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Thread: I think my 9-year-old squirrel has tapeworms!! Help!!

  1. #1
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    Default I think my 9-year-old squirrel has tapeworms!! Help!!

    About a week ago I noticed my 9-year-old female squirrel Ruger had what looked like a string hanging from her butt. Within 15 minutes she had passed the entire thing by herself and did not seem in any discomfort. She has been eating and pooping normally other than that. Then yesterday evening I noticed I even bigger something coming out of ruger's butt. Stop this time it took a little longer for her to pass it. I'm attaching pictures. I think it might be a tapeworm but I'm not sure and Im not sure about what medicine I would give her. Thank you in advance for everyone's help!
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  2. #2
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    Default Re: I think my 9-year-old squirrel has tapeworms!! Help!!

    Yes, that last photo clearly looks like a tapeworm. There are various meds that can be used to treat this but they usually require a prescription, I don't know off hand if any are OTC.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ruger 10-22 View Post
    About a week ago I noticed my 9-year-old female squirrel Ruger had what looked like a string hanging from her butt. Within 15 minutes she had passed the entire thing by herself and did not seem in any discomfort. She has been eating and pooping normally other than that. Then yesterday evening I noticed I even bigger something coming out of ruger's butt. Stop this time it took a little longer for her to pass it. I'm attaching pictures. I think it might be a tapeworm but I'm not sure and Im not sure about what medicine I would give her. Thank you in advance for everyone's help!
    See my wild squirrel adventures in the thread "Squirtle's yard!":!

    Loving dad to Sir Max, 2017-2018. There is no foot so small that it cannot leave an imprint on this world.

    "Once in a while you get shown the light, In the strangest of places if you look at it right."
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  3. #3
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    Default Dosing advice needed for Praziquantel Tablets

    Hi, I think my 9-year-old gray squirrel has tapeworms. I've noticed what looks like yellow string coming out of her butt twice now. The first time was the week and a half ago and then again last night. She has been eating like normal and besides those two incidents she has been pooping like normal. I've done some research on the squirrel board and I think she might have tapeworms. I tried contacting my vet but I found out Dr Emerson doesn't work at ravenwood anymore! I'm not sure what to do but after doing research on this site I got her Praziquantel Tablets for cats. I need help with the dosing information for Ruger. She weighs Each tablet contains 23 mg Praziquantel. I am uploading pictures of the possible tapeworms and pictures of the box that the dewormer came in. Please advise for dosing as well as how often how many times and how often. Also I have another squirrel -will I need to treat her at the same time even though she's not showing any signs of tapeworms? Please Help!Name:  IMG_20250324_203600659.jpg
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  4. #4
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    Default Re: I think my 9-year-old squirrel has tapeworms!! Help!!

    Hi Ruger 10-22! I only have a second but will get back with you later this evening or in the morning as time at work permits. Just a couple of comments and suggestions. Others are here as well and may be able to help before I am able to get back with you!

    These appear to be Tapeworms to me as well! I have never knowingly had a Squirrel with Tapeworms and I have never personally dosed a Squirrel in my care for Tapeworm treatment. That being said, probably the drug of choice for treatment would be Praziquantel! In the past, it has been available at Tractor Supply and without a prescription! I reference a number of Exotic animal Formularies and there primarily two dosing options; a relatively higher dose regimen suggested by one of the Formularies that I trust in particular and another relatively lower dose regimen from another one of my most trusted Formularies. You can of course use either or another one if others have a dosing protocol that seems reasonable and you might want to try that. All of this can be discussed once you obtain the medication AND an accurate and current weight on Ruger obtained from a digital scale and expressed in Grams! Ruger's weight is essential information because that forms the basis for determining the does of the Praziquantel. We will also need the weight in milligrams of the Praziquantel tablets you obtain.

    I'll get back with you in several hours as I am able. Again, others may also be available and able to step in for you!


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    Default Re: I think my 9-year-old squirrel has tapeworms!! Help!!

    Hi Ruger 10-22:
    I just noticed that you had started another thread about this same issue and in that thread, you posted photos of a preparation of Praziquantel. That is exactly what is needed! You will also need a 1cc syringe withOUT a needle to administer the Praziquantel accurately and we will need the current weight of Ruger in order to calculate a mixing and dosing regimen for you!

    Also, I would suggest to an ADMIN that your two threads regarding Ruger's Tapeworm issue be merged!

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Dosing advice needed for Praziquantel Tablets

    Quote Originally Posted by Ruger 10-22 View Post
    Hi, I think my 9-year-old gray squirrel has tapeworms. I've noticed what looks like yellow string coming out of her butt twice now. The first time was the week and a half ago and then again last night. She has been eating like normal and besides those two incidents she has been pooping like normal. I've done some research on the squirrel board and I think she might have tapeworms. I tried contacting my vet but I found out Dr Emerson doesn't work at ravenwood anymore! I'm not sure what to do but after doing research on this site I got her Praziquantel Tablets for cats. I need help with the dosing information for Ruger. She weighs Each tablet contains 23 mg Praziquantel. I am uploading pictures of the possible tapeworms and pictures of the box that the dewormer came in. Please advise for dosing as well as how often how many times and how often. Also I have another squirrel -will I need to treat her at the same time even though she's not showing any signs of tapeworms? Please Help!
    Hi Ruger 10-22.

    I noticed just now that you had started this thread but I responded earlier to your first thread in the Emergent Forum. The Praziquantel preparation that you procured is exactly what is needed! You will also need a 1cc syringe withOUT a needle to administer the Praziquantel accurately and we will need the current weight of Ruger in order to calculate a mixing and dosing regimen for you!

