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Thread: Eye infection, lethargic for 3 days in a row, PLEASE HELP

  1. #81
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    Default Re: Eye infection, lethargic for 3 days in a row, PLEASE HELP

    Not sure what i am looking at, but... His lower teeth were split like this \ /, now they are straight like this ||, sitting next to each other with no gap in between. Not sure if the top part got broken off, and i am looking at the lower part of teeth, or what has happened.

    Looks like his eating changed, looks like he is avoiding harder foods.

  2. #82
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    Default Re: Eye infection, lethargic for 3 days in a row, PLEASE HELP

    Quote Originally Posted by SamtheSquirrel2018 View Post
    Is Kuzia drinking water regularly and urinating normally?
    I think he is urinating normally, cant say how much he is drinking, but will keep my eye on it.

    He ate very little of the HH block earlier, like 1/8th.

  3. Serious fuzzy thank you's to Salty from:

    SamtheSquirrel2018 (03-02-2025)

  4. #83
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    Default Re: Eye infection, lethargic for 3 days in a row, PLEASE HELP

    Quote Originally Posted by Salty View Post
    Not sure what i am looking at, but... His lower teeth were split like this \ /, now they are straight like this ||, sitting next to each other with no gap in between. Not sure if the top part got broken off, and i am looking at the lower part of teeth, or what has happened.

    Looks like his eating changed, looks like he is avoiding harder foods.
    Hi Salty:
    Would you please post some photos of this?

  5. #84
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    Default Re: Eye infection, lethargic for 3 days in a row, PLEASE HELP

    Quote Originally Posted by Salty View Post
    Hi SamtheSquirrel! He does not eat Teklad Blocks. Anyway, i did not keep them in the freezer, don't know if they are any good anymore. His diet is as before, he gets three Henrys Picky Blocks and .4 grams of Henrys calcium mixed with water twice a day. Before he was getting .8 twice, but we cut the dosage, don't know if it was such a good idea.
    Hi Salty:
    What does Kuzia weigh now? With the consumption of two full Henry's Blocks (HHBs), Kuzia will be getting 275mg of Elemental Calcium according to the Supplement Facts on the label so even if he was actually getting only 250mg of Elemental Calcium; Kuzia is meeting his Maintenance (everyday) Calcium requirement which would be around 250mg! Assuming that the goal at this point is to provide an additional 200mg of Elemental Calcium, the third HHB is providing around 130mg and the 400mg (0.4 grams) of Henry's Calcium Carbonate will supply an additional 160mg of Elemental Calcium (40% of 400mg) so he is really doing well with BOTH his Maintenance Requirements AND his supplemental (treatment) Calcium as his total Elemental Calcium intake with three HHBs plus 400mg of Calcium carbonate is a TOTAL of 540mg of Elemental Calcium daily! Again, I would recommend that the Henry's Calcium Carbonate be DIVIDED INTO in 4-5 small doses rather than the two doses that you are currently using! This will MAXIMIZE ABSORPTION of the Calcium as well as the smaller portions will make it less likely that Kuzia might reject a dose!

    Thanks for the update on Kuzia and please provide further updates!

  6. Serious fuzzy thank you's to SamtheSquirrel2018 from:

    Salty (03-02-2025)

  7. #85
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    Default Re: Eye infection, lethargic for 3 days in a row, PLEASE HELP

    Thank you SamtheSquirrel!

    I will try to get the picture of Kuzia's teeth.

    We are going to try splitting the calcium to 4 times a day, because now he is getting used to it somewhat, but the problem is when i extract the syringe, he only swallows some of it, and some of it he just holds in his mouth, waiting for us to let him go, so he can get rid of it, by wiping his mouth on furniture fabric or some blanket. Hopefully, if we give smaller dose, he will swallow all of it, and, like you said, it won't be so stressful for him.

    For now, i think, he will also consume much less of the HH blocks, because of the pain. If this is how it is going to be, maybe i should increase the dosage of calcium accordingly. Maybe to 1.6 grams a day, split by 4 times.

  8. #86
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    Default Re: Eye infection, lethargic for 3 days in a row, PLEASE HELP

    Hello! I did not manage to get a picture of upper teeth, but here is older picture of it. As you can see there is a gap between the teeth. Now, there is no gap, the teeth are right next to each other, as they always were with him. We only noticed the gap when his troubles with eye and and all other problems started. Before, his upper teeth seemed to have no gap.
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  9. #87
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    Default Re: Eye infection, lethargic for 3 days in a row, PLEASE HELP

    Quote Originally Posted by Salty View Post
    Hello! I did not manage to get a picture of upper teeth, but here is older picture of it. As you can see there is a gap between the teeth. Now, there is no gap, the teeth are right next to each other, as they always were with him. We only noticed the gap when his troubles with eye and and all other problems started. Before, his upper teeth seemed to have no gap.
    Hi Salty:
    I cannot definitively explain why there would be a wider than normal gap between the upper incisors that would be present at one time and then later appear resolved. One possibility might be that there was no change in the separation of the upper incisors at the root region but Kuzia's upper incisors may have been longer at the time your took the original photo which would tend to accentuate any gap that did exist the two upper incisors were viewed with a focus on their tips! It may be that there was some relative movement in the root regions from MBD that has since resolved and the teeth fortunately resumed their normal alignment with each other. Another possibility might be a dental infection involving the the root region of one or both upper incisors that may have rendered the root region somewhat unstable. Incidentally, because of the fact that the two ends of the lower jaws located between the lower incisors are not usually fused together and there is usually some noticeable relative motion possible between the lower incisor but very little between the upper incisors.

