Hi! I would love advice on this little guy's health and an overall assessment. Thank you!
Hi! I would love advice on this little guy's health and an overall assessment. Thank you!
How is he doing? He looks pretty healthy from the photos, no splotchy or pinched skin from dehydration. Is he being hydrated and fed properly? Is he warm and not producing any weird bodily movements or clicking sounds from his mouth?
Here is a guide from Henry's to help out more: https://henryspets.com/content/BabySquirrelCare.pdf
OdomK (09-17-2024)
He is still doing great! He weighs 47 grams. He eats 2.5-3 mL every 3 hours. I have him in the setup mentioned in the care guide and he is staying nice and warm. He is pretty wiggly when awake but overall seems to have normal bodily movements. No clicking noises at all.
For the last couple of feedings, he has fallen asleep after 2 mL and has no interest in waking up to eat anymore. Is this normal?
OdomK (09-17-2024)
When I fed him at 10am today, even with the formula very warm, he fell asleep before he finished the second syringe. I am worried I will get it too hot if I heat it anymore but then I worry that he is not eating enough.
I believe he is about 3 weeks old (please correct me if I'm wrong), so do you think stretching feeding to every 4 hours may help peak his appetite?![]()
I did try out extending his feedings to every 4 hours and it's been amazing! He eats like a champ without falling asleep and is now 51 grams as of this morning! Added a picture from the first day I got him (Sept 7th) to now!
His name is Theodore!Named by my husband lol
I will absolutely keep posting updates!![]()
SamtheSquirrel2018 (09-18-2024)