We got another set of squirrels (our 3rd in the last year). High winds last week must have dehomed a set of triplets, but one didn't survive. We got 2 grays, estimated to be about 6 weeks...eyes open, fully furred, tail is fuzzy and flipped. We got them Friday at noon, and of course they were stressed.
They look small, but overall healthy, and they weighed 111 and 105 grams. They turned their noses up to water, formula (esbilic and fv), veggies and nuts. They didn't eat at noon, that afternoon, before bedtime, nor when I got up around 4am to try. I'm not sure how long the people who reached out to us had them, but we know they were going on over 24 hrs without eating. We did leave a water bottle in the cage along with some veggies overnight.
Upon advice from a rehabber, and after a trip to the store, we gave them a couple of honey-nut cheerios. This was Saturday around noon, and they took one, but not a lot. Weight on Saturday 106 and 101 grams.
Despite not eating much, they are curious, climbing around in the cage, climb in our laps and up the back. They don't appear malnourished.
They must be getting more at ease, because today (Sunday), they took more offerings of the cheerios (a few...not a lot) and took pieces of blueberries, pear, sweet potato, and carrots. They have discovered the water bottle and we have watched them use it. And this afternoon, they each took the syringe and got about 1.5cc down each. But they still won't take the formula.
Sunday's weight was 105 and 102 grams. Holding steady, but I'm concerned for how long
I've tried mixing the eisbilic with fv, as well as trying it without. After drinking the water via syringe, I immediately offered the formula, and I think he gagged...lol. He did not like it. The other didn't attempt to taste it.
So any recommendations to get them to drink formula? I mixed according to directions. Should I change the recipe? Add anything? Alternatives? We keep a bowl with a variety of veggies and fruit in the cage in hopes that they are getting something even if we aren't seeing it.
Any advice would be appreciated