Quote Originally Posted by olorin19 View Post
Given how long this has persisted, I am wondering whether a different AB might be tried? Or whether to just let it be?

I am no AB expert, but I did have a squirrel Dustin back in 2016 where twice he had a full course of clavamox that seemed to work at first, only for the abscess to come right back. It finally took clindamycin to get the job done.

Note that I am NOT suggesting clindamycin here, but wondering if an expert might have a suggestion.

ABs always come at a cost to the microbiome.
Hi Olorin,

Thought you were on vacation ??

Past AB dosing was amox-clav with first attempt missing dose days when Mo didn't come. Second time was much better with consistant 7 days dosing and I believe it did have positive results. However, Mo was doing her own I & D by chewing every couple of days. At one point, the bump was gone but with a scar that needed to heal over. Then later I saw it growing slowly again. Bump doesn't look too bad today. The second AB attempt was tried with Cipro and various tricks to mask the taste. Nothing worked. Probably do amox-clav again if their is a 3rd dose. I'm open for suugestions.