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Thread: 2 12 years old, became pretty lathargic 4-5 days and breathing thru mouth some

  1. #61
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    Default Re: 2 12 years old, became pretty lathargic 4-5 days and breathing thru mouth some

    Rupie seems to be doing good now, active a lot more and eating a variety of foods. I don't hear the popping from her as she breathes like I was. Maybe still some but not as regularly as it has been. Looks like we got thru this pneumonia or respiratory infection and she is the best she has been for awhile. She is even jumping some, a foot or so. Back legs will never be right, but they are certainly better than a year or so.

  2. 3 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to mattb:

    island rehabber (12-08-2024), SamtheSquirrel2018 (12-04-2024), supersquirrelgirl (12-07-2024)

  3. #62
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    Default Re: 2 12 years old, became pretty lathargic 4-5 days and breathing thru mouth some

    Quote Originally Posted by mattb View Post
    Rupie seems to be doing good now, active a lot more and eating a variety of foods. I don't hear the popping from her as she breathes like I was. Maybe still some but not as regularly as it has been. Looks like we got thru this pneumonia or respiratory infection and she is the best she has been for awhile. She is even jumping some, a foot or so. Back legs will never be right, but they are certainly better than a year or so.
    Always great to hear good news. Thanks for keeping us updated.

  4. #63
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    Default Re: 2 12 years old, became pretty lathargic 4-5 days and breathing thru mouth some

    Very good news!!
    Island Rehabber
    NY State Licensed
    Wildlife Rehabilitator

    "Ancora Imparo" (I am still learning)

    If you can't afford the vet,
    You can't afford a pet.

    "Better one day in the trees, than a lifetime in a cage."

    '...and the greatest of these, is Love. '

  5. #64
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    Default Re: 2 12 years old, became pretty lathargic 4-5 days and breathing thru mouth some

    Thought I would post some updated info. Too often we get answers we want and then never reply about it.

    Rupert is doing great. She still has a small pop/gasp/release of air out of her mouth every 10-20 seconds most all the time when I have her out and she is close enough for me to hear it. She may be mouth breathing some, but I can't tell. Her mouth is not open much, but maybe a little, I just can't tell.

    Her activity has increased greatly. She is active at least half the day or so. She has started jumping 2-3 feet which she hasn't been able to do for a long time. She still has weakness in her back legs, but they are stronger than ever. I did have the top of her cage open to a sheet of plywood that extended over the edge by 6 inches. She got strong enough to be able to climb off that and get loose. I've put another cage on top now so she can still climb up there but no longer get loose. I built her a two story house on this top level.

    Her eating is greatly improved. Daily eating fresh mushrooms and snap peas. At least 4-5 pieces of what I call squirrel brownies. I make these based on info provided by a previous poster. I mash nuts and rat pellets about a 2 to 1 mix, less than half nuts. I add apple baby food, calcium supplement and bake on a cookie sheet for 20-30 minutes, till they look Ok. Cool and slice up or break into pieces. She eats 70% or more of this pretty much as often as I give it to her.

    She is nearly 3 years old and I don't know how long this little runt will live, but she is doing so much better than 2 months ago and I'd like to thank all of you for your help.
    mattbName:  Rupert Christmas.jpg
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  6. 3 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to mattb:

    Diggie's Friend (12-21-2024), Grinderhead (12-21-2024), MyBushyTail (12-21-2024)

  7. #65
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    Default Re: 2 12 years old, became pretty lathargic 4-5 days and breathing thru mouth some

    Hi Matt,

    Thank you for coming back with updates. This is wonderful news and you have done a great job helping Rupert recover. Thank you so much!

    Happy Holidays!


  8. #66
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    Default Re: 2 12 years old, became pretty lathargic 4-5 days and breathing thru mouth some

    Rupert is doing great. I bet she's gained 10-20 grams in the last few months. Eating a variety of fresh foods and brownies I bake for her. I noticed her mouth seemed to be open a bit and looking closely, I am pretty certain she needs her teeth trimmed. This is my fault for not having something for her to chew on. I have kept antler in her cage for a while and also gave her walnuts I picked up. She quit chewing the antler so I gave it to outside squirrels and I asked my son in law for a leg bone or antler and he forgot and is been to busy to remember, he lives 40 miles away. I've watched videos and read up on teeth cutting here on the board and asked my daughter to help me. It will be a chore, but I can hold her firm and also keep a stick behind her teeth. My daughter is a Dr and has that attude that she can do anything, so I'll let her cut!!! I think we'll do it this weekend. I have about 6 pair of diagonal pliers and will find the smallest pair. I have "new" toenail clippers that are like larger size of fingernail clippers. I'll use whatever seems to cut easiest and cleanest. I'll do some trial cuts on wood dowels and see which cuts best. More to come

  9. #67
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    Default Re: 2 12 years old, became pretty lathargic 4-5 days and breathing thru mouth some

    Just saw the Christmas squirrel picture. What a great shot! Your daughter will know that there are nerve bundles in those teeth and to not cut too much so they don't get exposed. Your daughter is brave. Remind her that Rupert can crack a pecan in one bite. Having "Dr. Stumpy" on her name tag would be bad for business. Watch those fingers! These are called flush-cut diagonal cutters and are available at any hardware store or hobby shop. They are SHARP so they won't crush and rigid so the blades don't deflect and you can maintain control. Medium size. The ones in the 2 for $5 bin will get you nowhere. A brand name like Knipex, Klein, Tsunoda, WIHA, etc. is worth the extra few dollars to be sure Rupert doesn't get hurt.

    "some old things are lovely, warm still with life ... of the forgotten men who made them." - D.H. Lawrence

  10. #68
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    Default Re: 2 12 years old, became pretty lathargic 4-5 days and breathing thru mouth some

    I'll hold Rupert firmly and keep a stick behind her teeth. All my daughter will ahve to do is clip at the appropriate place. I think we'll error on the not enough side. I took this picture from another post, is this what we should strive for?Name:  16571619729826502658695588178778.jpg
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    I may be able to get a good picture if I can find some help. thanks for the reply

  11. #69
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    Default Re: 2 12 years old, became pretty lathargic 4-5 days and breathing thru mouth some

    That looks safe and maybe just the tiniest bit long. Better a little longer and more often than too short. Rupert should be able to close her mouth all the way with a small bit of space left over. Location of the cut and a good, appropriate cutter are key. too short + bad/wrong cutter = bad cut = miserable, scared, p.o.'d Rupert. Douse the cutter in alcohol before the procedure.
    "some old things are lovely, warm still with life ... of the forgotten men who made them." - D.H. Lawrence

  12. #70
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    Default Re: 2 12 years old, became pretty lathargic 4-5 days and breathing thru mouth some

    Rupe was climbing and playing today and I sat her down and looked at her teeth pretty clear. I had a pair if cutters ready and was able to cut one upper tooth. I could see that it was growing backward and was touching the roof of her mouth. I managed to snip it off and leave it about 1/8 inch long. I cut off this piece about 3/8 inch long. I need to cut theother upper, also. It isn't even half as long as the piece I cut, but I will need to even it up. Bottom teeth both need cutting, but one lookis like it has already broke off. Should be no big deal, especially with help. Hope this isn't an ongoing problem. I will be sure there is plenty to chew on and maybe it will stay under control. This is the first time in 3 years this has happened.Name:  IMG_20250121_131543123.jpg
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