I have this neighbor he has been trapping squirrels for a while he is legally allowed to trap on his property but yesterday I saw him walking to the garage with a cage trap and he put his cigarette out on the squirrel and was watching it as smoke started coming from it’s fur where the cherry stuck to it. He was laughing thinking it was funny and got it into the garage and shortly after I heard a series of screams then he came outside and threw the dead body in a cluster of blackberries I have seen a couple of the bodies one of them the leg was snapped in half I do not know exactly what they’re doing with then once they get them indoors but I got no way of catching them breaking a law unless I’m able to get a video of them doing something to the squirrel while walking the cage to the house normally they just walk to the house with the cage when I seen them put out the cigarette on the squirrel that was the first and it caught my attention.