    Have both of your Squirrels been in contact with each other or been in contact with the same items such as bedding or enclosures? Is your other Squirrel "new?" The question remains as to how a 9 y/o pet Squirrel got Tapeworms! At least Ruger's "habitat" should be THOROUGHLY but SAFELY sanitized!

    Also, I would suggest to an ADMIN that your two threads regarding Ruger's Tapeworm issue be merged!


  7. #7
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    Default Re: I think my 9-year-old squirrel has tapeworms!! Help!!

    Threads have been merged for clarity!
    See my wild squirrel adventures in the thread "Squirtle's yard!":!

    Loving dad to Sir Max, 2017-2018. There is no foot so small that it cannot leave an imprint on this world.

    "Once in a while you get shown the light, In the strangest of places if you look at it right."
    -Grateful Dead

  8. Serious fuzzy thank you's to TubeDriver from:

    island rehabber (03-25-2025)

  9. #8
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    Default Re: Dosing advice needed for Praziquantel Tablets

    Quote Originally Posted by SamtheSquirrel2018 View Post
    Hi Ruger 10-22.

    I noticed just now that you had started this thread but I responded earlier to your first thread in the Emergent Forum. The Praziquantel preparation that you procured is exactly what is needed! You will also need a 1cc syringe withOUT a needle to administer the Praziquantel accurately and we will need the current weight of Ruger in order to calculate a mixing and dosing regimen for you!

    Have both of your Squirrels been in contact with each other or been in contact with the same items such as bedding or enclosures? Is your other Squirrel "new?" The question remains as to how a 9 y/o pet Squirrel got Tapeworms! At least Ruger's "habitat" should be THOROUGHLY but SAFELY sanitized!

    Also, I would suggest to an ADMIN that your two threads regarding Ruger's Tapeworm issue be merged!

    Tapeworms come from ingesting fleas. I think a one drop treatment of kitten/puppy Revolution is necessary to kill any fleas. I don’t think the worm medicine will kill fleas. The Revolution can be dosed orally on a nut or on the skin on the back between the shoulder blades. All bedding should be washed in hot water in case fleas are living in it. The Revolution does require a Rx unless it’s ordered from an online source. comes from Australia which takes a while, but I believe there’s an online source in Canada, too.

    The only alternative to treating with Revolution would be to give the squirrel(s) a bath.

  10. Serious fuzzy thank you's to Mel1959 from:

    island rehabber (03-25-2025)

  11. #9
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    Default Re: Dosing advice needed for Praziquantel Tablets

    Quote Originally Posted by Mel1959 View Post
    Tapeworms come from ingesting fleas. I think a one drop treatment of kitten/puppy Revolution is necessary to kill any fleas. I don’t think the worm medicine will kill fleas. The Revolution can be dosed orally on a nut or on the skin on the back between the shoulder blades. All bedding should be washed in hot water in case fleas are living in it. The Revolution does require a Rx unless it’s ordered from an online source. comes from Australia which takes a while, but I believe there’s an online source in Canada, too.

    The only alternative to treating with Revolution would be to give the squirrel(s) a bath.
    That is very ON SPOT advice, Mel! Tapeworm "spread" requires that the animal ingest a flea carrying the the immature Tapeworm. Ingestion of "fresh" Tapeworm eggs by a Squirrel will NOT lead to them becoming infested with Tapeworms! Possibly the "new" Squirrel was carrying fleas but "luck of the draw" could be that a flea was otherwise brought into the house and ended up on Ruger. Normal grooming behavior or reacting to a flea bite could easily result in ingestion of a flea containing an immature Tapeworm yearning to be free! Using Revolution (Selamectin) as a presumptive treatment and prevention for both Squirrels is a simple, sensible and spendid recommendation! Thanks Mel!

  12. #10
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    Default Re: I think my 9-year-old squirrel has tapeworms!! Help!!

    Hello- I finally got Ruger's weight- 486 Grams. The Praziquantel Tablets are 23 mg each. My other squirrel Itsy is not a "new" squirrel. I've had her for about a year and a half now. They really don't have any contact with each other besides through a glass door I have between the rooms. I guess possibly underneath the door? I do know that both of them like to pee on their side of the door. Lol! They each have their own room and their own cages that I take them outside in. I changed their bedding every two days or so and everything is washed including their stuffed animals. After washing they might get each other's blankets or stuffed animals. I normally wash in hot water though but I don't know if that could be a way for a tapeworm to be transmitted. When I take them outside we move around a lot so it's possible one might have gotten sat down on the ground where the other one just was. They do come in contact with grass and dirt when outside.... We don't have any other animals here and do not have fleas in the house or on the squirrels but the landlord -who is my neighbor- has five dogs. She works at a vet though so they are well taken care of but she also pet sits and I don't know if those dogs have fleas. When me & the girls (Ruger & Itsy) go outside we do get very close to the landlord's property. I'm pretty sure that's how Ruger came in contact with a flea. With all that being said I'm really not sure how long she's had the tapeworm and if Itsy could have possibly contracted one. So should I still treat with revolution on both squirrels even though we do not have fleas? Also do I treat Itsy even though I have not seen any signs of her having a tapeworm? Also I've read on here that when cleaning up you have to basically burn or boil everything. You mentioned Ruger's room "should be thoroughly but safely sanitized". I agree! When you say safely sanitized what exactly do you mean? Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!! I'm worried about my Ruger Poo- I've had her a long time and I hate knowing that she has something wrong with her. I want those worms gone!

  13. #11
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    Default Re: I think my 9-year-old squirrel has tapeworms!! Help!!

    Discussion and Dosing instructions for Praziquantel sent by PM.

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