Re: Eastern Grey Squirrel Diet Advice
Unlike captive squirrels, your herd has access to all the items they need for a balanced diet. Try to not give them so many nuts that they lose their drive to seek out their natural diet. If you want to supplement the nuts or replace some of them with something better for them, Try Mazuri or Teklad rodent blocks. They'll probably turn up their noses at first, but if the nut supply is reduced, they'll eat the blocks. There is also a recipe for homemade blocks (don't laugh - I've eaten one or two and while they are fairly bland for a human, they taste quite good. It smells like Christmas when they're baking. Think nut cookies without sugar. Extra points if you try one.) If you want the recipe, let me know!
"some old things are lovely, warm still with life ... of the forgotten men who made them." - D.H. Lawrence