Hello! I hope someone here can assist me. One of my backyard babies showed up yesterday with half of her face swollen! I was able to get some photos and dose her with some Meloxicam for inflammation and pain. I tried to look at her teeth, and her upper incisors look fine, but her lower right incisor looks a little scraggly, and I think she might be missing the left lower incisor. She might also have something going on with her molars, but I haven't been able to look closely without her darting away. She is moving about normally and can eat, but eats very slowly. Should I attempt to trap her and get her to my vet, who works with me with wildlife? Does this seem like something that needs human intervention? I want to help her, but only want to take her out of her environment if necessary. Can someone please advise? Thank you so much! Photos attached.