The squirrel I saved last year will be a year old next month. And I don't know what to do the idea of releasing him makes me sad. I've grown attached to him and I don't want to release him. He stays in my bedroom (which is an entire floor). He has a critter nation cage. And I also bought him a cat tree where he likes to sleep. He does look out of the window a lot. But then he runs over to me to cuddle (sometimes he loves to cuddle especially first thing in the morning). He likes belly rubs a lot.

I don't know what to do though, especially regarding dating, being in a relationship, or traveling. I told the person I am currently dating that I'm into wildlife rehabbing (I didn't tell him I had a squirrel). If I were to travel I would only be gone for three or four days (because I wouldn't want to keep him locked in his cage longer than that). I live with my parents (he has gotten out of my room plenty of times) and he doesn't seem to be aggressive towards them. He climbed on my dad before (didn't bite or attack him). As for my mom, she's too afraid of him (she's tried to feed him). Recently I attended a workshop about rehabbing squirrels I received a certificate saying that I completed the course. Just in case someone finds out I have a squirrel. But I know this isn't the same as being a licensed wildlife rehabilitator.

What would I do if he needed medical care? I don't trust a vet because of the possibility of being reported or him being taken away from me.