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Thread: I'm new; any help appreciated

  1. #101
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    Default Re: I'm new; any help appreciated

    Quote Originally Posted by TomahawkFlyers View Post
    Another reason for trembling is shivering. If he was just straight out of his pouch, he was toasty warm in there. Just like us, he might have been shivering to get warm. Has he stopped now?
    Thank you! He has stopped, and I haven't noticed it start up again since I wrote that post.

  2. #102
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    Hello! I was looking online in hopes of purchasing a Freedom Wheel, and I noticed on the specifications that it is 13 inches in diameter. Would Tyrant be able to spin it ok? I recall you mentioning the other wheel which came with the cage seemed a little too big, and I was wondering if this one may have the same problem. Is there a smaller version I've missed or would the 13 inch diameter wheel work fine? Also is he old enough for it or should I wait until he is a bit bigger first?

  3. #103
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    Default Re: I'm new; any help appreciated

    Hello right back! The 13" wheel is perfect. The walls are a plastic grid, and Tyrant can get a grip. The wheel is also super light and spins on a shaft that is supported by ball bearings. You can blow on it and it will turn. Then there's the added benefit of TrimTrax. When the original abrasive wears out (after a looooong time) you can replace it with parts of 1/3 sheets of 600 grit wet or dry sandpaper (the black stuff that doesn't really feel like sand paper at all).

    You've heard the term "high tail," as in "He high tailed it out of town?" You will see Tyrant in the wheel and know where that phrase comes from. And make some popcorn and get ready for a show. He'll get that thing going a mile a minute - his tail straight up, his legs and arms moving in a blur, his head up and proud, and his body looking as if it is frozen. He'll then kick his limbs out from under him, land belly down with his arms and legs stretched out with his patagia unfurled and stretched to the wind, and you will be able to imagine him yelling "Wheeeee!" as he spins (glides!) through the air in the safety of the wheel. Save a popped kernel of unbuttered and unsalted to share.

    It should be safe to introduce him to this joy when he's entirely on solids.

    "some old things are lovely, warm still with life ... of the forgotten men who made them." - D.H. Lawrence

  4. 2 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to TomahawkFlyers:

    Chirps (09-14-2024), Craig (09-14-2024)

  5. #104
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    Default Re: I'm new; any help appreciated

    That will truly be a sight to see! I believe he will be ready for solids soon, as he weighed 26.3 grams this morning, and if my initial estimate of his age was correct, then he may be about 8 weeks old now. I meant to write this message out earlier today but I've been busy and forgot.

    I've been transitioning him onto Fox Valley for the last 4 days. Today, the mixture was 80% Fox Valley and 20% Esbilac. Tomorrow morning, he will be on 100% Fox Valley.

    When I went to get him this morning, he gave me a scare. I wasn't able to find him and pulled out each piece of fleece bedding one at a time as well as the large wooden structures. I started to check the sides of the cage fearing he found a gap he could fit through and got out. I began to pull up the trays and found him on the side underneath the large bottom tray. I believe he was able to get under it as there appears to be a hole on the tray's side chewed through by its previous inhabitant(s). Do you have any recommendations on how to patch that up? I am very reluctant to use duct tape or anything else he could possibly chew through that would prove toxic. Currently, I am siding on leaving it there and hoping he doesn't make a habit of crawling under there, or just checking there when I can't find him elsewhere. Here are some more photos just for fun.
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  6. Serious fuzzy thank you's to Craig from:

    island rehabber (09-17-2024)

  7. #105
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    Default Re: I'm new; any help appreciated

    Aaaaack the cuteness of this boy!!!! Hoping for video when he does get on that wheel. 😁
    Island Rehabber
    NY State Licensed
    Wildlife Rehabilitator

    "Ancora Imparo" (I am still learning)

    If you can't afford the vet,
    You can't afford a pet.

    "Better one day in the trees, than a lifetime in a cage."

    '...and the greatest of these, is Love. '

  8. #106
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    Default Re: I'm new; any help appreciated

    Haha I'll be sure to take some good videos!

    I woke up this morning and he was under the tray again. After today, I am now more inclined to patch up that hole for his safety. Sometimes it can be hard to pull out that tray carefully and he seemed pretty shaken up this time around. Any ideas?
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  9. #107
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    Default Re: I'm new; any help appreciated

    Yeah - that happens. When we overwintered the original 18 Tomahawk Flyers, spring came around and all the trays looked like that. Cost a fair penny to replace them all. Here is an option:

    On this one, I'm SHOCKED at the now-high price, but if you can find something else there to bump the sale to $50, you'll get a $20 coupon and free shipping. That is definitely an oversize package ($hipping,) so that's a good deal.