    Are you still seeing the white tears and are those seen in both eyes or just one eye; and f one, which one is it? My concern with white tears is that the white fluid may not really be tears at all or may not be just tears that happen to be colored rather than clear! When I see white tears I suspect the presence of pus which is usually associated with infection. One of the common infections that may cause pus to be seen draining from around an eye (or both eyes) are dental infections that have spread into the nasal passages and even surrounding bone and sinuses. Did you complete the course of Amoxicillin plus Clavulanate that was dosed for you earlier in Kuzia's thread? Odontomas are a particular form of dental associated tumors that are NOT cancer and are made up of the hard dense materials that make up the teeth. These commonly involve the upper incisors and can get infected! Did or does Kuzia have any apparent problems breathing through his nose or do you ever see Kuzia trying to breath through his mouth. Mouth breathing by a Squirrel is always abnormal!

    I'm glad that you are going to divide the daily extra Calcium into 4 (preferably even 5) small doses! Again, this will help facilitate absorption and will tend to be more acceptable to Kuzia to consume!


  10. #88
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    Default Re: Eye infection, lethargic for 3 days in a row, PLEASE HELP

    Hello SamtheSquirrel! I am sorry for the confusion - a meant Lower teeth, not upper. His upper teeth are, what seems to be, broken off. He only have very short, upper teeth with serrated edges.
    Here is the picture.
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    The one time i saw a white tear, recently, it was on his good eye, and it shed as i was watching, it was creamy white, did not see any yellow in it. Pus has to be yellowish, or not pure white, right?

    Did not see Kuzia breathe through mouth, or scratching nose, or some other problem with nose.

  11. #89
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    Default Re: Eye infection, lethargic for 3 days in a row, PLEASE HELP

    Quote Originally Posted by Salty View Post
    Hello SamtheSquirrel! I am sorry for the confusion - a meant Lower teeth, not upper. His upper teeth are, what seems to be, broken off. He only have very short, upper teeth with serrated edges.
    Hi Salty:
    Thanks for responding! Just a few comments while I have a moment at work.

    In the case of the lower incisors; there is often some variability in what is termed the diastema or space that exists between the two incisors because of the fact that the "chin" region of the mandible in Squirrels is usually not fused bone and this permits some small relative motion between left and right sides of the mandible and each lower incisor would move with its respective mandibular half.

    Quote Originally Posted by Salty View Post
    The one time i saw a white tear, recently, it was on his good eye, and it shed as i was watching, it was creamy white, did not see any yellow in it. Pus has to be yellowish, or not pure white, right?

    Did not see Kuzia breathe through mouth, or scratching nose, or some other problem with nose.
    The most common color of pus is probably just as you mentioned (having at least a yellow tinge) but I have seen where tiny droplets of whitish fluid that appeared to leaking from around the eye was proven to at least contain pus (pus is fluid usually containing bacteria and cellular debris) by visualizing it under the microscope. This fluid in those cases was probably diluted by tears and mucus and other secretions such as those from the Hardarian glands which are at the "back" of the eyeball. This all apparently resulted in a more whitish or creamy white appearance rather than a definitively yellow color. Pus from a dental infection can drain from around the eye through extension of the infection into the eye socket or from purulent fluid passing in reverse flow up the nasolacrimal duct that normally drains tears into the nose. The mention of this possibility for whitish tears was NOT meant to a "diagnosis from afar;" only something to be considered. In furtherance of investigating that possibility was my question regarding mouth breathing or nasal congestion or issues! All that you report in that regard seems IMHO to be quite encouraging!

    Please continue the updates about Kuzia!

  12. Serious fuzzy thank you's to SamtheSquirrel2018 from:

    Salty (03-04-2025)

  13. #90
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    Default Re: Eye infection, lethargic for 3 days in a row, PLEASE HELP

    I think his lower teeth have the 'split', again. Not hundred percent sure though, must double check.

  14. #91
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    Default Re: Eye infection, lethargic for 3 days in a row, PLEASE HELP

    Quote Originally Posted by Salty View Post
    Hello SamtheSquirrel! I am sorry for the confusion - a meant Lower teeth, not upper. His upper teeth are, what seems to be, broken off. He only have very short, upper teeth with serrated edges.
    Here is the picture.
    Name:  IMG_2388.jpg
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Size:  86.8 KB

    The one time i saw a white tear, recently, it was on his good eye, and it shed as i was watching, it was creamy white, did not see any yellow in it. Pus has to be yellowish, or not pure white, right?

    Did not see Kuzia breathe through mouth, or scratching nose, or some other problem with nose.
    Is this a picture of his upper or lower teeth?

  15. #92
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    Default Re: Eye infection, lethargic for 3 days in a row, PLEASE HELP

    Hello Mel1959! Yes, these are his lower teeth. I will try to make some more current pictures. This picture is from January.

  16. #93
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    Default Re: Eye infection, lethargic for 3 days in a row, PLEASE HELP

    This has been going on for a very, very long time. I’m going to suggest……again…..that you take Kuzia to a vet. All the symptoms that Kuzia has experienced can be attributed to odontomas. Because of the proximity of the teeth to the nasal passages and eyes, all can be affected by the growth of an odontoma. The white tears indicate that Kuzia is still experiencing pain. Please, PLEASE make the trip to a squirrel safe vet and ask for an X-ray to confirm whether odontomas might be present. Dr. Emerson will confer with other vets if necessary, as she is the expert in odontoma surgery.

  17. Serious fuzzy thank you's to Mel1959 from:

    SamtheSquirrel2018 (03-07-2025)

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