself. They're just as knowledgeable with Sadie as I am, as they learned with me how to raise her when she was a baby, so she's being well taken care of. She's healthy and spoiled.
    “Many have forgotten this truth, but you must not forget it. You become responsible forever for what you have tamed."
    -Antoine de Saint Exupery

  18. #58
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    Default Re: Want help obtaining rehab license/permit in Virginia.

    Both you and Sadie are lucky to have your parents to help out. Glad they are there for both of you and hope you get to have her back full time real soon.

  19. #59
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    Default Re: Want help obtaining rehab license/permit in Virginia.

    That means a lot. I'm grateful and appreciative of them.
    “Many have forgotten this truth, but you must not forget it. You become responsible forever for what you have tamed."
    -Antoine de Saint Exupery

  20. #60
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    Default Re: Want help obtaining rehab license/permit in Virginia.

    Disclaimer - NOT a LAWYER, (just a old dude who knows how to research and think sideways)
    I know this a zombie thread, but I had a recent unfortunate encounter with Wild Life "brown shirts" regarding an Opossum. (Not a squirrel, but also illegal in VA without a permit.)
    The research I've found on my Opossum permit, may be of use to you.
    I have found you can obtain a permit in several ways. Some are more complex than others.
    1: - Become a Rehabber - VA permit Class I - Home rehabber with Mentor that will sign off on it. (No one says you have to "rehab" to release.. that is just what "they" want you to do). Renewable.. and "continuing education", form is not needed. You can stay a Class I, forever.. just pay the permit fee.
    2: - Become a Furrier - This permit allows you to basically operate a "Fur Farm". You may need a Trappers Permit, (permit to deal in furs). The law get convoluted here; because you have to summit a yearly "Fur Report" (numbers and type of animals culled for pelts, but Zero is a valid answer, no where does the law state that you must a successful fur farmer), or when/how the "Product" must be culled, just has to be humane by law (BTW, there is no law list of what is a legal way to cull, just what is illegal.. and a long pampered life is not illegal.) - Renewable
    3: - Become a Researcher - This method is a tad more complex. This you need to actually do a Research type proposal. I suggest a enrolling in a Community college type human psychology class (this is just for paper trail), and submitting a "Prolonged impact study of >Insert animal name here< on the human psychology condition and long tern mental health benefits." Then word salad every, use the more than 5 syllable barely pronounceable words and associated synonyms, (or BS the frack out of like you did on late assignments in high school/college). You will need the Proctor to sign off it. - Renewable (May have to submit a yearly progress report).
    4: - Register for a companion animal. (Va 3.2-6500 for definition). Requires a Doctor to sign off on, I am still researching this branch of lateral thinking.. Will update as I know more.

    Conclusion - It breaks down to how you want to roll.. Run Silent-Run Deep (Tell no-one), Run Silent (Rehabber/Companion Animal), or Run Deep (Furrier/Reseacher). All have pros and cons.. and Remember NOT A LAWYER. (I just regularly GM for college RPG's, after 30 years of GM'ing it becomes natural to anticipate rule lawyers, min-maxers, and drunken murder hobo's.)

    Valuable reference citations. 4VAC15-40-225,4VAC15-280-20,3.2-6500,29.1-100,15-280-20,29.1-30,29.1-417,29.1-517,29.1-536,29.1-537

  21. 3 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to CaveHermit:

    Chirps (02-05-2025), Mel1959 (02-18-2025), TomahawkFlyers (01-31-2025)

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