    In the meantime, just be aware that he is in new territory and is looking for a safe dark place to hide while he sleeps. Put something a bit heavy to block that area and put a blanket - rolled up like a loose jelly roll - in the immediate vicinity of where he's been hiding. He's aiming for pitch black. He'll likely prefer that jelly roll to the cold, hard cage and the sharp surfaces of what's left of the tray. You might need to show him with two fingers how to start an opening in the end of the roll so he gets the idea. We have a drawerful of hideaway hammocks. We'll put one in the box with your homemade block kit. That will be in the mail probably Thursday morning. Your instincts on not using tape to mend are perfect.

    Thanks for the pictures. They are terrific and help to remind us that you and Tyrant are thriving together.

    "some old things are lovely, warm still with life ... of the forgotten men who made them." - D.H. Lawrence

  10. Serious fuzzy thank you's to TomahawkFlyers from:

    Craig (09-18-2024)

  11. #108
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    Default Re: I'm new; any help appreciated

    Sounds good! I can look into purchasing a new tray if it continues. He didn't seem to do it last night, instead going between the blankets on the top shelf.

    I did notice just now however that he has bald spots on the sides of his mouth. I noticed this when I was looking at him in his pouch and he was rolled on his back, letting me see his chin. I noticed the spot and tried to hold him still to take a picture and some videos. I used an empty syringe so he'd hold still while I took the videos, as he wasn't fond of me trying to flip him over and hold him on his back obviously.

    Is this the result of milk burn? I've been careful to use kleenex to dab and lightly wipe away milk after each feeding. Is it the result of the lotion in the kleenex? Should I apply some type of ointment to it?
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  12. #109
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    The picture shows residual formula over a good portion of his mouth. Not sure how that could not cause formula scald. Whatever you're wiping him with, put it aside and use two paper towels. The first one is wet - not damp - and use it to remove all residual formula and all current formula that just started accumulating so that not a sign of any of it is left. He won't like it. Tough. Then wipe dry with the 2nd paper towel. He won't like that either. Double tough. Based on no scientific evidence or practical experience whatsoever, I steer clear of tissues with added lotion or any such thing that is not "plain." It works for our crew.

    Here's a picture of our Jet when he was a baby being rehabbed by 10xMama in Florida:

    Name:  Image 9-17-24 at 9.58 PM.jpg
Views: 45
Size:  105.1 KB
    "some old things are lovely, warm still with life ... of the forgotten men who made them." - D.H. Lawrence

  13. Serious fuzzy thank you's to TomahawkFlyers from:

    Craig (09-18-2024)

  14. #110
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    Default Re: I'm new; any help appreciated

    Ok thank you I will try that. How long should it take before it shows improvement?

  15. #111
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    I used paper towels to clean him up. I actually went back and did it two more times after noticing some more residue possibly on his whiskers. Would I continue to do this after every feeding session?

    Here's a video of him cleaned up

  16. #112
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    Default Re: I'm new; any help appreciated

    Muy Bueno! You do need to clean him up after each meal. The good news is that cleanup while the formula is still fresh is quick and easy, and usually does not annoy the squirrel ... very much. In a few days, redness/irritation should subside - a few more days and peach fuzz should start appearing. Be patient - a watched kettle never boils.

    "some old things are lovely, warm still with life ... of the forgotten men who made them." - D.H. Lawrence

  17. Serious fuzzy thank you's to TomahawkFlyers from:

    Craig (09-18-2024)

  18. #113
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    Jamie forgot to put the hammock in the package he sent today with the block kit. He'll send it under separate cover - just didn't want you to be looking for it in the box!

    "some old things are lovely, warm still with life ... of the forgotten men who made them." - D.H. Lawrence

  19. Serious fuzzy thank you's to TomahawkFlyers from:

    Craig (09-19-2024)

  20. #114
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    Default Re: I'm new; any help appreciated

    Ok thank you so much! I've received the tracking number for the block kit. It should be here in 4 days so I will be on the lookout for that. I really appreciate all that you guys have done! I really hope these shipping costs are not too taxing on the two of you. Thank you so much!

  21. #115
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    I just wanted to make quick post to see if this is okay and if it is not, see what I can do to address it. I put Tyrant in his cage for around 30 minutes and when I came back, he was in the blanket fold under the upper tray next to the heating pad with only his tail sticking out. I understand that if they are too close to the heating pad it can be too hot, and wasn't sure if this might be an issue as he would've been very close to it.
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  22. #116
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    Hi Craig! The picture in your post scared the bejeebers out of me. Then I looked closer and saw that what looks like dried blood stains is actually part of the print design. Phew! Tyrant is old enough now that he can figure out for himself how warm he wants to be. Keep a blanket on top of the heating pad, and never higher than the lowest setting. It's all good.

