Hi I was wondering if this condition can cause seizures if left to grow? I am not sure if yet but wanted to ask.
Nugget is in pain again and I know there are probably several things going on, but this twitching is new.
Thank you 💗
Hi I was wondering if this condition can cause seizures if left to grow? I am not sure if yet but wanted to ask.
Nugget is in pain again and I know there are probably several things going on, but this twitching is new.
Thank you 💗
I figured it out its MBD again............again. On calcium, hope he'll rally soon.
Hi Carrie,
If it is recurring MBD, the source of the problem is most likely diet. What are you feeding?
"some old things are lovely, warm still with life ... of the forgotten men who made them." - D.H. Lawrence
Henry's blocks and sticks, fruits and veggies, but had started letting him have some nuts again......I know, he has been having supplemental formula for over 6 months, 2x a day, made from Fox Valley, Henry's vitamins and sometimes calcium, but his poops were white so I didn't always add extra, so I was not expecting him to have this again, he has been doing sooooo great, he is not doing too well, I hope I can turn it around, it was bad fast before I realized.
You have to follow the MBD protocol on Henry’s website. The link was posted above. It’s best to space the calcium out over the course of the day. Only use calcium with no Vitamin D.
yes I have that protocol, have him on elemental calcium several times a day, and some pain meds.