    Don't worry at all about shipping and other costs. We're fine. Doing these things for you and others is much more rewarding than shoveling money into the tax man's bag.

    "some old things are lovely, warm still with life ... of the forgotten men who made them." - D.H. Lawrence

  23. Serious fuzzy thank you's to TomahawkFlyers from:

    Craig (09-20-2024)

  24. #117
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    Default Re: I'm new; any help appreciated

    I hope the picture didn't give you too much of a fright! Thank you again!

    I have noticed today and yesterday that Tyrant has begun to reduce his intake for formula. At the last one or two feedings yesterday, while he finished it, I didn't have to pull the syringe away from him and he wasn't latched to it as he usually is. He also ate slower and at times seemed disinterested, walking away from the syringe but when I would pick him up and put him in front of it again, he'd start eating more. He ate 2 full 1 mL syringes worth of formula. Yesterday he weighed 31.4 grams, today he weighed 33.12 grams. At his weight today, 5-7% should be 1.65-2.32 mL, and I actually intended to give him closer to 2.3 mL this time as for the last couple days, I've capped it at 2mL for my own ease of only using two syringes and not having to fill one back up mid feeding session.

    When he ate today, he did not eat "greedily" as he did the days prior. His paws were not active this time in continuously gripping and repositioning on the syringe, and he did not lean into it as much either, simply eating without much enthusiasm. I should note that he was enthusiastic at first, but after about the first syringe, he had calmed down and started to seem disinterested. When he finished about 1.3 mL, he ran off behind my monitor. I went to grab him and put him back, and he continued to eat more, going to 1.6 and stopping. I offered it to him again and he got to 1.9 mL, but the next time I put it in front of him, he did not latch or want any more. This is the first time I've seen this as he usually eats the upper limit that I will allow him and even then, I have to cut him off.

    Is this the result of him getting older and beginning to crave something more? Or is this signs of illness or perhaps has he begun to associate feeding time with me wiping his mouth which he doesn't like? I am careful to be gentle with both the wet and dry paper towel, though I imagine with the patches on his chin, it probably doesn't feel good regardless. He gives me some trouble when I wipe his mouth after feeding, retreating into my shirt several times each time I have to clean him. At the same time though, he will let me wipe his face and won't move much other than trying to hold his head low.

    Other than this, he seems completely fine. Both this morning and yesterday morning, I did not have to even search for him in his cage as he was running around and at the gate, ready to be picked up. He seems relatively active for being nocturnal, if course sleeping in the pouch most of the day but showing signs of activity as well. He is still very quick, I joke with my friends that he is a teleporting squirrel with some of the videos I send them. Just wanted to list this out to make sure it is nothing major, which I don't suspect. I do think it is him wanting to ween off of formula, as I believe he would be about that age.

  25. #118
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    Default Re: I'm new; any help appreciated

    Hi Craig - this is all as it should be. Tyrant's little body is telling him that there is something else out there beyond formula. He's bored with the formula. The block should show up today or Monday. His first solid food should be that block so he gets a taste for it. If he hesitates at the newness, just squirt a little formula on it (kind of like the way we dunk cookies in milk) and he'll get to is soon enough. Gotta say, there are few things around here that bring more joy and comfort than our kids waiting for us and jumping on us when we open their doors. You are experiencing that now. We are so happy for you!

    Any peach fuzz starting to show up at the formula scald area?

    "some old things are lovely, warm still with life ... of the forgotten men who made them." - D.H. Lawrence

  26. #119
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    That's really good news! I will be sure to let him try the block as soon as it arrives, and I can try putting formula on it if he is hesitant to try it.

    I know what you mean about the joy that is felt when I see him at the edge of his cage waiting for me. It makes me so happy to see how much he trusts me.

    Also, if peach fuzz has started to show, it is very hard to tell with the lighting. I've tried holding him toward more direct light but even then, the shadows cast make it hard to tell. I've included some videos. Maybe you might be able to see it better.

  27. #120
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    I see what you mean. Hard to see. However, it looks less irritated. That is a good sign. Good night, young man. Good night, Tyrant!

    "some old things are lovely, warm still with life ... of the forgotten men who made them." - D.H. Lawrence

  28. Serious fuzzy thank you's to TomahawkFlyers from:

    Craig (09-21-2024)

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